@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@ |
const TEMP_DIR = ".tmp-zips/"; |
const CUR_VER_PREFIX = '0.5'; |
const MF_DIR = 'plugins'; |
const fs = require("fs"); |
const Ajv = require('ajv'); //https://github.com/epoberezkin/ajv |
const ajv = new Ajv({allErrors:true}); |
const validate = ajv.compile(require('./manifest.json')); |
const request = require("request"); |
const { execSync } = require('child_process'); |
const AdmZip = require('adm-zip'); //https://github.com/cthackers/adm-zip |
const hashFiles = require('hash-files'); //https://github.com/mac-/hash-files |
const manifestsToTest = getManifestsThatApply(); |
if(manifestsToTest.length === 0){ |
console.log("No manifest files to test."); |
return; |
} |
//virus total stuff |
const VIRUS_TOTAL_ENABLED = false; |
const vt = require("node-virustotal"); //https://github.com/natewatson999/node-virustotal |
const con = vt.MakePublicConnection(); |
con.setKey(process.env.VT_API_KEY); |
con.setDelay(15000); |
jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL = manifestsToTest.length * 4 * con.getDelay(); |
} |
describe("test manifests", function() { |
beforeEach(()=>{ |
execSync(`mkdir -p ${TEMP_DIR}`) |
}); |
afterEach(()=>{ |
execSync(`rm ${TEMP_DIR}*.zip`) |
fs.rmdirSync(TEMP_DIR); |
}); |
const testMF = (filePath) => { |
it("valid properties and zip files", function(done) { |
try { |
if (!filePath.toLowerCase().endsWith('.json')) { |
fail("manifests should have .json extension"); |
} |
const fileContent = fs.readFileSync(filePath, 'utf8'); |
const mfObj = JSON.parse(fileContent); |
const valid = validate(mfObj); |
if (!valid) { |
validate.errors.map(e => e.message += ` in ${filePath}`) |
fail(validate.errors); |
} |
if (!(/^[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]*$/).test(mfObj.slug)) { |
fail(`slug does not match regex in ${filePath}`); |
} |
const fileName = filePath.replace('plugins/', ''); |
if (fileName.replace('.json', '') !== mfObj.slug) { |
fail(`slug '${mfObj.slug}' does not match fileName: ${fileName}`); |
} |
if (mfObj.version && !mfObj.version.startsWith(CUR_VER_PREFIX)) { |
fail(`version '${mfObj.version}' must start with '${CUR_VER_PREFIX}'`); |
} |
if(mfObj.downloads){ |
const urlsChecked = []; |
let lastSha256; |
['win', 'lin', 'mac'].map(os => { |
const osObj = mfObj.downloads[os]; |
if(osObj && osObj.download && osObj.sha256){ |
const zipUrl = osObj.download; |
if(urlsChecked.includes(zipUrl)){ |
if(lastSha256 !== osObj.sha256){ |
fail("SHA256 should be the same if the download URL is the same"); |
} |
} else { |
urlsChecked.push(zipUrl); |
lastSha256 = osObj.sha256; |
testOneZip(mfObj.slug, osObj, done); |
} |
} |
}); |
} |
} catch(err){ |
fail(`Error while trying to validate manifest: ${filePath}\n${err}`); |
} |
}); |
}; |
manifestsToTest.map(testMF); |
}); |
function testOneZip(expectedRootDir, osObj, done) { |
const urlParts = osObj.download.split('/'); |
const zipName = urlParts[urlParts.length - 1].split('\?')[0]; |
request(osObj.download).pipe(fs.createWriteStream(TEMP_DIR+zipName)).on('finish', ()=>{ |
console.log(`Downloaded ${TEMP_DIR+zipName}`); |
const zip = new AdmZip(TEMP_DIR+zipName); |
const zipEntries = zip.getEntries(); |
// zipEntries.map(ze=>console.log(ze.toString())); |
const slugDirFound = zipEntries.find(ze => ze.isDirectory && |
(ze.entryName === expectedRootDir+'/' || ze.entryName === expectedRootDir+'\\') |
); |
if(slugDirFound){ |
const invalidEntry = zipEntries.find(ze => !ze.entryName.startsWith(slugDirFound.entryName)); |
if(invalidEntry){ |
fail(`Zip entries should all be under a dir named ${expectedRootDir} but this entry was found: ${invalidEntry.entryName}`); |
} |
} else { |
fail(`Zip should have one dir named ${expectedRootDir}`); |
} |
con.FileEvaluation(zipName, "application/zip", fs.readFileSync(TEMP_DIR+zipName), function(data) { |
console.log(data); |
if(osObj.sha256 !== data.sha256){ |
throw new Error(`Invalid sha256 value. manifest:${osObj.sha256} virustotal:${data.sha256}`); |
} |
if(data.positives > 2){ |
throw new Error(`Too many positives from virustotal.`); |
} |
done(); |
}, function(err) { |
if (err){ throw err; } |
done(); |
}); |
} else { |
hashFiles({files:[TEMP_DIR+zipName], algorithm:'sha256'}, function(error, hash) { |
if(osObj.sha256 !== hash){ |
throw new Error(`Invalid sha256 value. manifest:${osObj.sha256} hash:${hash}`); |
} |
done(); |
}); |
} |
}); |
} |
function getManifestsThatApply(){ |
let paths = ""; |
if(process.env.TEST_MANIFEST){ |
paths = process.env.TEST_MANIFEST; |
} else { |
paths = execSync(`git diff -w --stat --name-only origin/master -- ${MF_DIR}/`, {encoding:'utf8'}); |
} |
return paths.trim().split('\n').filter(s=>s.trim() !== ''); |
} |