- # WineASIO
- WineASIO provides an ASIO to JACK driver for WINE.
- ASIO is the most common Windows low-latency driver, so is commonly used in audio workstation programs.
- You can, for example, use with FLStudio under GNU/Linux systems (together with JACK).
- ![Screenshot](screenshot.png)
- For best results with Debian-based distributions,
- enable the [KXStudio repositories](https://kx.studio/Repositories) and install WineASIO from there.
- Do the following to build for 32-bit Wine.
- ```sh
- make 32
- ```
- Do the following to build for 64-bit Wine.
- ```sh
- make 64
- ```
- To install 32-bit WineASIO (substitute with the path to the 32-bit wine libs for your distro).
- ```sh
- sudo cp build32/wineasio32.dll /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/wine/i386-windows/
- sudo cp build32/wineasio32.dll.so /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/wine/i386-unix/
- ```
- To install 64bit WineASIO (substitute with the path to the 64-bit wine libs for your distro).
- ```sh
- sudo cp build64/wineasio64.dll /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/wine/x86_64-windows/
- sudo cp build64/wineasio64.dll.so /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/wine/x86_64-unix/
- ```
- **NOTE:**
- **Wine does not have consistent paths between different Linux distributions, these paths are only a hint and likely not what will work for you.**
- **New versions of wine might also need to use `wineasio64.so` as name instead of `wineasio64.dll.so`.**
- **It is up to the packager to figure out what works for the Wine version used on their specific distro.**
- #### EXTRAS
- For user convenience a `wineasio-register` script is included in this repo, if you are packaging WineASIO consider installing it as part of WineASIO.
- Additionally a control panel GUI is provided in this repository's `gui` subdir, which requires PyQt5 to build and run.
- The WineASIO driver will use this GUI as the ASIO control panel.
- After building and installing WineASIO, we still need to register it on each Wine prefix.
- For your convenience a script is provided on this repository, so you can simply run:
- ```sh
- wineasio-register
- ```
- to activate WineASIO for the current Wine prefix.
- The `wineasio-register` script will register the WineASIO driver in the default Wine prefix `~/.wine`.
- You can specify another prefix like so:
- ```sh
- env WINEPREFIX=~/asioapp wineasio-register
- ```
- ASIO apps get notified if the jack buffersize changes.
- WineASIO can slave to the jack transport.
- WineASIO can change jack's buffersize if so desired. Must be enabled in the registry, see below.
- The configuration of WineASIO is done with Windows registry (`HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Wine\WineASIO`).
- All these options can be overridden by environment variables.
- There is also a GUI for changing these settings, which WineASIO will try to launch when the ASIO "panel" is clicked.
- The registry keys are automatically created with default values if they doesn't exist when the driver initializes.
- The available options are:
- #### [Number of inputs] & [Number of outputs]
- These two settings control the number of jack ports that WineASIO will try to open.
- Defaults are 16 in and 16 out. Environment variables are `WINEASIO_NUMBER_INPUTS` and `WINEASIO_NUMBER_OUTPUTS`.
- #### [Autostart server]
- Defaults to off (0), setting it to 1 enables WineASIO to launch the jack server.
- See the jack documentation for further details.
- The environment variable is `WINEASIO_AUTOSTART_SERVER`, and it can be set to on or off.
- #### [Connect to hardware]
- Defaults to on (1), makes WineASIO try to connect the ASIO channels to the physical I/O ports on your hardware.
- Setting it to 0 disables it.
- The environment variable is `WINEASIO_CONNECT_TO_HARDWARE`, and it can be set to on or off.
- #### [Fixed buffersize]
- Defaults to on (1) which means the buffer size is controlled by jack and WineASIO has no say in the matter.
- When set to 0, an ASIO app will be able to change the jack buffer size when calling CreateBuffers().
- The environment variable is `WINEASIO_FIXED_BUFFERSIZE` and it can be set to on or off.
- #### [Preferred buffersize]
- Defaults to 1024, and is one of the sizes returned by `GetBufferSize()`, see the ASIO documentation for details.
- Must be a power of 2.
- The other values returned by the driver are hardcoded in the source,
- see `ASIO_MINIMUM_BUFFERSIZE` which is set at 16, and `ASIO_MAXIMUM_BUFFERSIZE` which is set to 8192.
- The environment variable is `WINEASIO_PREFERRED_BUFFERSIZE`.
- Be careful, if you set a size that isn't supported by the backend, the jack server will most likely shut down,
- might be a good idea to change `ASIO_MINIMUM_BUFFERSIZE` and `ASIO_MAXIMUM_BUFFERSIZE` to values you know work on your system before building.
- In addition there is a `WINEASIO_CLIENT_NAME` environment variable,
- that overrides the JACK client name derived from the program name.
- #### 1.2.0
- * 29-SEP-2023: Fix compatibility with Wine > 8
- * 29-SEP-2023: Add wineasio-register script for simplifying driver registration
- #### 1.1.0
- * 18-FEB-2022: Various bug fixes (falkTX)
- * 24-NOV-2021: Fix compatibility with Wine > 6.5
- #### 1.0.0
- * 14-JUL-2020: Add packaging script
- * 12-MAR-2020: Fix control panel startup
- * 08-FEB-2020: Fix code to work with latest Wine
- * 08-FEB-2020: Add custom GUI for WineASIO settings, made in PyQt5 (taken from Cadence project code)
- #### 0.9.2
- * 28-OCT-2013: Add 64-bit support and some small fixes
- #### 0.9.1
- * 15-OCT-2013: Various bug fixes (JH)
- #### 0.9.0
- * 19-FEB-2011: Nearly complete refactoring of the WineASIO codebase (asio.c) (JH)
- #### 0.8.1
- * 05-OCT-2010: Code from Win32 callback thread moved to JACK process callback, except for bufferSwitch() call.
- * 05-OCT-2010: Switch from int to float for samples.
- #### 0.8.0
- * 08-AUG-2010: Forward port JackWASIO changes... needs testing hard. (PLJ)
- #### 0.7.6
- * 27-DEC-2009: Fixes for compilation on 64-bit platform. (PLJ)
- #### 0.7.5
- * 29-Oct-2009: Added fork with call to qjackctl from ASIOControlPanel(). (JH)
- * 29-Oct-2009: Changed the SCHED_FIFO priority of the win32 callback thread. (JH)
- * 28-Oct-2009: Fixed wrongly reported output latency. (JH)
- #### 0.7.4
- * 08-APR-2008: Updates to the README.TXT (PLJ)
- * 02-APR-2008: Move update to "toggle" to hopefully better place (PLJ)
- * 24-MCH-2008: Don't trace in win32_callback. Set patch-level to 4. (PLJ)
- * 09-JAN-2008: Nedko Arnaudov supplied a fix for Nuendo under WINE.
- #### 0.7.3
- * 27-DEC-2007: Make slaving to jack transport work, correct port allocation bug. (RB)
- #### 0.7
- * 01-DEC-2007: In a fit of insanity, I merged JackLab and Robert Reif code bases. (PLJ)
- #### 0.6
- * 21-NOV-2007: add dynamic client naming (PLJ)
- #### 0.0.3
- * 17-NOV-2007: Unique port name code (RR)
- #### 0.5
- * 03-SEP-2007: port mapping and config file (PLJ)
- #### 0.3
- * 30-APR-2007: corrected connection of in/outputs (RB)
- #### 0.1
- * ???????????: Initial RB release (RB)
- #### 0.0.2
- * 12-SEP-2006: Fix thread bug, tidy up code (RR)
- #### 0.0.1
- * 31-AUG-2006: Initial version (RR)
- Copyright (C) 2006 Robert Reif
- Portions copyright (C) 2007 Ralf Beck
- Portions copyright (C) 2007 Johnny Petrantoni
- Portions copyright (C) 2007 Stephane Letz
- Portions copyright (C) 2008 William Steidtmann
- Portions copyright (C) 2010 Peter L Jones
- Portions copyright (C) 2010 Torben Hohn
- Portions copyright (C) 2010 Nedko Arnaudov
- Portions copyright (C) 2011 Christian Schoenebeck
- Portions copyright (C) 2013 Joakim Hernberg
- Portions copyright (C) 2020-2023 Filipe Coelho
- The WineASIO library code is licensed under LGPL v2.1, see COPYING.LIB for more details.
- The WineASIO settings UI code is licensed under GPL v2+, see COPYING.GUI for more details.