- #include <app/AudioWidget.hpp>
- #include <helpers.hpp>
- namespace rack {
- namespace app {
- struct AudioDriverItem : ui::MenuItem {
- audio::Port* port;
- int driverId;
- void onAction(const event::Action& e) override {
- port->setDriverId(driverId);
- }
- };
- struct AudioDriverChoice : LedDisplayChoice {
- audio::Port* port;
- void onAction(const event::Action& e) override {
- if (!port)
- return;
- ui::Menu* menu = createMenu();
- menu->addChild(createMenuLabel("Audio driver"));
- for (int driverId : port->getDriverIds()) {
- AudioDriverItem* item = new AudioDriverItem;
- item->port = port;
- item->driverId = driverId;
- item->text = port->getDriverName(driverId);
- item->rightText = CHECKMARK(item->driverId == port->driverId);
- menu->addChild(item);
- }
- }
- void step() override {
- text = (box.size.x >= 200.0) ? "Driver: " : "";
- std::string driverName = (port) ? port->getDriverName(port->driverId) : "";
- if (driverName != "") {
- text += driverName;
- color.a = 1.f;
- }
- else {
- text += "(No driver)";
- color.a = 0.5f;
- }
- }
- };
- struct AudioDeviceItem : ui::MenuItem {
- audio::Port* port;
- int deviceId;
- int offset;
- void onAction(const event::Action& e) override {
- port->setDeviceId(deviceId, offset);
- }
- };
- struct AudioDeviceChoice : LedDisplayChoice {
- audio::Port* port;
- /** Prevents devices with a ridiculous number of channels from being displayed */
- int maxTotalChannels = 128;
- void onAction(const event::Action& e) override {
- if (!port)
- return;
- ui::Menu* menu = createMenu();
- menu->addChild(createMenuLabel("Audio device"));
- int deviceCount = port->getDeviceCount();
- {
- AudioDeviceItem* item = new AudioDeviceItem;
- item->port = port;
- item->deviceId = -1;
- item->text = "(No device)";
- item->rightText = CHECKMARK(item->deviceId == port->deviceId);
- menu->addChild(item);
- }
- for (int deviceId = 0; deviceId < deviceCount; deviceId++) {
- int channels = std::min(maxTotalChannels, port->getDeviceChannels(deviceId));
- for (int offset = 0; offset < channels; offset += port->maxChannels) {
- AudioDeviceItem* item = new AudioDeviceItem;
- item->port = port;
- item->deviceId = deviceId;
- item->offset = offset;
- item->text = port->getDeviceDetail(deviceId, offset);
- item->rightText = CHECKMARK(item->deviceId == port->deviceId && item->offset == port->offset);
- menu->addChild(item);
- }
- }
- }
- void step() override {
- text = (box.size.x >= 200.0) ? "Device: " : "";
- std::string detail = (port) ? port->getDeviceDetail(port->deviceId, port->offset) : "";
- if (detail != "") {
- text += detail;
- color.a = (detail == "") ? 0.5f : 1.f;
- }
- else {
- text += "(No device)";
- color.a = 0.5f;
- }
- }
- };
- struct AudioSampleRateItem : ui::MenuItem {
- audio::Port* port;
- int sampleRate;
- void onAction(const event::Action& e) override {
- port->setSampleRate(sampleRate);
- }
- };
- struct AudioSampleRateChoice : LedDisplayChoice {
- audio::Port* port;
- void onAction(const event::Action& e) override {
- if (!port)
- return;
- ui::Menu* menu = createMenu();
- menu->addChild(createMenuLabel("Sample rate"));
- std::vector<int> sampleRates = port->getSampleRates();
- if (sampleRates.empty()) {
- menu->addChild(createMenuLabel("(Locked by device)"));
- }
- for (int sampleRate : sampleRates) {
- AudioSampleRateItem* item = new AudioSampleRateItem;
- item->port = port;
- item->sampleRate = sampleRate;
- item->text = string::f("%g kHz", sampleRate / 1000.0);
- item->rightText = CHECKMARK(item->sampleRate == port->sampleRate);
- menu->addChild(item);
- }
- }
- void step() override {
- text = (box.size.x >= 100.0) ? "Rate: " : "";
- if (port) {
- text += string::f("%g kHz", port->sampleRate / 1000.0);
- }
- else {
- text += "0 kHz";
- }
- }
- };
- struct AudioBlockSizeItem : ui::MenuItem {
- audio::Port* port;
- int blockSize;
- void onAction(const event::Action& e) override {
- port->setBlockSize(blockSize);
- }
- };
- struct AudioBlockSizeChoice : LedDisplayChoice {
- audio::Port* port;
- void onAction(const event::Action& e) override {
- if (!port)
- return;
- ui::Menu* menu = createMenu();
- menu->addChild(createMenuLabel("Block size"));
- std::vector<int> blockSizes = port->getBlockSizes();
- if (blockSizes.empty()) {
- menu->addChild(createMenuLabel("(Locked by device)"));
- }
- for (int blockSize : blockSizes) {
- AudioBlockSizeItem* item = new AudioBlockSizeItem;
- item->port = port;
- item->blockSize = blockSize;
- float latency = (float) blockSize / port->sampleRate * 1000.0;
- item->text = string::f("%d (%.1f ms)", blockSize, latency);
- item->rightText = CHECKMARK(item->blockSize == port->blockSize);
- menu->addChild(item);
- }
- }
- void step() override {
- text = (box.size.x >= 100.0) ? "Block size: " : "";
- if (port) {
- text += string::f("%d", port->blockSize);
- }
- else {
- text += "0";
- }
- }
- };
- void AudioWidget::setAudioPort(audio::Port* port) {
- clearChildren();
- math::Vec pos;
- AudioDriverChoice* driverChoice = createWidget<AudioDriverChoice>(pos);
- driverChoice->box.size.x = box.size.x;
- driverChoice->port = port;
- addChild(driverChoice);
- pos = driverChoice->box.getBottomLeft();
- this->driverChoice = driverChoice;
- this->driverSeparator = createWidget<LedDisplaySeparator>(pos);
- this->driverSeparator->box.size.x = box.size.x;
- addChild(this->driverSeparator);
- AudioDeviceChoice* deviceChoice = createWidget<AudioDeviceChoice>(pos);
- deviceChoice->box.size.x = box.size.x;
- deviceChoice->port = port;
- addChild(deviceChoice);
- pos = deviceChoice->box.getBottomLeft();
- this->deviceChoice = deviceChoice;
- this->deviceSeparator = createWidget<LedDisplaySeparator>(pos);
- this->deviceSeparator->box.size.x = box.size.x;
- addChild(this->deviceSeparator);
- AudioSampleRateChoice* sampleRateChoice = createWidget<AudioSampleRateChoice>(pos);
- sampleRateChoice->box.size.x = box.size.x / 2;
- sampleRateChoice->port = port;
- addChild(sampleRateChoice);
- this->sampleRateChoice = sampleRateChoice;
- this->sampleRateSeparator = createWidget<LedDisplaySeparator>(pos);
- this->sampleRateSeparator->box.pos.x = box.size.x / 2;
- this->sampleRateSeparator->box.size.y = this->sampleRateChoice->box.size.y;
- addChild(this->sampleRateSeparator);
- AudioBlockSizeChoice* bufferSizeChoice = createWidget<AudioBlockSizeChoice>(pos);
- bufferSizeChoice->box.pos.x = box.size.x / 2;
- bufferSizeChoice->box.size.x = box.size.x / 2;
- bufferSizeChoice->port = port;
- addChild(bufferSizeChoice);
- this->bufferSizeChoice = bufferSizeChoice;
- }
- } // namespace app
- } // namespace rack