- #include <svg.hpp>
- #include <map>
- #include <math.hpp>
- #include <app/common.hpp> // for app::SVG_DPI
- // #define DEBUG_ONLY(x) x
- #define DEBUG_ONLY(x)
- namespace rack {
- Svg::~Svg() {
- if (handle)
- nsvgDelete(handle);
- }
- void Svg::loadFile(const std::string& filename) {
- handle = nsvgParseFromFile(filename.c_str(), "px", app::SVG_DPI);
- if (handle) {
- INFO("Loaded SVG %s", filename.c_str());
- }
- else {
- WARN("Failed to load SVG %s", filename.c_str());
- }
- }
- void Svg::loadString(const std::string& str) {
- // nsvgParse modifies the input string
- std::string strCopy = str;
- handle = nsvgParse(&strCopy[0], "px", app::SVG_DPI);
- if (handle) {
- INFO("Loaded SVG");
- }
- else {
- WARN("Failed to load SVG");
- }
- }
- static std::map<std::string, std::weak_ptr<Svg>> svgCache;
- std::shared_ptr<Svg> Svg::load(const std::string& filename) {
- auto sp = svgCache[filename].lock();
- if (!sp) {
- svgCache[filename] = sp = std::make_shared<Svg>();
- sp->loadFile(filename);
- }
- return sp;
- }
- static NVGcolor getNVGColor(uint32_t color) {
- return nvgRGBA(
- (color >> 0) & 0xff,
- (color >> 8) & 0xff,
- (color >> 16) & 0xff,
- (color >> 24) & 0xff);
- }
- static NVGpaint getPaint(NVGcontext* vg, NSVGpaint* p) {
- NSVGgradient* g = p->gradient;
- assert(g->nstops >= 1);
- NVGcolor icol = getNVGColor(g->stops[0].color);
- NVGcolor ocol = getNVGColor(g->stops[g->nstops - 1].color);
- float inverse[6];
- nvgTransformInverse(inverse, g->xform);
- DEBUG_ONLY(printf(" inverse: %f %f %f %f %f %f\n", inverse[0], inverse[1], inverse[2], inverse[3], inverse[4], inverse[5]);)
- math::Vec s, e;
- DEBUG_ONLY(printf(" sx: %f sy: %f ex: %f ey: %f\n", s.x, s.y, e.x, e.y);)
- // Is it always the case that the gradient should be transformed from (0, 0) to (0, 1)?
- nvgTransformPoint(&s.x, &s.y, inverse, 0, 0);
- nvgTransformPoint(&e.x, &e.y, inverse, 0, 1);
- DEBUG_ONLY(printf(" sx: %f sy: %f ex: %f ey: %f\n", s.x, s.y, e.x, e.y);)
- NVGpaint paint;
- paint = nvgLinearGradient(vg, s.x, s.y, e.x, e.y, icol, ocol);
- else
- paint = nvgRadialGradient(vg, s.x, s.y, 0.0, 160, icol, ocol);
- return paint;
- }
- /** Returns the parameterized value of the line p2--p3 where it intersects with p0--p1 */
- static float getLineCrossing(math::Vec p0, math::Vec p1, math::Vec p2, math::Vec p3) {
- math::Vec b = p2.minus(p0);
- math::Vec d = p1.minus(p0);
- math::Vec e = p3.minus(p2);
- float m = d.x * e.y - d.y * e.x;
- // Check if lines are parallel, or if either pair of points are equal
- if (std::abs(m) < 1e-6)
- return NAN;
- return -(d.x * b.y - d.y * b.x) / m;
- }
- void svgDraw(NVGcontext* vg, NSVGimage* svg) {
- DEBUG_ONLY(printf("new image: %g x %g px\n", svg->width, svg->height);)
- int shapeIndex = 0;
- // Iterate shape linked list
- for (NSVGshape* shape = svg->shapes; shape; shape = shape->next, shapeIndex++) {
- DEBUG_ONLY(printf(" new shape: %d id \"%s\", fillrule %d, from (%f, %f) to (%f, %f)\n", shapeIndex, shape->id, shape->fillRule, shape->bounds[0], shape->bounds[1], shape->bounds[2], shape->bounds[3]);)
- // Visibility
- if (!(shape->flags & NSVG_FLAGS_VISIBLE))
- continue;
- nvgSave(vg);
- // Opacity
- if (shape->opacity < 1.0)
- nvgGlobalAlpha(vg, shape->opacity);
- // Build path
- nvgBeginPath(vg);
- // Iterate path linked list
- for (NSVGpath* path = shape->paths; path; path = path->next) {
- DEBUG_ONLY(printf(" new path: %d points, %s, from (%f, %f) to (%f, %f)\n", path->npts, path->closed ? "closed" : "open", path->bounds[0], path->bounds[1], path->bounds[2], path->bounds[3]);)
- nvgMoveTo(vg, path->pts[0], path->pts[1]);
- for (int i = 1; i < path->npts; i += 3) {
- float* p = &path->pts[2 * i];
- nvgBezierTo(vg, p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3], p[4], p[5]);
- // nvgLineTo(vg, p[4], p[5]);
- DEBUG_ONLY(printf(" bezier (%f, %f) to (%f, %f)\n", p[-2], p[-1], p[4], p[5]);)
- }
- // Close path
- if (path->closed)
- nvgClosePath(vg);
- // Compute whether this is a hole or a solid.
- // Assume that no paths are crossing (usually true for normal SVG graphics).
- // Also assume that the topology is the same if we use straight lines rather than Beziers (not always the case but usually true).
- // Using the even-odd fill rule, if we draw a line from a point on the path to a point outside the boundary (e.g. top left) and count the number of times it crosses another path, the parity of this count determines whether the path is a hole (odd) or solid (even).
- int crossings = 0;
- math::Vec p0 = math::Vec(path->pts[0], path->pts[1]);
- math::Vec p1 = math::Vec(path->bounds[0] - 1.0, path->bounds[1] - 1.0);
- // Iterate all other paths
- for (NSVGpath* path2 = shape->paths; path2; path2 = path2->next) {
- if (path2 == path)
- continue;
- // Iterate all lines on the path
- if (path2->npts < 4)
- continue;
- for (int i = 1; i < path2->npts + 3; i += 3) {
- float* p = &path2->pts[2 * i];
- // The previous point
- math::Vec p2 = math::Vec(p[-2], p[-1]);
- // The current point
- math::Vec p3 = (i < path2->npts) ? math::Vec(p[4], p[5]) : math::Vec(path2->pts[0], path2->pts[1]);
- float crossing = getLineCrossing(p0, p1, p2, p3);
- float crossing2 = getLineCrossing(p2, p3, p0, p1);
- if (0.0 <= crossing && crossing < 1.0 && 0.0 <= crossing2) {
- crossings++;
- }
- }
- }
- if (crossings % 2 == 0)
- nvgPathWinding(vg, NVG_SOLID);
- else
- nvgPathWinding(vg, NVG_HOLE);
- /*
- // Shoelace algorithm for computing the area, and thus the winding direction
- float area = 0.0;
- math::Vec p0 = math::Vec(path->pts[0], path->pts[1]);
- for (int i = 1; i < path->npts; i += 3) {
- float *p = &path->pts[2*i];
- math::Vec p1 = (i < path->npts) ? math::Vec(p[4], p[5]) : math::Vec(path->pts[0], path->pts[1]);
- area += 0.5 * (p1.x - p0.x) * (p1.y + p0.y);
- printf("%f %f, %f %f\n", p0.x, p0.y, p1.x, p1.y);
- p0 = p1;
- }
- printf("%f\n", area);
- if (area < 0.0)
- nvgPathWinding(vg, NVG_CCW);
- else
- nvgPathWinding(vg, NVG_CW);
- */
- }
- // Fill shape
- if (shape->fill.type) {
- switch (shape->fill.type) {
- NVGcolor color = getNVGColor(shape->fill.color);
- nvgFillColor(vg, color);
- DEBUG_ONLY(printf(" fill color (%g, %g, %g, %g)\n", color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a);)
- } break;
- NSVGgradient* g = shape->fill.gradient;
- (void)g;
- DEBUG_ONLY(printf(" gradient: type: %s xform: %f %f %f %f %f %f spread: %d fx: %f fy: %f nstops: %d\n", (shape->fill.type == NSVG_PAINT_LINEAR_GRADIENT ? "linear" : "radial"), g->xform[0], g->xform[1], g->xform[2], g->xform[3], g->xform[4], g->xform[5], g->spread, g->fx, g->fy, g->nstops);)
- for (int i = 0; i < g->nstops; i++) {
- DEBUG_ONLY(printf(" stop: #%08x\t%f\n", g->stops[i].color, g->stops[i].offset);)
- }
- nvgFillPaint(vg, getPaint(vg, &shape->fill));
- } break;
- }
- nvgFill(vg);
- }
- // Stroke shape
- if (shape->stroke.type) {
- nvgStrokeWidth(vg, shape->strokeWidth);
- // strokeDashOffset, strokeDashArray, strokeDashCount not yet supported
- nvgLineCap(vg, (NVGlineCap) shape->strokeLineCap);
- nvgLineJoin(vg, (int) shape->strokeLineJoin);
- switch (shape->stroke.type) {
- NVGcolor color = getNVGColor(shape->stroke.color);
- nvgStrokeColor(vg, color);
- DEBUG_ONLY(printf(" stroke color (%g, %g, %g, %g)\n", color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a);)
- } break;
- // NSVGgradient *g = shape->stroke.gradient;
- // printf(" lin grad: %f\t%f\n", g->fx, g->fy);
- } break;
- }
- nvgStroke(vg);
- }
- nvgRestore(vg);
- }
- DEBUG_ONLY(printf("\n");)
- }
- } // namespace rack