- RACK_DIR ?= .
- VERSION = master
- FLAGS += \
- -Iinclude \
- -Idep/include -Idep/lib/libzip/include
- ifdef RELEASE
- endif
- SOURCES += $(wildcard src/*.cpp src/*/*.cpp)
- SOURCES += dep/nanovg/src/nanovg.c
- include arch.mk
- ifeq ($(ARCH), lin)
- SOURCES += dep/osdialog/osdialog_gtk2.c
- CFLAGS += $(shell pkg-config --cflags gtk+-2.0)
- LDFLAGS += -rdynamic \
- -lpthread -lGL -ldl \
- $(shell pkg-config --libs gtk+-2.0) \
- -Ldep/lib -lGLEW -lglfw -ljansson -lspeexdsp -lcurl -lzip -lrtaudio -lrtmidi -lcrypto -lssl
- TARGET := Rack
- endif
- ifeq ($(ARCH), mac)
- SOURCES += dep/osdialog/osdialog_mac.m
- CXXFLAGS += -DAPPLE -stdlib=libc++
- LDFLAGS += -stdlib=libc++ -lpthread -ldl \
- -framework Cocoa -framework OpenGL -framework IOKit -framework CoreVideo \
- -Ldep/lib -lGLEW -lglfw -ljansson -lspeexdsp -lcurl -lzip -lrtaudio -lrtmidi -lcrypto -lssl
- TARGET := Rack
- BUNDLE := dist/$(TARGET).app
- endif
- ifeq ($(ARCH), win)
- SOURCES += dep/osdialog/osdialog_win.c
- LDFLAGS += -static-libgcc -static-libstdc++ -lpthread -lws2_32 \
- -Wl,--export-all-symbols,--out-implib,libRack.a -mwindows \
- -lgdi32 -lopengl32 -lcomdlg32 -lole32 \
- -Ldep/lib -lglew32 -lglfw3dll -lcurl -lzip -lrtaudio -lrtmidi -lcrypto -lssl \
- -Wl,-Bstatic -ljansson -lspeexdsp
- TARGET := Rack.exe
- OBJECTS += Rack.res
- endif
- all: $(TARGET)
- dep:
- $(MAKE) -C dep
- run: $(TARGET)
- ifeq ($(ARCH), lin)
- LD_LIBRARY_PATH=dep/lib ./$<
- endif
- ifeq ($(ARCH), mac)
- endif
- ifeq ($(ARCH), win)
- env PATH="$(PATH)":dep/bin ./$<
- endif
- debug: $(TARGET)
- ifeq ($(ARCH), lin)
- LD_LIBRARY_PATH=dep/lib gdb -ex run ./Rack
- endif
- ifeq ($(ARCH), mac)
- DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH=dep/lib gdb -ex run ./Rack
- endif
- ifeq ($(ARCH), win)
- env PATH="$(PATH)":dep/bin gdb -ex run ./Rack
- endif
- perf: $(TARGET)
- ifeq ($(ARCH), lin)
- LD_LIBRARY_PATH=dep/lib perf record --call-graph dwarf ./Rack
- endif
- clean:
- rm -rfv $(TARGET) libRack.a Rack.res build dist
- # For Windows resources
- %.res: %.rc
- windres $^ -O coff -o $@
- include compile.mk
- dist: all
- rm -rf dist
- # Rack distribution
- $(MAKE) -C plugins/Fundamental dist
- ifeq ($(ARCH), mac)
- mkdir -p $(BUNDLE)
- mkdir -p $(BUNDLE)/Contents
- mkdir -p $(BUNDLE)/Contents/Resources
- cp Info.plist $(BUNDLE)/Contents/
- cp -R LICENSE* res $(BUNDLE)/Contents/Resources
- mkdir -p $(BUNDLE)/Contents/MacOS
- cp $(TARGET) $(BUNDLE)/Contents/MacOS/
- strip $(BUNDLE)/Contents/MacOS/$(TARGET)
- cp icon.icns $(BUNDLE)/Contents/Resources/
- otool -L $(BUNDLE)/Contents/MacOS/$(TARGET)
- cp dep/lib/libGLEW.2.1.0.dylib $(BUNDLE)/Contents/MacOS/
- cp dep/lib/libglfw.3.dylib $(BUNDLE)/Contents/MacOS/
- cp dep/lib/libjansson.4.dylib $(BUNDLE)/Contents/MacOS/
- cp dep/lib/libspeexdsp.1.dylib $(BUNDLE)/Contents/MacOS/
- cp dep/lib/libcurl.4.dylib $(BUNDLE)/Contents/MacOS/
- cp dep/lib/libzip.5.dylib $(BUNDLE)/Contents/MacOS/
- cp dep/lib/librtaudio.dylib $(BUNDLE)/Contents/MacOS/
- cp dep/lib/librtmidi.4.dylib $(BUNDLE)/Contents/MacOS/
- cp dep/lib/libcrypto.1.1.dylib $(BUNDLE)/Contents/MacOS/
- install_name_tool -change /usr/local/lib/libGLEW.2.1.0.dylib @executable_path/libGLEW.2.1.0.dylib $(BUNDLE)/Contents/MacOS/$(TARGET)
- install_name_tool -change lib/libglfw.3.dylib @executable_path/libglfw.3.dylib $(BUNDLE)/Contents/MacOS/$(TARGET)
- install_name_tool -change $(PWD)/dep/lib/libjansson.4.dylib @executable_path/libjansson.4.dylib $(BUNDLE)/Contents/MacOS/$(TARGET)
- install_name_tool -change $(PWD)/dep/lib/libspeexdsp.1.dylib @executable_path/libspeexdsp.1.dylib $(BUNDLE)/Contents/MacOS/$(TARGET)
- install_name_tool -change $(PWD)/dep/lib/libcurl.4.dylib @executable_path/libcurl.4.dylib $(BUNDLE)/Contents/MacOS/$(TARGET)
- install_name_tool -change $(PWD)/dep/lib/libzip.5.dylib @executable_path/libzip.5.dylib $(BUNDLE)/Contents/MacOS/$(TARGET)
- install_name_tool -change librtaudio.dylib @executable_path/librtaudio.dylib $(BUNDLE)/Contents/MacOS/$(TARGET)
- install_name_tool -change $(PWD)/dep/lib/librtmidi.4.dylib @executable_path/librtmidi.4.dylib $(BUNDLE)/Contents/MacOS/$(TARGET)
- install_name_tool -change $(PWD)/dep/lib/libcrypto.1.1.dylib @executable_path/libcrypto.1.1.dylib $(BUNDLE)/Contents/MacOS/$(TARGET)
- otool -L $(BUNDLE)/Contents/MacOS/$(TARGET)
- cp plugins/Fundamental/dist/Fundamental-*.zip $(BUNDLE)/Contents/Resources/Fundamental.zip
- # Make DMG image
- cd dist && ln -s /Applications Applications
- cd dist && hdiutil create -srcfolder . -volname Rack -ov -format UDZO Rack-$(VERSION)-$(ARCH).dmg
- endif
- ifeq ($(ARCH), win)
- mkdir -p dist/Rack
- cp -R LICENSE* res dist/Rack/
- cp $(TARGET) dist/Rack/
- strip dist/Rack/$(TARGET)
- cp /mingw64/bin/libwinpthread-1.dll dist/Rack/
- cp /mingw64/bin/zlib1.dll dist/Rack/
- cp /mingw64/bin/libstdc++-6.dll dist/Rack/
- cp /mingw64/bin/libgcc_s_seh-1.dll dist/Rack/
- cp dep/bin/glew32.dll dist/Rack/
- cp dep/bin/glfw3.dll dist/Rack/
- cp dep/bin/libcurl-4.dll dist/Rack/
- cp dep/bin/libjansson-4.dll dist/Rack/
- cp dep/bin/librtmidi-4.dll dist/Rack/
- cp dep/bin/libspeexdsp-1.dll dist/Rack/
- cp dep/bin/libzip-5.dll dist/Rack/
- cp dep/bin/librtaudio.dll dist/Rack/
- cp dep/bin/libcrypto-1_1-x64.dll dist/Rack/
- cp dep/bin/libssl-1_1-x64.dll dist/Rack/
- cp plugins/Fundamental/dist/Fundamental-*.zip dist/Rack/Fundamental.zip
- # Make ZIP
- cd dist && zip -5 -r Rack-$(VERSION)-$(ARCH).zip Rack
- # Make NSIS installer
- makensis installer.nsi
- mv Rack-setup.exe dist/Rack-$(VERSION)-$(ARCH).exe
- endif
- ifeq ($(ARCH), lin)
- mkdir -p dist/Rack
- cp -R LICENSE* res dist/Rack/
- cp $(TARGET) Rack.sh dist/Rack/
- strip dist/Rack/$(TARGET)
- cp dep/lib/libspeexdsp.so dist/Rack/
- cp dep/lib/libjansson.so.4 dist/Rack/
- cp dep/lib/libGLEW.so.2.1 dist/Rack/
- cp dep/lib/libglfw.so.3 dist/Rack/
- cp dep/lib/libcurl.so.4 dist/Rack/
- cp dep/lib/libzip.so.5 dist/Rack/
- cp dep/lib/librtaudio.so dist/Rack/
- cp dep/lib/librtmidi.so.4 dist/Rack/
- cp dep/lib/libssl.so.1.1 dist/Rack/
- cp dep/lib/libcrypto.so.1.1 dist/Rack/
- cp plugins/Fundamental/dist/Fundamental-*.zip dist/Rack/Fundamental.zip
- # Make ZIP
- cd dist && zip -5 -r Rack-$(VERSION)-$(ARCH).zip Rack
- endif
- # Rack SDK distribution
- mkdir -p dist/Rack-SDK
- cp LICENSE* dist/Rack-SDK/
- cp *.mk dist/Rack-SDK/
- cp -R include dist/Rack-SDK/
- mkdir -p dist/Rack-SDK/dep/
- cp -R dep/include dist/Rack-SDK/dep/
- ifeq ($(ARCH), win)
- cp libRack.a dist/Rack-SDK/
- endif
- cd dist && zip -5 -r Rack-SDK-$(VERSION)-$(ARCH).zip Rack-SDK
- # Obviously this will only work if you have the private keys to my server
- UPLOAD_URL := vortico@vcvrack.com:files/
- upload: dist distplugins
- ifeq ($(ARCH), mac)
- rsync dist/*.dmg $(UPLOAD_URL) -zP
- endif
- ifeq ($(ARCH), win)
- rsync dist/*.exe $(UPLOAD_URL) -P
- rsync dist/*.zip $(UPLOAD_URL) -P
- endif
- ifeq ($(ARCH), lin)
- rsync dist/*.zip $(UPLOAD_URL) -zP
- endif
- rsync plugins/*/dist/*.zip $(UPLOAD_URL) -zP
- # Plugin helpers
- allplugins:
- for f in plugins/*; do $(MAKE) -C "$$f"; done
- cleanplugins:
- for f in plugins/*; do $(MAKE) -C "$$f" clean; done
- distplugins:
- for f in plugins/*; do $(MAKE) -C "$$f" dist; done
- plugins:
- for f in plugins/*; do (cd "$$f" && ${CMD}); done
- .PHONY: all dep run debug clean dist allplugins cleanplugins distplugins plugins
- .DEFAULT_GOAL := all