- MACHINE = $(shell $(CC) -dumpmachine)
- ifneq (,$(findstring x86_64-,$(MACHINE)))
- ARCH_X64 := 1
- ARCH_NAME := x64
- else ifneq (,$(findstring arm64-,$(MACHINE)))
- ARCH_ARM64 := 1
- ARCH_NAME := arm64
- else
- $(error Could not determine CPU architecture of $(MACHINE). Try hacking around in arch.mk)
- endif
- ifneq (,$(findstring -darwin,$(MACHINE)))
- ARCH_MAC := 1
- ARCH_OS_NAME := mac
- else ifneq (,$(findstring -mingw32,$(MACHINE)))
- ARCH_WIN := 1
- ARCH_OS_NAME := win
- else ifneq (,$(findstring -linux,$(MACHINE)))
- ARCH_LIN := 1
- ARCH_OS_NAME := lin
- else
- $(error Could not determine OS of $(MACHINE). Try hacking around in arch.mk)
- endif