- #include <app/ModuleBrowser.hpp>
- #include <widget/OpaqueWidget.hpp>
- #include <widget/TransparentWidget.hpp>
- #include <widget/ZoomWidget.hpp>
- #include <ui/ScrollWidget.hpp>
- #include <ui/SequentialLayout.hpp>
- #include <ui/MarginLayout.hpp>
- #include <ui/Label.hpp>
- #include <ui/TextField.hpp>
- #include <ui/MenuOverlay.hpp>
- #include <ui/List.hpp>
- #include <ui/MenuItem.hpp>
- #include <ui/Button.hpp>
- #include <ui/RadioButton.hpp>
- #include <ui/ChoiceButton.hpp>
- #include <ui/Tooltip.hpp>
- #include <app/ModuleWidget.hpp>
- #include <app/Scene.hpp>
- #include <plugin.hpp>
- #include <app.hpp>
- #include <plugin/Model.hpp>
- #include <string.hpp>
- #include <history.hpp>
- #include <settings.hpp>
- #include <tag.hpp>
- #include <set>
- #include <algorithm>
- namespace rack {
- namespace app {
- // Static functions
- static float modelScore(plugin::Model* model, const std::string& search) {
- if (search.empty())
- return 1.f;
- std::string s;
- s += model->plugin->brand;
- s += " ";
- s += model->plugin->name;
- s += " ";
- s += model->name;
- s += " ";
- s += model->slug;
- for (int tagId : model->tags) {
- // Add all aliases of a tag
- for (const std::string& alias : tag::tagAliases[tagId]) {
- s += " ";
- s += alias;
- }
- }
- float score = string::fuzzyScore(string::lowercase(s), string::lowercase(search));
- return score;
- }
- static bool isModelVisible(plugin::Model* model, const std::string& search, const std::string& brand, int tagId) {
- // Filter search query
- if (search != "") {
- float score = modelScore(model, search);
- if (score <= 0.f)
- return false;
- }
- // Filter brand
- if (brand != "") {
- if (model->plugin->brand != brand)
- return false;
- }
- // Filter tag
- if (tagId >= 0) {
- auto it = std::find(model->tags.begin(), model->tags.end(), tagId);
- if (it == model->tags.end())
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- static ModuleWidget* chooseModel(plugin::Model* model) {
- // Create module
- ModuleWidget* moduleWidget = model->createModuleWidget();
- assert(moduleWidget);
- APP->scene->rack->addModuleAtMouse(moduleWidget);
- // Push ModuleAdd history action
- history::ModuleAdd* h = new history::ModuleAdd;
- h->name = "create module";
- h->setModule(moduleWidget);
- APP->history->push(h);
- // Hide Module Browser
- APP->scene->moduleBrowser->hide();
- return moduleWidget;
- }
- template <typename K, typename V>
- V get_default(const std::map<K, V>& m, const K& key, const V& def) {
- auto it = m.find(key);
- if (it == m.end())
- return def;
- return it->second;
- }
- // Widgets
- struct BrowserOverlay : widget::OpaqueWidget {
- void step() override {
- box = parent->box.zeroPos();
- // Only step if visible, since there are potentially thousands of descendants that don't need to be stepped.
- if (visible)
- OpaqueWidget::step();
- }
- void onButton(const event::Button& e) override {
- OpaqueWidget::onButton(e);
- if (e.getTarget() != this)
- return;
- if (e.action == GLFW_PRESS && e.button == GLFW_MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT) {
- hide();
- e.consume(this);
- }
- }
- };
- static const float MODEL_BOX_ZOOM = 0.5f;
- struct ModelBox : widget::OpaqueWidget {
- plugin::Model* model;
- widget::Widget* previewWidget;
- ui::Tooltip* tooltip = NULL;
- /** Lazily created */
- widget::FramebufferWidget* previewFb = NULL;
- ModelBox() {
- // Approximate size as 10HP before we know the actual size.
- // We need a nonzero size, otherwise the parent widget will consider it not in the draw bounds, so its preview will not be lazily created.
- box.size.x = 10 * RACK_GRID_WIDTH * MODEL_BOX_ZOOM;
- box.size = box.size.ceil();
- }
- void setModel(plugin::Model* model) {
- this->model = model;
- previewWidget = new widget::TransparentWidget;
- previewWidget->box.size.y = std::ceil(RACK_GRID_HEIGHT * MODEL_BOX_ZOOM);
- addChild(previewWidget);
- }
- void createPreview() {
- previewFb = new widget::FramebufferWidget;
- if (math::isNear(APP->window->pixelRatio, 1.0)) {
- // Small details draw poorly at low DPI, so oversample when drawing to the framebuffer
- previewFb->oversample = 2.0;
- }
- previewWidget->addChild(previewFb);
- widget::ZoomWidget* zoomWidget = new widget::ZoomWidget;
- zoomWidget->setZoom(MODEL_BOX_ZOOM);
- previewFb->addChild(zoomWidget);
- ModuleWidget* moduleWidget = model->createModuleWidgetNull();
- zoomWidget->addChild(moduleWidget);
- zoomWidget->box.size.x = moduleWidget->box.size.x * MODEL_BOX_ZOOM;
- zoomWidget->box.size.y = RACK_GRID_HEIGHT * MODEL_BOX_ZOOM;
- previewWidget->box.size.x = std::ceil(zoomWidget->box.size.x);
- box.size.x = previewWidget->box.size.x;
- }
- void draw(const DrawArgs& args) override {
- // Lazily create preview when drawn
- if (!previewFb) {
- createPreview();
- }
- // Draw shadow
- nvgBeginPath(args.vg);
- float r = 10; // Blur radius
- float c = 10; // Corner radius
- nvgRect(args.vg, -r, -r, box.size.x + 2 * r, box.size.y + 2 * r);
- NVGcolor shadowColor = nvgRGBAf(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
- NVGcolor transparentColor = nvgRGBAf(0, 0, 0, 0);
- nvgFillPaint(args.vg, nvgBoxGradient(args.vg, 0, 0, box.size.x, box.size.y, c, r, shadowColor, transparentColor));
- nvgFill(args.vg);
- OpaqueWidget::draw(args);
- }
- void setTooltip(ui::Tooltip* tooltip) {
- if (this->tooltip) {
- this->tooltip->requestDelete();
- this->tooltip = NULL;
- }
- if (tooltip) {
- APP->scene->addChild(tooltip);
- this->tooltip = tooltip;
- }
- }
- void onButton(const event::Button& e) override {
- OpaqueWidget::onButton(e);
- if (e.getTarget() != this)
- return;
- if (e.action == GLFW_PRESS && e.button == GLFW_MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT) {
- ModuleWidget* mw = chooseModel(model);
- // Pretend the moduleWidget was clicked so it can be dragged in the RackWidget
- e.consume(mw);
- }
- }
- void onEnter(const event::Enter& e) override {
- std::string text;
- text = model->plugin->brand;
- text += " " + model->name;
- // Tags
- text += "\nTags: ";
- for (size_t i = 0; i < model->tags.size(); i++) {
- if (i > 0)
- text += ", ";
- int tagId = model->tags[i];
- text += tag::tagAliases[tagId][0];
- }
- // Description
- if (model->description != "") {
- text += "\n" + model->description;
- }
- ui::Tooltip* tooltip = new ui::Tooltip;
- tooltip->text = text;
- setTooltip(tooltip);
- }
- void onLeave(const event::Leave& e) override {
- setTooltip(NULL);
- }
- void onHide(const event::Hide& e) override {
- // Hide tooltip
- setTooltip(NULL);
- OpaqueWidget::onHide(e);
- }
- };
- struct BrandItem : ui::MenuItem {
- void onAction(const event::Action& e) override;
- void step() override;
- };
- struct TagItem : ui::MenuItem {
- int tagId;
- void onAction(const event::Action& e) override;
- void step() override;
- };
- struct BrowserSearchField : ui::TextField {
- void step() override {
- // Steal focus when step is called
- APP->event->setSelected(this);
- TextField::step();
- }
- void onSelectKey(const event::SelectKey& e) override;
- void onChange(const event::Change& e) override;
- void onAction(const event::Action& e) override;
- void onHide(const event::Hide& e) override {
- APP->event->setSelected(NULL);
- ui::TextField::onHide(e);
- }
- void onShow(const event::Show& e) override {
- selectAll();
- TextField::onShow(e);
- }
- };
- struct ClearButton : ui::Button {
- void onAction(const event::Action& e) override;
- };
- struct BrowserSidebar : widget::Widget {
- BrowserSearchField* searchField;
- ClearButton* clearButton;
- ui::Label* tagLabel;
- ui::List* tagList;
- ui::ScrollWidget* tagScroll;
- ui::Label* brandLabel;
- ui::List* brandList;
- ui::ScrollWidget* brandScroll;
- BrowserSidebar() {
- // Search
- searchField = new BrowserSearchField;
- addChild(searchField);
- // Clear filters
- clearButton = new ClearButton;
- clearButton->text = "Reset filters";
- addChild(clearButton);
- // Tag label
- tagLabel = new ui::Label;
- // tagLabel->fontSize = 16;
- tagLabel->color = nvgRGB(0x80, 0x80, 0x80);
- tagLabel->text = "Tags";
- addChild(tagLabel);
- // Tag list
- tagScroll = new ui::ScrollWidget;
- addChild(tagScroll);
- tagList = new ui::List;
- tagScroll->container->addChild(tagList);
- for (int tagId = 0; tagId < (int) tag::tagAliases.size(); tagId++) {
- TagItem* item = new TagItem;
- item->text = tag::tagAliases[tagId][0];
- item->tagId = tagId;
- tagList->addChild(item);
- }
- // Brand label
- brandLabel = new ui::Label;
- // brandLabel->fontSize = 16;
- brandLabel->color = nvgRGB(0x80, 0x80, 0x80);
- brandLabel->text = "Brands";
- addChild(brandLabel);
- // Brand list
- brandScroll = new ui::ScrollWidget;
- addChild(brandScroll);
- brandList = new ui::List;
- brandScroll->container->addChild(brandList);
- // Collect brands from all plugins
- std::set<std::string, string::CaseInsensitiveCompare> brands;
- for (plugin::Plugin* plugin : plugin::plugins) {
- brands.insert(plugin->brand);
- }
- for (const std::string& brand : brands) {
- BrandItem* item = new BrandItem;
- item->text = brand;
- brandList->addChild(item);
- }
- }
- void step() override {
- searchField->box.size.x = box.size.x;
- clearButton->box.pos = searchField->box.getBottomLeft();
- clearButton->box.size.x = box.size.x;
- float listHeight = (box.size.y - clearButton->box.getBottom()) / 2;
- listHeight = std::floor(listHeight);
- tagLabel->box.pos = clearButton->box.getBottomLeft();
- tagLabel->box.size.x = box.size.x;
- tagScroll->box.pos = tagLabel->box.getBottomLeft();
- tagScroll->box.size.y = listHeight - tagLabel->box.size.y;
- tagScroll->box.size.x = box.size.x;
- tagList->box.size.x = tagScroll->box.size.x;
- brandLabel->box.pos = tagScroll->box.getBottomLeft();
- brandLabel->box.size.x = box.size.x;
- brandScroll->box.pos = brandLabel->box.getBottomLeft();
- brandScroll->box.size.y = listHeight - brandLabel->box.size.y;
- brandScroll->box.size.x = box.size.x;
- brandList->box.size.x = brandScroll->box.size.x;
- Widget::step();
- }
- };
- struct ModuleBrowser : widget::OpaqueWidget {
- BrowserSidebar* sidebar;
- ui::ScrollWidget* modelScroll;
- ui::Label* modelLabel;
- ui::MarginLayout* modelMargin;
- ui::SequentialLayout* modelContainer;
- std::string search;
- std::string brand;
- int tagId = -1;
- ModuleBrowser() {
- sidebar = new BrowserSidebar;
- sidebar->box.size.x = 200;
- addChild(sidebar);
- modelLabel = new ui::Label;
- // modelLabel->fontSize = 16;
- // modelLabel->box.size.x = 400;
- addChild(modelLabel);
- modelScroll = new ui::ScrollWidget;
- addChild(modelScroll);
- modelMargin = new ui::MarginLayout;
- modelMargin->margin = math::Vec(10, 10);
- modelScroll->container->addChild(modelMargin);
- modelContainer = new ui::SequentialLayout;
- modelContainer->spacing = math::Vec(10, 10);
- modelMargin->addChild(modelContainer);
- // Add ModelBoxes for each Model
- for (plugin::Plugin* plugin : plugin::plugins) {
- for (plugin::Model* model : plugin->models) {
- ModelBox* moduleBox = new ModelBox;
- moduleBox->setModel(model);
- modelContainer->addChild(moduleBox);
- }
- }
- clear();
- }
- void step() override {
- box = parent->box.zeroPos().grow(math::Vec(-70, -70));
- sidebar->box.size.y = box.size.y;
- modelLabel->box.pos = sidebar->box.getTopRight().plus(math::Vec(5, 5));
- modelScroll->box.pos = sidebar->box.getTopRight().plus(math::Vec(0, 30));
- modelScroll->box.size = box.size.minus(modelScroll->box.pos);
- modelMargin->box.size.x = modelScroll->box.size.x;
- modelMargin->box.size.y = modelContainer->getChildrenBoundingBox().size.y + 2 * modelMargin->margin.y;
- OpaqueWidget::step();
- }
- void draw(const DrawArgs& args) override {
- bndMenuBackground(args.vg, 0.0, 0.0, box.size.x, box.size.y, 0);
- Widget::draw(args);
- }
- void refresh() {
- // Reset scroll position
- modelScroll->offset = math::Vec();
- // Filter ModelBoxes
- for (Widget* w : modelContainer->children) {
- ModelBox* m = dynamic_cast<ModelBox*>(w);
- assert(m);
- m->visible = isModelVisible(m->model, search, brand, tagId);
- }
- // Sort ModelBoxes
- modelContainer->children.sort([&](Widget * w1, Widget * w2) {
- ModelBox* m1 = dynamic_cast<ModelBox*>(w1);
- ModelBox* m2 = dynamic_cast<ModelBox*>(w2);
- // Sort by (modifiedTimestamp descending, plugin brand)
- auto t1 = std::make_tuple(-m1->model->plugin->modifiedTimestamp, m1->model->plugin->brand);
- auto t2 = std::make_tuple(-m2->model->plugin->modifiedTimestamp, m2->model->plugin->brand);
- return t1 < t2;
- });
- if (search.empty()) {
- // We've already sorted above
- }
- else {
- std::map<Widget*, float> scores;
- // Compute scores
- for (Widget* w : modelContainer->children) {
- ModelBox* m = dynamic_cast<ModelBox*>(w);
- assert(m);
- if (!m->visible)
- continue;
- scores[m] = modelScore(m->model, search);
- }
- // // Sort by score
- // modelContainer->children.sort([&](Widget *w1, Widget *w2) {
- // // If score was not computed, scores[w] returns 0, but this doesn't matter because those widgets aren't visible.
- // return get_default(scores, w1, 0.f) > get_default(scores, w2, 0.f);
- // });
- }
- // Filter the brand and tag lists
- // Get modules that would be filtered by just the search query
- std::vector<plugin::Model*> filteredModels;
- for (Widget* w : modelContainer->children) {
- ModelBox* m = dynamic_cast<ModelBox*>(w);
- assert(m);
- if (isModelVisible(m->model, search, "", -1))
- filteredModels.push_back(m->model);
- }
- auto hasModel = [&](const std::string & brand, int tagId) -> bool {
- for (plugin::Model* model : filteredModels) {
- if (isModelVisible(model, "", brand, tagId))
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- };
- // Enable brand and tag items that are available in visible ModelBoxes
- int brandsLen = 0;
- for (Widget* w : sidebar->brandList->children) {
- BrandItem* item = dynamic_cast<BrandItem*>(w);
- assert(item);
- item->disabled = !hasModel(item->text, tagId);
- if (!item->disabled)
- brandsLen++;
- }
- sidebar->brandLabel->text = string::f("Brands (%d)", brandsLen);
- int tagsLen = 0;
- for (Widget* w : sidebar->tagList->children) {
- TagItem* item = dynamic_cast<TagItem*>(w);
- assert(item);
- item->disabled = !hasModel(brand, item->tagId);
- if (!item->disabled)
- tagsLen++;
- }
- sidebar->tagLabel->text = string::f("Tags (%d)", tagsLen);
- // Count models
- int modelsLen = 0;
- for (Widget* w : modelContainer->children) {
- if (w->visible)
- modelsLen++;
- }
- modelLabel->text = string::f("Modules (%d) Click and drag a module to place it in the rack.", modelsLen);
- }
- void clear() {
- search = "";
- sidebar->searchField->setText("");
- brand = "";
- tagId = -1;
- refresh();
- }
- void onShow(const event::Show& e) override {
- refresh();
- OpaqueWidget::onShow(e);
- }
- };
- // Implementations to resolve dependencies
- inline void BrandItem::onAction(const event::Action& e) {
- ModuleBrowser* browser = getAncestorOfType<ModuleBrowser>();
- if (browser->brand == text)
- browser->brand = "";
- else
- browser->brand = text;
- browser->refresh();
- }
- inline void BrandItem::step() {
- MenuItem::step();
- ModuleBrowser* browser = getAncestorOfType<ModuleBrowser>();
- active = (browser->brand == text);
- }
- inline void TagItem::onAction(const event::Action& e) {
- ModuleBrowser* browser = getAncestorOfType<ModuleBrowser>();
- if (browser->tagId == tagId)
- browser->tagId = -1;
- else
- browser->tagId = tagId;
- browser->refresh();
- }
- inline void TagItem::step() {
- MenuItem::step();
- ModuleBrowser* browser = getAncestorOfType<ModuleBrowser>();
- active = (browser->tagId == tagId);
- }
- inline void BrowserSearchField::onSelectKey(const event::SelectKey& e) {
- if (e.action == GLFW_PRESS || e.action == GLFW_REPEAT) {
- switch (e.key) {
- BrowserOverlay* overlay = getAncestorOfType<BrowserOverlay>();
- overlay->hide();
- e.consume(this);
- } break;
- if (text == "") {
- ModuleBrowser* browser = getAncestorOfType<ModuleBrowser>();
- browser->clear();
- e.consume(this);
- }
- } break;
- }
- }
- if (!e.getTarget())
- ui::TextField::onSelectKey(e);
- }
- inline void BrowserSearchField::onChange(const event::Change& e) {
- ModuleBrowser* browser = getAncestorOfType<ModuleBrowser>();
- browser->search = string::trim(text);
- browser->refresh();
- }
- inline void BrowserSearchField::onAction(const event::Action& e) {
- // Get first ModelBox
- ModelBox* mb = NULL;
- ModuleBrowser* browser = getAncestorOfType<ModuleBrowser>();
- for (Widget* w : browser->modelContainer->children) {
- if (w->visible) {
- mb = dynamic_cast<ModelBox*>(w);
- break;
- }
- }
- if (mb) {
- chooseModel(mb->model);
- }
- }
- inline void ClearButton::onAction(const event::Action& e) {
- ModuleBrowser* browser = getAncestorOfType<ModuleBrowser>();
- browser->clear();
- }
- // Global functions
- widget::Widget* moduleBrowserCreate() {
- BrowserOverlay* overlay = new BrowserOverlay;
- ModuleBrowser* browser = new ModuleBrowser;
- overlay->addChild(browser);
- return overlay;
- }
- } // namespace app
- } // namespace rack