- #include <app/ModuleWidget.hpp>
- #include <app/Scene.hpp>
- #include <engine/Engine.hpp>
- #include <plugin/Plugin.hpp>
- #include <app/SvgPanel.hpp>
- #include <system.hpp>
- #include <asset.hpp>
- #include <helpers.hpp>
- #include <app.hpp>
- #include <settings.hpp>
- #include <history.hpp>
- #include <osdialog.h>
- #include <thread>
- namespace rack {
- namespace app {
- static const char PRESET_FILTERS[] = "VCV Rack module preset (.vcvm):vcvm";
- struct ModuleUrlItem : ui::MenuItem {
- std::string url;
- void onAction(const event::Action& e) override {
- std::thread t(system::openBrowser, url);
- t.detach();
- }
- };
- struct ModuleFolderItem : ui::MenuItem {
- std::string path;
- void onAction(const event::Action& e) override {
- std::thread t(system::openFolder, path);
- t.detach();
- }
- };
- struct ModulePluginItem : ui::MenuItem {
- plugin::Plugin* plugin;
- ui::Menu* createChildMenu() override {
- ui::Menu* menu = new ui::Menu;
- ui::MenuLabel* pluginLabel = new ui::MenuLabel;
- pluginLabel->text = plugin->name;
- menu->addChild(pluginLabel);
- ui::MenuLabel* versionLabel = new ui::MenuLabel;
- versionLabel->text = "v" + plugin->version;
- menu->addChild(versionLabel);
- if (!plugin->author.empty()) {
- if (!plugin->authorUrl.empty()) {
- ModuleUrlItem* authorItem = new ModuleUrlItem;
- authorItem->text = plugin->author;
- authorItem->url = plugin->authorUrl;
- menu->addChild(authorItem);
- }
- else {
- ui::MenuLabel* authorLabel = new ui::MenuLabel;
- authorLabel->text = plugin->author;
- menu->addChild(authorLabel);
- }
- }
- if (!plugin->pluginUrl.empty()) {
- ModuleUrlItem* websiteItem = new ModuleUrlItem;
- websiteItem->text = "Website";
- websiteItem->url = plugin->pluginUrl;
- menu->addChild(websiteItem);
- }
- if (!plugin->manualUrl.empty()) {
- ModuleUrlItem* manualItem = new ModuleUrlItem;
- manualItem->text = "Manual";
- manualItem->url = plugin->manualUrl;
- menu->addChild(manualItem);
- }
- if (!plugin->sourceUrl.empty()) {
- ModuleUrlItem* sourceItem = new ModuleUrlItem;
- sourceItem->text = "Source code";
- sourceItem->url = plugin->sourceUrl;
- menu->addChild(sourceItem);
- }
- if (!plugin->donateUrl.empty()) {
- ModuleUrlItem* donateItem = new ModuleUrlItem;
- donateItem->text = "Donate";
- donateItem->url = plugin->donateUrl;
- menu->addChild(donateItem);
- }
- if (!plugin->path.empty()) {
- ModuleFolderItem* pathItem = new ModuleFolderItem;
- pathItem->text = "Open plugin folder";
- pathItem->path = plugin->path;
- menu->addChild(pathItem);
- }
- return menu;
- }
- };
- struct ModuleDisconnectItem : ui::MenuItem {
- ModuleWidget* moduleWidget;
- void onAction(const event::Action& e) override {
- moduleWidget->disconnectAction();
- }
- };
- struct ModuleResetItem : ui::MenuItem {
- ModuleWidget* moduleWidget;
- void onAction(const event::Action& e) override {
- moduleWidget->resetAction();
- }
- };
- struct ModuleRandomizeItem : ui::MenuItem {
- ModuleWidget* moduleWidget;
- void onAction(const event::Action& e) override {
- moduleWidget->randomizeAction();
- }
- };
- struct ModuleCopyItem : ui::MenuItem {
- ModuleWidget* moduleWidget;
- void onAction(const event::Action& e) override {
- moduleWidget->copyClipboard();
- }
- };
- struct ModulePasteItem : ui::MenuItem {
- ModuleWidget* moduleWidget;
- void onAction(const event::Action& e) override {
- moduleWidget->pasteClipboardAction();
- }
- };
- struct ModuleSaveItem : ui::MenuItem {
- ModuleWidget* moduleWidget;
- void onAction(const event::Action& e) override {
- moduleWidget->saveDialog();
- }
- };
- struct ModuleLoadItem : ui::MenuItem {
- ModuleWidget* moduleWidget;
- void onAction(const event::Action& e) override {
- moduleWidget->loadDialog();
- }
- };
- struct ModulePresetPathItem : ui::MenuItem {
- ModuleWidget* moduleWidget;
- std::string presetPath;
- void onAction(const event::Action& e) override {
- moduleWidget->loadAction(presetPath);
- }
- };
- struct ModulePresetItem : ui::MenuItem {
- ModuleWidget* moduleWidget;
- ui::Menu* createChildMenu() override {
- ui::Menu* menu = new ui::Menu;
- ModuleCopyItem* copyItem = new ModuleCopyItem;
- copyItem->text = "Copy";
- copyItem->rightText = RACK_MOD_CTRL_NAME "+C";
- copyItem->moduleWidget = moduleWidget;
- menu->addChild(copyItem);
- ModulePasteItem* pasteItem = new ModulePasteItem;
- pasteItem->text = "Paste";
- pasteItem->rightText = RACK_MOD_CTRL_NAME "+V";
- pasteItem->moduleWidget = moduleWidget;
- menu->addChild(pasteItem);
- ModuleLoadItem* loadItem = new ModuleLoadItem;
- loadItem->text = "Open";
- loadItem->moduleWidget = moduleWidget;
- menu->addChild(loadItem);
- ModuleSaveItem* saveItem = new ModuleSaveItem;
- saveItem->text = "Save as";
- saveItem->moduleWidget = moduleWidget;
- menu->addChild(saveItem);
- if (!moduleWidget->model->presetPaths.empty()) {
- menu->addChild(new MenuEntry);
- menu->addChild(createMenuLabel("Factory presets"));
- for (const std::string& presetPath : moduleWidget->model->presetPaths) {
- ModulePresetPathItem* presetItem = new ModulePresetPathItem;
- std::string presetName = string::filenameBase(string::filename(presetPath));
- presetItem->text = presetName;
- presetItem->presetPath = presetPath;
- presetItem->moduleWidget = moduleWidget;
- menu->addChild(presetItem);
- }
- }
- return menu;
- }
- };
- struct ModuleCloneItem : ui::MenuItem {
- ModuleWidget* moduleWidget;
- void onAction(const event::Action& e) override {
- moduleWidget->cloneAction();
- }
- };
- struct ModuleBypassItem : ui::MenuItem {
- ModuleWidget* moduleWidget;
- void onAction(const event::Action& e) override {
- moduleWidget->bypassAction();
- }
- };
- struct ModuleDeleteItem : ui::MenuItem {
- ModuleWidget* moduleWidget;
- void onAction(const event::Action& e) override {
- moduleWidget->removeAction();
- }
- };
- ModuleWidget::ModuleWidget() {
- box.size = math::Vec(0, RACK_GRID_HEIGHT);
- }
- ModuleWidget::~ModuleWidget() {
- clearChildren();
- setModule(NULL);
- }
- void ModuleWidget::draw(const DrawArgs& args) {
- nvgScissor(args.vg, RECT_ARGS(args.clipBox));
- if (module && module->bypass) {
- nvgGlobalAlpha(args.vg, 0.33);
- }
- Widget::draw(args);
- // Power meter
- if (module && settings::cpuMeter && !module->bypass) {
- nvgBeginPath(args.vg);
- nvgRect(args.vg,
- 0, box.size.y - 35,
- 65, 35);
- nvgFillColor(args.vg, nvgRGBAf(0, 0, 0, 0.75));
- nvgFill(args.vg);
- float percent = module->cpuTime * APP->engine->getSampleRate() * 100;
- float microseconds = module->cpuTime * 1e6f;
- std::string cpuText = string::f("%.1f%%\n%.2f μs", percent, microseconds);
- bndLabel(args.vg, 2.0, box.size.y - 34.0, INFINITY, INFINITY, -1, cpuText.c_str());
- float p = math::clamp(module->cpuTime / APP->engine->getSampleTime(), 0.f, 1.f);
- nvgBeginPath(args.vg);
- nvgRect(args.vg,
- 0, (1.f - p) * box.size.y,
- 5, p * box.size.y);
- nvgFillColor(args.vg, nvgRGBAf(1, 0, 0, 1.0));
- nvgFill(args.vg);
- }
- // if (module) {
- // nvgBeginPath(args.vg);
- // nvgRect(args.vg, 0, 0, 20, 20);
- // nvgFillColor(args.vg, nvgRGBAf(0, 0, 0, 0.75));
- // nvgFill(args.vg);
- // std::string debugText = string::f("%d", module->id);
- // bndLabel(args.vg, 0, 0, INFINITY, INFINITY, -1, debugText.c_str());
- // }
- nvgResetScissor(args.vg);
- }
- void ModuleWidget::drawShadow(const DrawArgs& args) {
- nvgBeginPath(args.vg);
- float r = 20; // Blur radius
- float c = 20; // Corner radius
- math::Vec b = math::Vec(-10, 30); // Offset from each corner
- nvgRect(args.vg, b.x - r, b.y - r, box.size.x - 2 * b.x + 2 * r, box.size.y - 2 * b.y + 2 * r);
- NVGcolor shadowColor = nvgRGBAf(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
- NVGcolor transparentColor = nvgRGBAf(0, 0, 0, 0);
- nvgFillPaint(args.vg, nvgBoxGradient(args.vg, b.x, b.y, box.size.x - 2 * b.x, box.size.y - 2 * b.y, c, r, shadowColor, transparentColor));
- nvgFill(args.vg);
- }
- void ModuleWidget::onButton(const event::Button& e) {
- OpaqueWidget::onButton(e);
- if (e.isConsumed())
- return;
- if (e.action == GLFW_PRESS && e.button == GLFW_MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT) {
- createContextMenu();
- e.consume(this);
- }
- }
- void ModuleWidget::onHoverKey(const event::HoverKey& e) {
- OpaqueWidget::onHoverKey(e);
- if (e.isConsumed())
- return;
- if (e.action == GLFW_PRESS || e.action == GLFW_REPEAT) {
- switch (e.key) {
- case GLFW_KEY_I: {
- if ((e.mods & RACK_MOD_MASK) == RACK_MOD_CTRL) {
- resetAction();
- e.consume(this);
- }
- } break;
- case GLFW_KEY_R: {
- if ((e.mods & RACK_MOD_MASK) == RACK_MOD_CTRL) {
- randomizeAction();
- e.consume(this);
- }
- } break;
- case GLFW_KEY_C: {
- if ((e.mods & RACK_MOD_MASK) == RACK_MOD_CTRL) {
- copyClipboard();
- e.consume(this);
- }
- } break;
- case GLFW_KEY_V: {
- if ((e.mods & RACK_MOD_MASK) == RACK_MOD_CTRL) {
- pasteClipboardAction();
- e.consume(this);
- }
- } break;
- case GLFW_KEY_D: {
- if ((e.mods & RACK_MOD_MASK) == RACK_MOD_CTRL) {
- cloneAction();
- e.consume(this);
- }
- } break;
- case GLFW_KEY_U: {
- if ((e.mods & RACK_MOD_MASK) == RACK_MOD_CTRL) {
- disconnectAction();
- e.consume(this);
- }
- } break;
- case GLFW_KEY_E: {
- if ((e.mods & RACK_MOD_MASK) == RACK_MOD_CTRL) {
- bypassAction();
- e.consume(this);
- }
- } break;
- }
- }
- if (e.action == RACK_HELD) {
- switch (e.key) {
- if ((e.mods & RACK_MOD_MASK) == 0) {
- removeAction();
- e.consume(NULL);
- }
- } break;
- }
- }
- }
- void ModuleWidget::onDragStart(const event::DragStart& e) {
- if (e.button != GLFW_MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT)
- return;
- oldPos = box.pos;
- dragPos = APP->scene->rack->mousePos.minus(box.pos);
- APP->scene->rack->updateModuleDragPositions();
- }
- void ModuleWidget::onDragEnd(const event::DragEnd& e) {
- if (e.button != GLFW_MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT)
- return;
- history::ComplexAction* h = APP->scene->rack->getModuleDragAction();
- if (!h) {
- delete h;
- return;
- }
- APP->history->push(h);
- }
- void ModuleWidget::onDragMove(const event::DragMove& e) {
- if (e.button != GLFW_MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT)
- return;
- if (!settings::lockModules) {
- math::Vec pos = APP->scene->rack->mousePos.minus(dragPos);
- if ((APP->window->getMods() & RACK_MOD_MASK) == RACK_MOD_CTRL)
- APP->scene->rack->setModulePosForce(this, pos);
- else
- APP->scene->rack->setModulePosNearest(this, pos);
- }
- }
- void ModuleWidget::setModule(engine::Module* module) {
- if (this->module) {
- delete this->module;
- }
- this->module = module;
- }
- void ModuleWidget::setPanel(std::shared_ptr<Svg> svg) {
- // Remove existing panel
- if (panel) {
- removeChild(panel);
- delete panel;
- panel = NULL;
- }
- // Create SvgPanel
- SvgPanel* svgPanel = new SvgPanel;
- svgPanel->setBackground(svg);
- panel = svgPanel;
- addChildBottom(panel);
- // Set ModuleWidget size based on panel
- box.size.x = std::round(panel->box.size.x / RACK_GRID_WIDTH) * RACK_GRID_WIDTH;
- }
- void ModuleWidget::addParam(ParamWidget* param) {
- params.push_back(param);
- addChild(param);
- }
- void ModuleWidget::addOutput(PortWidget* output) {
- // Check that the port is an output
- assert(output->type == PortWidget::OUTPUT);
- // Check that the port doesn't have a duplicate ID
- for (PortWidget* output2 : outputs) {
- assert(output->portId != output2->portId);
- }
- // Add port
- outputs.push_back(output);
- addChild(output);
- }
- void ModuleWidget::addInput(PortWidget* input) {
- // Check that the port is an input
- assert(input->type == PortWidget::INPUT);
- // Check that the port doesn't have a duplicate ID
- for (PortWidget* input2 : inputs) {
- assert(input->portId != input2->portId);
- }
- // Add port
- inputs.push_back(input);
- addChild(input);
- }
- ParamWidget* ModuleWidget::getParam(int paramId) {
- for (ParamWidget* param : params) {
- if (param->paramQuantity && param->paramQuantity->paramId == paramId)
- return param;
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- PortWidget* ModuleWidget::getOutput(int outputId) {
- for (PortWidget* port : outputs) {
- if (port->portId == outputId)
- return port;
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- PortWidget* ModuleWidget::getInput(int inputId) {
- for (PortWidget* port : inputs) {
- if (port->portId == inputId)
- return port;
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- json_t* ModuleWidget::toJson() {
- if (!module)
- return NULL;
- json_t* rootJ = module->toJson();
- return rootJ;
- }
- void ModuleWidget::fromJson(json_t* rootJ) {
- if (!module)
- return;
- module->fromJson(rootJ);
- }
- void ModuleWidget::copyClipboard() {
- json_t* moduleJ = toJson();
- json_decref(moduleJ);
- });
- char* moduleJson = json_dumps(moduleJ, JSON_INDENT(2) | JSON_REAL_PRECISION(9));
- free(moduleJson);
- });
- glfwSetClipboardString(APP->window->win, moduleJson);
- }
- void ModuleWidget::pasteClipboardAction() {
- const char* moduleJson = glfwGetClipboardString(APP->window->win);
- if (!moduleJson) {
- WARN("Could not get text from clipboard.");
- return;
- }
- json_error_t error;
- json_t* moduleJ = json_loads(moduleJson, 0, &error);
- if (!moduleJ) {
- WARN("JSON parsing error at %s %d:%d %s", error.source, error.line, error.column, error.text);
- return;
- }
- json_decref(moduleJ);
- });
- // history::ModuleChange
- history::ModuleChange* h = new history::ModuleChange;
- h->name = "paste module preset";
- h->moduleId = module->id;
- h->oldModuleJ = toJson();
- fromJson(moduleJ);
- h->newModuleJ = toJson();
- APP->history->push(h);
- }
- void ModuleWidget::loadAction(std::string filename) {
- INFO("Loading preset %s", filename.c_str());
- FILE* file = fopen(filename.c_str(), "r");
- if (!file) {
- WARN("Could not load patch file %s", filename.c_str());
- return;
- }
- fclose(file);
- });
- json_error_t error;
- json_t* moduleJ = json_loadf(file, 0, &error);
- if (!moduleJ) {
- std::string message = string::f("File is not a valid patch file. JSON parsing error at %s %d:%d %s", error.source, error.line, error.column, error.text);
- osdialog_message(OSDIALOG_WARNING, OSDIALOG_OK, message.c_str());
- return;
- }
- json_decref(moduleJ);
- });
- // history::ModuleChange
- history::ModuleChange* h = new history::ModuleChange;
- h->name = "load module preset";
- h->moduleId = module->id;
- h->oldModuleJ = toJson();
- fromJson(moduleJ);
- h->newModuleJ = toJson();
- APP->history->push(h);
- }
- void ModuleWidget::save(std::string filename) {
- INFO("Saving preset %s", filename.c_str());
- json_t* moduleJ = toJson();
- assert(moduleJ);
- json_decref(moduleJ);
- });
- FILE* file = fopen(filename.c_str(), "w");
- if (!file) {
- WARN("Could not write to patch file %s", filename.c_str());
- }
- fclose(file);
- });
- json_dumpf(moduleJ, file, JSON_INDENT(2) | JSON_REAL_PRECISION(9));
- }
- void ModuleWidget::loadDialog() {
- std::string dir = asset::user("presets");
- system::createDirectory(dir);
- osdialog_filters* filters = osdialog_filters_parse(PRESET_FILTERS);
- osdialog_filters_free(filters);
- });
- char* path = osdialog_file(OSDIALOG_OPEN, dir.c_str(), NULL, filters);
- if (!path) {
- // No path selected
- return;
- }
- free(path);
- });
- loadAction(path);
- }
- void ModuleWidget::saveDialog() {
- std::string dir = asset::user("presets");
- system::createDirectory(dir);
- osdialog_filters* filters = osdialog_filters_parse(PRESET_FILTERS);
- osdialog_filters_free(filters);
- });
- char* path = osdialog_file(OSDIALOG_SAVE, dir.c_str(), "Untitled.vcvm", filters);
- if (!path) {
- // No path selected
- return;
- }
- free(path);
- });
- std::string pathStr = path;
- std::string extension = string::filenameExtension(string::filename(pathStr));
- if (extension.empty()) {
- pathStr += ".vcvm";
- }
- save(pathStr);
- }
- void ModuleWidget::disconnect() {
- for (PortWidget* input : inputs) {
- APP->scene->rack->clearCablesOnPort(input);
- }
- for (PortWidget* output : outputs) {
- APP->scene->rack->clearCablesOnPort(output);
- }
- }
- void ModuleWidget::resetAction() {
- assert(module);
- // history::ModuleChange
- history::ModuleChange* h = new history::ModuleChange;
- h->name = "reset module";
- h->moduleId = module->id;
- h->oldModuleJ = toJson();
- for (ParamWidget* param : params) {
- param->reset();
- }
- APP->engine->resetModule(module);
- h->newModuleJ = toJson();
- APP->history->push(h);
- }
- void ModuleWidget::randomizeAction() {
- assert(module);
- // history::ModuleChange
- history::ModuleChange* h = new history::ModuleChange;
- h->name = "randomize module";
- h->moduleId = module->id;
- h->oldModuleJ = toJson();
- for (ParamWidget* param : params) {
- param->randomize();
- }
- APP->engine->randomizeModule(module);
- h->newModuleJ = toJson();
- APP->history->push(h);
- }
- static void disconnectActions(ModuleWidget* mw, history::ComplexAction* complexAction) {
- // Add CableRemove action for all cables attached to outputs
- for (PortWidget* output : mw->outputs) {
- for (CableWidget* cw : APP->scene->rack->getCablesOnPort(output)) {
- if (!cw->isComplete())
- continue;
- // history::CableRemove
- history::CableRemove* h = new history::CableRemove;
- h->setCable(cw);
- complexAction->push(h);
- }
- }
- // Add CableRemove action for all cables attached to inputs
- for (PortWidget* input : mw->inputs) {
- for (CableWidget* cw : APP->scene->rack->getCablesOnPort(input)) {
- if (!cw->isComplete())
- continue;
- // Avoid creating duplicate actions for self-patched cables
- if (cw->outputPort->module == mw->module)
- continue;
- // history::CableRemove
- history::CableRemove* h = new history::CableRemove;
- h->setCable(cw);
- complexAction->push(h);
- }
- }
- }
- void ModuleWidget::disconnectAction() {
- history::ComplexAction* complexAction = new history::ComplexAction;
- complexAction->name = "disconnect cables";
- disconnectActions(this, complexAction);
- APP->history->push(complexAction);
- disconnect();
- }
- void ModuleWidget::cloneAction() {
- ModuleWidget* clonedModuleWidget = model->createModuleWidget();
- assert(clonedModuleWidget);
- // JSON serialization is the obvious way to do this
- json_t* moduleJ = toJson();
- clonedModuleWidget->fromJson(moduleJ);
- json_decref(moduleJ);
- // Reset ID so the Engine automatically assigns a new one
- clonedModuleWidget->module->id = -1;
- APP->scene->rack->addModuleAtMouse(clonedModuleWidget);
- // history::ModuleAdd
- history::ModuleAdd* h = new history::ModuleAdd;
- h->name = "clone modules";
- h->setModule(clonedModuleWidget);
- APP->history->push(h);
- }
- void ModuleWidget::bypassAction() {
- assert(module);
- // history::ModuleBypass
- history::ModuleBypass* h = new history::ModuleBypass;
- h->moduleId = module->id;
- h->bypass = !module->bypass;
- APP->history->push(h);
- h->redo();
- }
- void ModuleWidget::removeAction() {
- history::ComplexAction* complexAction = new history::ComplexAction;
- complexAction->name = "remove module";
- disconnectActions(this, complexAction);
- // history::ModuleRemove
- history::ModuleRemove* moduleRemove = new history::ModuleRemove;
- moduleRemove->setModule(this);
- complexAction->push(moduleRemove);
- APP->history->push(complexAction);
- // This disconnects cables, removes the module, and transfers ownership to caller
- APP->scene->rack->removeModule(this);
- delete this;
- }
- void ModuleWidget::createContextMenu() {
- ui::Menu* menu = createMenu();
- assert(model);
- ui::MenuLabel* modelLabel = new ui::MenuLabel;
- modelLabel->text = model->plugin->brand + " " + model->name;
- menu->addChild(modelLabel);
- ModulePluginItem* pluginItem = new ModulePluginItem;
- pluginItem->text = "Plugin";
- pluginItem->rightText = RIGHT_ARROW;
- pluginItem->plugin = model->plugin;
- menu->addChild(pluginItem);
- ModulePresetItem* presetsItem = new ModulePresetItem;
- presetsItem->text = "Preset";
- presetsItem->rightText = RIGHT_ARROW;
- presetsItem->moduleWidget = this;
- menu->addChild(presetsItem);
- ModuleResetItem* resetItem = new ModuleResetItem;
- resetItem->text = "Initialize";
- resetItem->rightText = RACK_MOD_CTRL_NAME "+I";
- resetItem->moduleWidget = this;
- menu->addChild(resetItem);
- ModuleRandomizeItem* randomizeItem = new ModuleRandomizeItem;
- randomizeItem->text = "Randomize";
- randomizeItem->rightText = RACK_MOD_CTRL_NAME "+R";
- randomizeItem->moduleWidget = this;
- menu->addChild(randomizeItem);
- ModuleDisconnectItem* disconnectItem = new ModuleDisconnectItem;
- disconnectItem->text = "Disconnect cables";
- disconnectItem->rightText = RACK_MOD_CTRL_NAME "+U";
- disconnectItem->moduleWidget = this;
- menu->addChild(disconnectItem);
- ModuleCloneItem* cloneItem = new ModuleCloneItem;
- cloneItem->text = "Duplicate";
- cloneItem->rightText = RACK_MOD_CTRL_NAME "+D";
- cloneItem->moduleWidget = this;
- menu->addChild(cloneItem);
- ModuleBypassItem* bypassItem = new ModuleBypassItem;
- bypassItem->text = "Disable";
- bypassItem->rightText = RACK_MOD_CTRL_NAME "+E";
- if (module && module->bypass)
- bypassItem->rightText = CHECKMARK_STRING " " + bypassItem->rightText;
- bypassItem->moduleWidget = this;
- menu->addChild(bypassItem);
- ModuleDeleteItem* deleteItem = new ModuleDeleteItem;
- deleteItem->text = "Delete";
- deleteItem->rightText = "Backspace/Delete";
- deleteItem->moduleWidget = this;
- menu->addChild(deleteItem);
- appendContextMenu(menu);
- }
- } // namespace app
- } // namespace rack