- {
- "slug": "Stoermelder-P1",
- "version": "1.10.0",
- "license": "GPL-3.0-only",
- "author": "Benjamin Dill",
- "name": "PackOne",
- "brand": "stoermelder",
- "authorEmail": "stoermelder@outlook.com",
- "pluginUrl": "https://github.com/stoermelder/vcvrack-packone",
- "authorUrl": "https://github.com/stoermelder",
- "sourceUrl": "https://github.com/stoermelder/vcvrack-packone.git",
- "manualUrl": "https://github.com/stoermelder/vcvrack-packone/blob/v1/README.md",
- "changelogUrl": "https://github.com/stoermelder/vcvrack-packone/blob/v1/CHANGELOG.md",
- "donateUrl": "https://paypal.me/stoermelder",
- "modules": [
- {
- "slug": "CVMap",
- "name": "CV-MAP",
- "description": "Add CV automation to 32 parameters of any module",
- "tags": [
- "Utility",
- "Polyphonic",
- "Controller"
- ],
- "manualUrl": "https://github.com/stoermelder/vcvrack-packone/blob/v1/docs/CVMap.md"
- },
- {
- "slug": "CVMapCtx",
- "name": "CTX for CV-MAP",
- "description": "Expander for context menu mapping using CV-MAP",
- "tags": [
- "Utility"
- ],
- "manualUrl": "https://github.com/stoermelder/vcvrack-packone/blob/v1/docs/CVMap.md#ctx-expander"
- },
- {
- "slug": "CVMapMicro",
- "name": "\u00b5MAP",
- "description": "Add CV automation to one parameter of any module",
- "tags": [
- "Utility",
- "Controller"
- ],
- "manualUrl": "https://github.com/stoermelder/vcvrack-packone/blob/v1/docs/CVMapMicro.md"
- },
- {
- "slug": "CVPam",
- "name": "CV-PAM",
- "description": "Generate CV from any parameter change of any module",
- "tags": [
- "Utility",
- "Polyphonic",
- "Controller"
- ],
- "manualUrl": "https://github.com/stoermelder/vcvrack-packone/blob/v1/docs/CVPam.md"
- },
- {
- "slug": "RotorA",
- "name": "ROTOR Model A",
- "description": "Rotates a signal across polyphonic channels",
- "tags": [
- "Utility",
- "Polyphonic"
- ],
- "manualUrl": "https://github.com/stoermelder/vcvrack-packone/blob/v1/docs/RotorA.md"
- },
- {
- "slug": "ReMoveLite",
- "name": "ReMOVE Lite",
- "description": "Recorder for parameter automation",
- "tags": [
- "Utility",
- "Recording",
- "Controller"
- ],
- "manualUrl": "https://github.com/stoermelder/vcvrack-packone/blob/v1/docs/ReMove.md"
- },
- {
- "slug": "Bolt",
- "name": "BOLT",
- "description": "Polyphonic logic boolean functions with modulation and sample & hold",
- "tags": [
- "Utility",
- "Logic",
- "Polyphonic",
- "Sample and hold"
- ],
- "manualUrl": "https://github.com/stoermelder/vcvrack-packone/blob/v1/docs/Bolt.md"
- },
- {
- "slug": "Infix",
- "name": "INFIX",
- "description": "Insert for polyphonic cables",
- "tags": [
- "Utility",
- "Polyphonic"
- ],
- "manualUrl": "https://github.com/stoermelder/vcvrack-packone/blob/v1/docs/Infix.md"
- },
- {
- "slug": "InfixMicro",
- "name": "\u00b5INFIX",
- "description": "Insert for polyphonic cables",
- "tags": [
- "Utility",
- "Polyphonic"
- ],
- "manualUrl": "https://github.com/stoermelder/vcvrack-packone/blob/v1/docs/Infix.md"
- },
- {
- "slug": "Strip",
- "name": "STRIP",
- "description": "Manage a group of modules by using the expander-mechanism, providing load, save, copy, paste, disable, enable and randomize",
- "tags": [
- "Utility",
- "Controller",
- "Random"
- ],
- "manualUrl": "https://github.com/stoermelder/vcvrack-packone/blob/v1/docs/Strip.md"
- },
- {
- "slug": "StripBay4",
- "name": "STRIP-BAY",
- "description": "Utility module for STRIP keeping inputs/outputs connected",
- "tags": [
- "Utility"
- ],
- "manualUrl": "https://github.com/stoermelder/vcvrack-packone/blob/v1/docs/Strip.md#stoermelder-strip-bay"
- },
- {
- "slug": "EightFace",
- "name": "8FACE",
- "description": "Universal expander for sequencing up to eight presets of any module",
- "tags": [
- "Utility",
- "Sequencer"
- ],
- "manualUrl": "https://github.com/stoermelder/vcvrack-packone/blob/v1/docs/EightFace.md"
- },
- {
- "slug": "EightFaceX2",
- "name": "8FACEx2",
- "description": "Universal expander for sequencing up to sixteen presets of any module",
- "tags": [
- "Utility",
- "Sequencer"
- ],
- "manualUrl": "https://github.com/stoermelder/vcvrack-packone/blob/v1/docs/EightFace.md"
- },
- {
- "slug": "MidiCat",
- "name": "MIDI-CAT",
- "description": "Mapping module for MIDI CCs and notes to parameters of any module, similar to VCV MIDI-MAP",
- "tags": [
- "Utility",
- "MIDI"
- ],
- "manualUrl": "https://github.com/stoermelder/vcvrack-packone/blob/v1/docs/MidiCat.md"
- },
- {
- "slug": "MidiCatEx",
- "name": "MEM for MIDI-CAT",
- "description": "Memory-expander for MIDI-CAT",
- "tags": [
- "Utility",
- "MIDI"
- ],
- "manualUrl": "https://github.com/stoermelder/vcvrack-packone/blob/v1/docs/MidiCat.md#mem-expander"
- },
- {
- "slug": "MidiCatCtx",
- "name": "CTX for MIDI-CAT",
- "description": "Expander for context menu mapping using MIDI-CAT",
- "tags": [
- "Utility",
- "MIDI"
- ],
- "manualUrl": "https://github.com/stoermelder/vcvrack-packone/blob/v1/docs/MidiCat.md#ctx-expander"
- },
- {
- "slug": "Sipo",
- "name": "SIPO",
- "description": "Serial-in parallel-out shift register with polyphonic output and CV controls for skipping and incrementing on sampled values",
- "tags": [
- "Utility",
- "Sample and hold",
- "Digital",
- "Polyphonic"
- ],
- "manualUrl": "https://github.com/stoermelder/vcvrack-packone/blob/v1/docs/Sipo.md"
- },
- {
- "slug": "FourRounds",
- "name": "4ROUNDS",
- "description": "Randomizer for up to 16 input signals to create 15 output signals",
- "tags": [
- "Utility",
- "Sample and hold",
- "Random",
- "Switch"
- ],
- "manualUrl": "https://github.com/stoermelder/vcvrack-packone/blob/v1/docs/FourRounds.md"
- },
- {
- "slug": "Arena",
- "name": "ARENA",
- "description": "2-dimensional XY-Mixer for 8 sources with various modulation targets and fun graphical interface",
- "tags": [
- "Utility",
- "Controller",
- "Mixer"
- ],
- "manualUrl": "https://github.com/stoermelder/vcvrack-packone/blob/v1/docs/Arena.md"
- },
- {
- "slug": "Maze",
- "name": "MAZE",
- "description": "4 channel sequencer running on a 2-dimensional grid",
- "tags": [
- "Sequencer",
- "Random"
- ],
- "manualUrl": "https://github.com/stoermelder/vcvrack-packone/blob/v1/docs/Maze.md"
- },
- {
- "slug": "Hive",
- "name": "HIVE",
- "description": "4 channel sequencer running on a 2-dimensional hexagonal grid",
- "tags": [
- "Sequencer",
- "Random"
- ],
- "manualUrl": "https://github.com/stoermelder/vcvrack-packone/blob/v1/docs/Hive.md"
- },
- {
- "slug": "Intermix",
- "name": "INTERMIX",
- "description": "Precision adder 8x8 switch matrix with scene-support",
- "tags": [
- "Mixer",
- "Polyphonic"
- ],
- "manualUrl": "https://github.com/stoermelder/vcvrack-packone/blob/v1/docs/Intermix.md"
- },
- {
- "slug": "IntermixGate",
- "name": "INTERMIX-GATE",
- "description": "Expander for INTERMIX outputting a gate-signal for each active row",
- "tags": [
- "Expander"
- ],
- "manualUrl": "https://github.com/stoermelder/vcvrack-packone/blob/v1/docs/Intermix.md#gate-expander"
- },
- {
- "slug": "IntermixEnv",
- "name": "INTERMIX-ENV",
- "description": "Expander for INTERMIX outputting envelopes for a selected input-column",
- "tags": [
- "Expander"
- ],
- "manualUrl": "https://github.com/stoermelder/vcvrack-packone/blob/v1/docs/Intermix.md#env-expander"
- },
- {
- "slug": "IntermixFade",
- "name": "INTERMIX-FADE",
- "description": "Expander for INTERMIX for setting individual fade values",
- "tags": [
- "Expander"
- ],
- "manualUrl": "https://github.com/stoermelder/vcvrack-packone/blob/v1/docs/Intermix.md#fade-expander"
- },
- {
- "slug": "Sail",
- "name": "SAIL",
- "description": "Control any parameter currently hovered by mouse with CV, especially useful with MIDI-CC or MIDI-STEP",
- "tags": [
- "Utility"
- ],
- "manualUrl": "https://github.com/stoermelder/vcvrack-packone/blob/v1/docs/Sail.md"
- },
- {
- "slug": "Pile",
- "name": "PILE",
- "description": "Translate increment triggers or decrement triggers in an absolute voltage, especially useful with MIDI-STEP, with slew support",
- "tags": [
- "Utility"
- ],
- "manualUrl": "https://github.com/stoermelder/vcvrack-packone/blob/v1/docs/Pile.md"
- },
- {
- "slug": "PilePoly",
- "name": "POLY-PILE",
- "description": "Translate increment triggers or decrement triggers in an absolute voltage, especially useful with MIDI-STEP, with slew support",
- "tags": [
- "Utility",
- "Polyphonic"
- ],
- "manualUrl": "https://github.com/stoermelder/vcvrack-packone/blob/v1/docs/Pile.md"
- },
- {
- "slug": "MidiStep",
- "name": "MIDI-STEP",
- "description": "Module for relative modes of endless knobs on your MIDI controller, such as Arturia Beatstep, Native Instruments Komplete Keyboards or Behringer X-TOUCH",
- "tags": [
- "Utility",
- "MIDI",
- "Polyphonic"
- ],
- "manualUrl": "https://github.com/stoermelder/vcvrack-packone/blob/v1/docs/MidiStep.md"
- },
- {
- "slug": "Mirror",
- "name": "MIRROR",
- "description": "Utility for synchronizing module parameters",
- "tags": [
- "Utility"
- ],
- "manualUrl": "https://github.com/stoermelder/vcvrack-packone/blob/v1/docs/Mirror.md"
- },
- {
- "slug": "Affix",
- "name": "AFFIX",
- "description": "Insert for polyphonic cables for adding offsets in Volt, semitones or octaves (16 channels)",
- "tags": [
- "Polyphonic",
- "Utility",
- "Attenuator"
- ],
- "manualUrl": "https://github.com/stoermelder/vcvrack-packone/blob/v1/docs/Affix.md"
- },
- {
- "slug": "AffixMicro",
- "name": "\u00b5AFFIX",
- "description": "Insert for polyphonic cables for adding offsets in Volt, semitones or octaves (8 channels)",
- "tags": [
- "Polyphonic",
- "Utility",
- "Attenuator"
- ],
- "manualUrl": "https://github.com/stoermelder/vcvrack-packone/blob/v1/docs/Affix.md"
- },
- {
- "slug": "Grip",
- "name": "GRIP",
- "description": "Lock for module parameters",
- "tags": [
- "Utility"
- ],
- "manualUrl": "https://github.com/stoermelder/vcvrack-packone/blob/v1/docs/Grip.md"
- },
- {
- "slug": "Glue",
- "name": "GLUE",
- "description": "Label maker for your modules!",
- "tags": [
- "Utility"
- ],
- "manualUrl": "https://github.com/stoermelder/vcvrack-packone/blob/v1/docs/Glue.md"
- },
- {
- "slug": "Goto",
- "name": "GOTO",
- "description": "Utility for jumping directly to 10 locations in your patch by hotkey or using MIDI",
- "tags": [
- "Utility"
- ],
- "manualUrl": "https://github.com/stoermelder/vcvrack-packone/blob/v1/docs/Goto.md"
- },
- {
- "slug": "Stroke",
- "name": "STROKE",
- "description": "Utility for converting hotkeys to triggers, gates and some other special commands",
- "tags": [
- "Utility",
- "Polyphonic"
- ],
- "manualUrl": "https://github.com/stoermelder/vcvrack-packone/blob/v1/docs/Stroke.md"
- },
- {
- "slug": "Spin",
- "name": "SPIN",
- "description": "Utility for converting mouse-wheel movement into triggers, also handles middle-click of mouse, useful for SAIL",
- "tags": [
- "Utility"
- ],
- "manualUrl": "https://github.com/stoermelder/vcvrack-packone/blob/v1/docs/Spin.md"
- },
- {
- "slug": "Transit",
- "name": "TRANSIT",
- "description": "Parameter-morpher and sequencer for up to 96 snapshots",
- "tags": [
- "Utility",
- "Sequencer"
- ],
- "manualUrl": "https://github.com/stoermelder/vcvrack-packone/blob/v1/docs/Transit.md"
- },
- {
- "slug": "TransitEx",
- "name": "+T",
- "description": "Expander for TRANSIT",
- "tags": [
- "Utility"
- ],
- "manualUrl": "https://github.com/stoermelder/vcvrack-packone/blob/v1/docs/Transit.md"
- },
- {
- "slug": "X4",
- "name": "X4",
- "description": "Dual multiple for parameter-mapping",
- "tags": [
- "Utility"
- ],
- "manualUrl": "https://github.com/stoermelder/vcvrack-packone/blob/v1/docs/X4.md"
- },
- {
- "slug": "Macro",
- "name": "MACRO",
- "description": "Macro-knob for controlling multiple parameters, with attenuverts and slew-limiting",
- "tags": [
- "Utility"
- ],
- "manualUrl": "https://github.com/stoermelder/vcvrack-packone/blob/v1/docs/Macro.md"
- },
- {
- "slug": "Raw",
- "name": "RAW",
- "description": "Digital effect based on the dynamics of bistable systems",
- "tags": [
- "Distortion",
- "Digital"
- ],
- "manualUrl": "https://github.com/stoermelder/vcvrack-packone/blob/v1/docs/Raw.md"
- },
- {
- "slug": "MidiMon",
- "name": "MIDI-MON",
- "description": "Monitor for MIDI messages",
- "tags": [
- "MIDI",
- "Utility"
- ],
- "manualUrl": "https://github.com/stoermelder/vcvrack-packone/blob/v1/docs/MidiMon.md"
- },
- {
- "slug": "Orbit",
- "name": "ORBIT",
- "description": "Polyphonic stereo field spreader",
- "tags": [
- "Panning",
- "Effect",
- "Polyphonic"
- ],
- "manualUrl": "https://github.com/stoermelder/vcvrack-packone/blob/v1/docs/Orbit.md"
- },
- {
- "slug": "EightFaceMk2",
- "name": "8FACE mk2",
- "description": "Universal expander for sequencing up to eight presets of multiple modules",
- "tags": [
- "Utility",
- "Sequencer"
- ],
- "manualUrl": "https://github.com/stoermelder/vcvrack-packone/blob/v1/docs/EightFaceMk2.md"
- },
- {
- "slug": "EightFaceMk2Ex",
- "name": "+8",
- "description": "Expander for 8FACE mk2",
- "tags": [
- "Expander"
- ],
- "manualUrl": "https://github.com/stoermelder/vcvrack-packone/blob/v1/docs/EightFaceMk2.md"
- },
- {
- "slug": "MidiPlug",
- "name": "MIDI-PLUG",
- "description": "Virtual MIDI merger and splitter",
- "tags": [
- "MIDI",
- "Utility"
- ],
- "manualUrl": "https://github.com/stoermelder/vcvrack-packone/blob/v1/docs/MidiPlug.md"
- },
- {
- "slug": "AudioInterface64",
- "name": "AUDIO-64",
- "description": "Sends CV and audio to/from an audio device",
- "tags": [
- "External"
- ]
- },
- {
- "slug": "Mb",
- "name": "MB",
- "description": "Experimental replacement module browsers for Rack. Brings back the browser from Rack v0.6x and has a modified browser from Rack v1.x with adjustable preview size, favorites, extended filtering options and more.",
- "tags": [
- "Utility"
- ],
- "manualUrl": "https://github.com/stoermelder/vcvrack-packone/blob/v1/docs/Mb.md"
- },
- {
- "slug": "Me",
- "name": "ME",
- "description": "Mouse enhancements",
- "tags": [
- "Utility"
- ],
- "manualUrl": "https://github.com/stoermelder/vcvrack-packone/blob/v1/docs/Me.md"
- }
- ]
- }