- !include "MUI2.nsh"
- !define NAME_FULL "VCV Rack Free ${VERSION}"
- !define NAME "VCV Rack ${VERSION_MAJOR} Free"
- !define RACK_DIR "Rack${VERSION_MAJOR}Free"
- !define INSTALL_REG "Software\VCV\Rack${VERSION_MAJOR}Free"
- !define UNINSTALL_REG "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\VCVRack${VERSION_MAJOR}Free"
- Name "${NAME_FULL}"
- Unicode True
- SetCompressor /solid "lzma"
- SetCompressorDictSize 8
- CRCCheck On
- ; Default installation folder
- ; Get installation folder from registry if available
- InstallDirRegKey HKLM "${INSTALL_REG}" ""
- ; Request admin permissions so we can install to Program Files and add a registry entry
- RequestExecutionLevel admin
- ; MUI installer pages
- !define MUI_ICON "icon.ico"
- ;!define MUI_HEADERIMAGE_BITMAP "installer-banner.bmp" ; 150x57
- ;!define MUI_WELCOMEFINISHPAGE_BITMAP "$NSISDIR\Contrib\Graphics\Wizard\win.bmp" ; 164x314
- ;!define MUI_UNWELCOMEFINISHPAGE_BITMAP "$NSISDIR\Contrib\Graphics\Wizard\win.bmp" ; 164x314
- ;!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_COMPONENTS
- ; Prevent user from choosing an installation directory that already exists, such as C:\Program Files.
- ; This is necessary because the uninstaller removes the installation directory, which is dangerous for directories that existed before Rack was installed.
- !define MUI_PAGE_CUSTOMFUNCTION_LEAVE directoryLeave
- Function directoryLeave
- StrCmp "$INSTDIR" "$PROGRAMFILES" directoryBad
- StrCmp "$INSTDIR" "$PROGRAMFILES32" directoryBad
- StrCmp "$INSTDIR" "$PROGRAMFILES64" directoryBad
- StrCmp "$INSTDIR" "$COMMONFILES" directoryBad
- StrCmp "$INSTDIR" "$COMMONFILES32" directoryBad
- StrCmp "$INSTDIR" "$COMMONFILES64" directoryBad
- StrCmp "$INSTDIR" "$DESKTOP" directoryBad
- StrCmp "$INSTDIR" "$WINDIR" directoryBad
- StrCmp "$INSTDIR" "$SYSDIR" directoryBad
- StrCmp "$INSTDIR" "$DOCUMENTS" directoryBad
- StrCmp "$INSTDIR" "$MUSIC" directoryBad
- StrCmp "$INSTDIR" "$PICTURES" directoryBad
- StrCmp "$INSTDIR" "$VIDEOS" directoryBad
- StrCmp "$INSTDIR" "$APPDATA" directoryBad
- StrCmp "$INSTDIR" "$LOCALAPPDATA" directoryBad
- Return
- directoryBad:
- MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP "Cannot install to $INSTDIR."
- Abort
- FunctionEnd
- !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_DIRECTORY
- !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_INSTFILES
- !define MUI_FINISHPAGE_RUN "$INSTDIR\Rack.exe"
- !define MUI_FINISHPAGE_RUN_TEXT "Launch ${NAME}"
- !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_FINISH
- ; MUI uninstaller pages
- !insertmacro MUI_UNPAGE_CONFIRM
- !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "English"
- ; Sections
- SectionIn RO
- SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"
- # Uninstall existing version silently before installing.
- # This is needed because the VST3 adapter used to be a file, and now it is a bundle (folder), and NSIS can't overwrite files with folders.
- # "_?=" makes the uninstaller block until exit. Explanation at bottom of page:
- # https://nsis.sourceforge.io/Docs/Chapter3.html
- # Fails gracefully if uninstaller does not exist.
- DetailPrint "Uninstalling existing version"
- ExecWait '"$INSTDIR\Uninstall.exe" /S _?=$INSTDIR'
- File /r "dist\${RACK_DIR}\*"
- ; Store installation folder
- WriteRegStr HKLM "${INSTALL_REG}" "" "$INSTDIR"
- ; Write uninstaller info
- WriteRegStr HKLM "${UNINSTALL_REG}" "DisplayName" "${NAME}"
- WriteRegStr HKLM "${UNINSTALL_REG}" "DisplayIcon" '"$INSTDIR\Rack.exe"'
- WriteRegStr HKLM "${UNINSTALL_REG}" "DisplayVersion" "${VERSION}"
- WriteRegStr HKLM "${UNINSTALL_REG}" "UninstallString" '"$INSTDIR\Uninstall.exe"'
- WriteRegStr HKLM "${UNINSTALL_REG}" "QuietUninstallString" '"$INSTDIR\Uninstall.exe" /S'
- WriteRegStr HKLM "${UNINSTALL_REG}" "InstallLocation" '"$INSTDIR"'
- WriteRegStr HKLM "${UNINSTALL_REG}" "Publisher" "VCV"
- SectionGetSize ${INSTALL_SECTION} $0
- WriteRegDWORD HKLM "${UNINSTALL_REG}" "EstimatedSize" $0
- WriteRegDWORD HKLM "${UNINSTALL_REG}" "NoModify" 1
- WriteRegDWORD HKLM "${UNINSTALL_REG}" "NoRepair" 1
- ; Create uninstaller
- WriteUninstaller "$INSTDIR\Uninstall.exe"
- ; Associate file type
- WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\Classes\.vcv" "" "VCVRack.Patch"
- WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\Classes\VCVRack.Patch" "" "VCV Rack patch"
- WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\Classes\VCVRack.Patch\shell\open\command" "" '"$INSTDIR\Rack.exe" "%1"'
- ; Create shortcuts
- CreateShortcut "$DESKTOP\${NAME}.lnk" "$INSTDIR\Rack.exe"
- CreateShortcut "$SMPROGRAMS\${NAME}.lnk" "$INSTDIR\Rack.exe"
- ; Add allowed app to Controlled Folder Access
- ExpandEnvStrings $0 "%COMSPEC%"
- ExecShellWait "" '"$0"' "/C powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -WindowStyle Hidden $\"Add-MpPreference -ControlledFolderAccessAllowedApplications '$INSTDIR\Rack.exe'$\"" SW_HIDE
- SectionEnd
- Section "Uninstall"
- ; directoryLeave above ensures that INSTDIR is safe to remove.
- RMDir /r "$INSTDIR"
- ; Attempt to remove C:\Program Files\VCV if empty
- RMDir "$INSTDIR\.."
- Delete "$DESKTOP\${NAME}.lnk"
- Delete "$SMPROGRAMS\${NAME}.lnk"
- DeleteRegKey HKLM "${INSTALL_REG}"
- DeleteRegKey /ifempty HKLM "Software\VCV"
- DeleteRegKey HKLM "${UNINSTALL_REG}"
- DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Classes\.vcv"
- DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Classes\VCVRack.Patch"
- SectionEnd