- #include <list>
- #include <algorithm>
- #include "rtmidi/RtMidi.h"
- #include "core.hpp"
- #include "MidiIO.hpp"
- #include "dsp/digital.hpp"
- using namespace rack;
- struct MIDIClockToCVInterface : MidiIO, Module {
- enum ParamIds {
- };
- enum InputIds {
- };
- enum OutputIds {
- };
- int clock1ratio = 0;
- int clock2ratio = 0;
- PulseGenerator clock1Pulse;
- PulseGenerator clock2Pulse;
- PulseGenerator continuePulse;
- PulseGenerator startPulse;
- PulseGenerator stopPulse;
- bool tick = false;
- bool running = false;
- bool start = false;
- bool stop = false;
- bool cont = false;
- int c_bar = 0;
- /* Note this is in relation to the Midi clock's Tick (6x per 16th note).
- * Therefore, e.g. the 2:3 is calculated:
- *
- * 24 (Ticks per quarter note) * 2 / 3 = 16
- *
- * Implying that every 16 midi clock ticks we need to send a pulse
- * */
- const int ratios[9] = {6, 8, 12, 16, 24, 32, 48, 96, 192};
- const int numratios = 9;
- /*
- * Length of clock pulse
- */
- const float pulseTime = 0.005;
- MIDIClockToCVInterface() : MidiIO(), Module(NUM_PARAMS, NUM_INPUTS, NUM_OUTPUTS) {
- }
- ~MIDIClockToCVInterface() {
- }
- void step() override;
- void processMidi(std::vector<unsigned char> msg);
- void onDeviceChange() override;
- void resetMidi() override;
- json_t *toJson() override{
- json_t *rootJ = json_object();
- addBaseJson(rootJ);
- json_object_set_new(rootJ, "clock1ratio", json_integer(clock1ratio));
- json_object_set_new(rootJ, "clock2ratio", json_integer(clock2ratio));
- return rootJ;
- }
- void fromJson(json_t *rootJ) override{
- baseFromJson(rootJ);
- json_t *c1rJ = json_object_get(rootJ, "clock1ratio");
- if (c1rJ) {
- clock1ratio = json_integer_value(c1rJ);
- }
- json_t *c2rJ = json_object_get(rootJ, "clock2ratio");
- if (c2rJ) {
- clock2ratio = json_integer_value(c2rJ);
- }
- }
- };
- void MIDIClockToCVInterface::step() {
- float sampleRate = engineGetSampleRate();
- if (isPortOpen()) {
- std::vector<unsigned char> message;
- // midiIn->getMessage returns empty vector if there are no messages in the queue
- getMessage(&message);
- while (message.size() > 0) {
- processMidi(message);
- getMessage(&message);
- }
- }
- if (inputs[CLOCK1_RATIO].active) {
- clock1ratio = int(clampf(inputs[CLOCK1_RATIO].value, 0.0, 10.0) * (numratios - 1) / 10);
- }
- if (inputs[CLOCK2_RATIO].active) {
- clock2ratio = int(clampf(inputs[CLOCK2_RATIO].value, 0.0, 10.0) * (numratios - 1) / 10);
- }
- if (start) {
- start = false;
- running = true;
- startPulse.trigger(pulseTime);
- c_bar = 0;
- }
- if (stop) {
- stop = false;
- running = false;
- stopPulse.trigger(pulseTime);
- }
- if (cont) {
- cont = false;
- running = true;
- continuePulse.trigger(pulseTime);
- }
- if (tick) {
- tick = false;
- /* Note: At least for my midi clock, the clock ticks are sent
- * even if the midi clock is stopped.
- * Therefore, we need to keep track of ticks even when the clock
- * is stopped. Otherwise we can run into weird timing issues.
- */
- if (running) {
- if (c_bar % ratios[clock1ratio] == 0) {
- clock1Pulse.trigger(pulseTime);
- }
- if (c_bar % ratios[clock2ratio] == 0) {
- clock2Pulse.trigger(pulseTime);
- }
- }
- c_bar++;
- // One "midi bar" = 4 whole notes = (6 ticks per 16th) 6 * 16 *4 = 384
- if (c_bar >= 384) {
- c_bar = 0;
- }
- }
- bool pulse = clock1Pulse.process(1.0 / sampleRate);
- outputs[CLOCK1_PULSE].value = pulse ? 10.0 : 0.0;
- pulse = clock2Pulse.process(1.0 / sampleRate);
- outputs[CLOCK2_PULSE].value = pulse ? 10.0 : 0.0;
- pulse = continuePulse.process(1.0 / sampleRate);
- outputs[CONTINUE_PULSE].value = pulse ? 10.0 : 0.0;
- pulse = startPulse.process(1.0 / sampleRate);
- outputs[START_PULSE].value = pulse ? 10.0 : 0.0;
- pulse = stopPulse.process(1.0 / sampleRate);
- outputs[STOP_PULSE].value = pulse ? 10.0 : 0.0;
- }
- void MIDIClockToCVInterface::resetMidi() {
- outputs[CLOCK1_PULSE].value = 0.0;
- outputs[CLOCK2_PULSE].value = 0.0;
- }
- void MIDIClockToCVInterface::processMidi(std::vector<unsigned char> msg) {
- switch (msg[0]) {
- case 0xfa:
- start = true;
- break;
- case 0xfb:
- cont = true;
- break;
- case 0xfc:
- stop = true;
- break;
- case 0xf8:
- tick = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- void MIDIClockToCVInterface::onDeviceChange() {
- setIgnores(true, false);
- }
- struct ClockRatioItem : MenuItem {
- int ratio;
- int *clockRatio;
- void onAction(EventAction &e) override {
- *clockRatio = ratio;
- }
- };
- struct ClockRatioChoice : ChoiceButton {
- int *clockRatio;
- const std::vector<std::string> ratioNames = {"Sixteenth note (1:4 ratio)", "Eighth note triplet (1:3 ratio)",
- "Eighth note (1:2 ratio)", "Quarter note triplet (2:3 ratio)",
- "Quarter note (tap speed)", "Half note triplet (4:3 ratio)",
- "Half note (2:1 ratio)", "Whole note (4:1 ratio)",
- "Two whole notes (8:1 ratio)"};
- const std::vector<std::string> ratioNames_short = {"1:4 ratio", "1:3 ratio", "1:2 ratio", "2:3 ratio", "1:1 ratio",
- "4:3", "2:1 ratio", "4:1 ratio", "8:1 ratio"};
- void onAction(EventAction &e) override {
- Menu *menu = gScene->createMenu();
- menu->box.pos = getAbsoluteOffset(Vec(0, box.size.y)).round();
- menu->box.size.x = box.size.x;
- for (unsigned long ratio = 0; ratio < ratioNames.size(); ratio++) {
- ClockRatioItem *clockRatioItem = new ClockRatioItem();
- clockRatioItem->ratio = ratio;
- clockRatioItem->clockRatio = clockRatio;
- clockRatioItem->text = ratioNames[ratio];
- menu->pushChild(clockRatioItem);
- }
- }
- void step() override {
- text = ratioNames_short[*clockRatio];
- }
- };
- MIDIClockToCVWidget::MIDIClockToCVWidget() {
- MIDIClockToCVInterface *module = new MIDIClockToCVInterface();
- setModule(module);
- box.size = Vec(15 * 9, 380);
- {
- Panel *panel = new LightPanel();
- panel->box.size = box.size;
- addChild(panel);
- }
- float margin = 5;
- float labelHeight = 15;
- float yPos = margin;
- addChild(createScrew<ScrewSilver>(Vec(15, 0)));
- addChild(createScrew<ScrewSilver>(Vec(box.size.x - 30, 0)));
- addChild(createScrew<ScrewSilver>(Vec(15, 365)));
- addChild(createScrew<ScrewSilver>(Vec(box.size.x - 30, 365)));
- {
- Label *label = new Label();
- label->box.pos = Vec(box.size.x - margin - 7 * 15, margin);
- label->text = "MIDI Clk-CV";
- addChild(label);
- yPos = labelHeight*2;
- }
- {
- Label *label = new Label();
- label->box.pos = Vec(margin, yPos);
- label->text = "MIDI Interface";
- addChild(label);
- yPos += labelHeight + margin;
- MidiChoice *midiChoice = new MidiChoice();
- midiChoice->midiModule = dynamic_cast<MidiIO *>(module);
- midiChoice->box.pos = Vec(margin, yPos);
- midiChoice->box.size.x = box.size.x - 10;
- addChild(midiChoice);
- yPos += midiChoice->box.size.y + margin * 4;
- }
- {
- Label *label = new Label();
- label->box.pos = Vec(margin, yPos);
- label->text = "Start";
- addChild(label);
- addOutput(createOutput<PJ3410Port>(Vec(15 * 6, yPos - 5), module, MIDIClockToCVInterface::START_PULSE));
- yPos += labelHeight + margin * 4;
- }
- {
- Label *label = new Label();
- label->box.pos = Vec(margin, yPos);
- label->text = "Stop";
- addChild(label);
- addOutput(createOutput<PJ3410Port>(Vec(15 * 6, yPos - 5), module, MIDIClockToCVInterface::STOP_PULSE));
- yPos += labelHeight + margin * 4;
- }
- {
- Label *label = new Label();
- label->box.pos = Vec(margin, yPos);
- label->text = "Continue";
- addChild(label);
- addOutput(createOutput<PJ3410Port>(Vec(15 * 6, yPos - 5), module, MIDIClockToCVInterface::CONTINUE_PULSE));
- yPos += labelHeight + margin * 6;
- }
- {
- addInput(createInput<PJ3410Port>(Vec(margin, yPos - 5), module, MIDIClockToCVInterface::CLOCK1_RATIO));
- ClockRatioChoice *ratioChoice = new ClockRatioChoice();
- ratioChoice->clockRatio = &module->clock1ratio;
- ratioChoice->box.pos = Vec(int(box.size.x/3), yPos);
- ratioChoice->box.size.x = int(box.size.x/1.5 - margin);
- addChild(ratioChoice);
- yPos += ratioChoice->box.size.y + margin * 3;
- }
- {
- Label *label = new Label();
- label->box.pos = Vec(margin, yPos);
- label->text = "C1 Pulse";
- addChild(label);
- addOutput(createOutput<PJ3410Port>(Vec(15 * 6, yPos - 5), module, MIDIClockToCVInterface::CLOCK1_PULSE));
- yPos += margin * 10;
- }
- {
- addInput(createInput<PJ3410Port>(Vec(margin, yPos - 5), module, MIDIClockToCVInterface::CLOCK2_RATIO));
- ClockRatioChoice *ratioChoice = new ClockRatioChoice();
- ratioChoice->clockRatio = &module->clock2ratio;
- ratioChoice->box.pos = Vec(int(box.size.x/3), yPos);
- ratioChoice->box.size.x = int(box.size.x/1.5 - margin);
- addChild(ratioChoice);
- yPos += ratioChoice->box.size.y + margin * 3;
- }
- {
- Label *label = new Label();
- label->box.pos = Vec(margin, yPos);
- label->text = "C2 Pulse";
- addChild(label);
- addOutput(createOutput<PJ3410Port>(Vec(15 * 6, yPos - 5), module, MIDIClockToCVInterface::CLOCK2_PULSE));
- yPos += labelHeight + margin * 3;
- }
- }
- void MIDIClockToCVWidget::step() {
- ModuleWidget::step();
- }