#pragma once #include "util/common.hpp" #include // for global namespace functions #include // for std::isfinite, etc // Use a few standard math functions without std:: using std::isfinite; using std::isinf; using std::isnan; using std::isnormal; namespace rack { //////////////////// // basic integer functions (suffixed with "i") //////////////////// inline int min(int a, int b) { return (a < b) ? a : b; } inline int max(int a, int b) { return (a > b) ? a : b; } /** Limits a value between a minimum and maximum Assumes min <= max */ inline int clamp(int x, int minimum, int maximum) { return min(max(x, minimum), maximum); } /** Euclidean modulus, always returns 0 <= mod < base for positive base. */ inline int eucmod(int a, int base) { int mod = a % base; return (mod >= 0) ? mod : mod + base; } /** Returns floor(log_2(n)), or 0 if n == 1. */ inline int log2(int n) { int i = 0; while (n >>= 1) { i++; } return i; } inline bool ispow2(int n) { return n > 0 && (n & (n - 1)) == 0; } //////////////////// // basic float functions (suffixed with "f") //////////////////// /** Returns 1.f for positive numbers and -1.f for negative numbers (including positive/negative zero) */ inline float sgn(float x) { return copysignf(1.0f, x); } inline float eucmod(float a, float base) { float mod = fmodf(a, base); return (mod >= 0.0f) ? mod : mod + base; } inline bool isNear(float a, float b, float epsilon = 1.0e-6f) { return fabsf(a - b) <= epsilon; } /** Limits a value between a minimum and maximum Assumes min <= max */ inline float clamp(float x, float minimum, float maximum) { return fminf(fmaxf(x, minimum), maximum); } /** Limits a value between a minimum and maximum If min > max, switches the two values */ inline float clamp2(float x, float min, float max) { return clamp(x, fminf(min, max), fmaxf(min, max)); } /** If the magnitude of x if less than eps, return 0 */ inline float chop(float x, float eps) { return (-eps < x && x < eps) ? 0.0f : x; } inline float rescale(float x, float xMin, float xMax, float yMin, float yMax) { return yMin + (x - xMin) / (xMax - xMin) * (yMax - yMin); } inline float crossfade(float a, float b, float frac) { return a + frac * (b - a); } /** Linearly interpolate an array `p` with index `x` Assumes that the array at `p` is of length at least floor(x)+1. */ inline float interpolateLinear(const float *p, float x) { int xi = x; float xf = x - xi; return crossfade(p[xi], p[xi+1], xf); } /** Complex multiply c = a * b Arguments may be the same pointers i.e. cmultf(&ar, &ai, ar, ai, br, bi) */ inline void cmult(float *cr, float *ci, float ar, float ai, float br, float bi) { *cr = ar * br - ai * bi; *ci = ar * bi + ai * br; } //////////////////// // 2D vector and rectangle //////////////////// struct Rect; struct Vec { float x, y; Vec() : x(0.0f), y(0.0f) {} Vec(float x, float y) : x(x), y(y) {} Vec neg() { return Vec(-x, -y); } Vec plus(Vec b) { return Vec(x + b.x, y + b.y); } Vec minus(Vec b) { return Vec(x - b.x, y - b.y); } Vec mult(float s) { return Vec(x * s, y * s); } Vec mult(Vec b) { return Vec(x * b.x, y * b.y); } Vec div(float s) { return Vec(x / s, y / s); } Vec div(Vec b) { return Vec(x / b.x, y / b.y); } float dot(Vec b) { return x * b.x + y * b.y; } float norm() { return hypotf(x, y); } Vec min(Vec b) { return Vec(fminf(x, b.x), fminf(y, b.y)); } Vec max(Vec b) { return Vec(fmaxf(x, b.x), fmaxf(y, b.y)); } Vec round() { return Vec(roundf(x), roundf(y)); } Vec floor() { return Vec(floorf(x), floorf(y)); } Vec ceil() { return Vec(ceilf(x), ceilf(y)); } bool isEqual(Vec b) { return x == b.x && y == b.y; } bool isZero() { return x == 0.0f && y == 0.0f; } bool isFinite() { return isfinite(x) && isfinite(y); } Vec clamp(Rect bound); }; struct Rect { Vec pos; Vec size; Rect() {} Rect(Vec pos, Vec size) : pos(pos), size(size) {} static Rect fromMinMax(Vec min, Vec max) { return Rect(min, max.minus(min)); } /** Returns whether this Rect contains an entire point, inclusive on the top/left, non-inclusive on the bottom/right */ bool contains(Vec v) { return pos.x <= v.x && v.x < pos.x + size.x && pos.y <= v.y && v.y < pos.y + size.y; } /** Returns whether this Rect contains an entire Rect */ bool contains(Rect r) { return pos.x <= r.pos.x && r.pos.x + r.size.x <= pos.x + size.x && pos.y <= r.pos.y && r.pos.y + r.size.y <= pos.y + size.y; } /** Returns whether this Rect overlaps with another Rect */ bool intersects(Rect r) { return (pos.x + size.x > r.pos.x && r.pos.x + r.size.x > pos.x) && (pos.y + size.y > r.pos.y && r.pos.y + r.size.y > pos.y); } bool isEqual(Rect r) { return pos.isEqual(r.pos) && size.isEqual(r.size); } Vec getCenter() { return pos.plus(size.mult(0.5f)); } Vec getTopRight() { return pos.plus(Vec(size.x, 0.0f)); } Vec getBottomLeft() { return pos.plus(Vec(0.0f, size.y)); } Vec getBottomRight() { return pos.plus(size); } /** Clamps the edges of the rectangle to fit within a bound */ Rect clamp(Rect bound) { Rect r; r.pos.x = clamp2(pos.x, bound.pos.x, bound.pos.x + bound.size.x); r.pos.y = clamp2(pos.y, bound.pos.y, bound.pos.y + bound.size.y); r.size.x = rack::clamp(pos.x + size.x, bound.pos.x, bound.pos.x + bound.size.x) - r.pos.x; r.size.y = rack::clamp(pos.y + size.y, bound.pos.y, bound.pos.y + bound.size.y) - r.pos.y; return r; } /** Nudges the position to fix inside a bounding box */ Rect nudge(Rect bound) { Rect r; r.size = size; r.pos.x = clamp2(pos.x, bound.pos.x, bound.pos.x + bound.size.x - size.x); r.pos.y = clamp2(pos.y, bound.pos.y, bound.pos.y + bound.size.y - size.y); return r; } /** Expands this Rect to contain `other` */ Rect expand(Rect other) { Rect r; r.pos.x = fminf(pos.x, other.pos.x); r.pos.y = fminf(pos.y, other.pos.y); r.size.x = fmaxf(pos.x + size.x, other.pos.x + other.size.x) - r.pos.x; r.size.y = fmaxf(pos.y + size.y, other.pos.y + other.size.y) - r.pos.y; return r; } /** Returns a Rect with its position set to zero */ Rect zeroPos() { Rect r; r.size = size; return r; } }; inline Vec Vec::clamp(Rect bound) { return Vec( clamp2(x, bound.pos.x, bound.pos.x + bound.size.x), clamp2(y, bound.pos.y, bound.pos.y + bound.size.y)); } //////////////////// // Deprecated functions //////////////////// DEPRECATED inline int mini(int a, int b) {return min(a, b);} DEPRECATED inline int maxi(int a, int b) {return max(a, b);} DEPRECATED inline int clampi(int x, int min, int max) {return clamp(x, min, max);} DEPRECATED inline int absi(int a) {return abs(a);} DEPRECATED inline int eucmodi(int a, int base) {return eucmod(a, base);} DEPRECATED inline int log2i(int n) {return log2(n);} DEPRECATED inline bool ispow2i(int n) {return ispow2(n);} DEPRECATED inline float absf(float x) {return fabsf(x);} DEPRECATED inline float sgnf(float x) {return sgn(x);} DEPRECATED inline float eucmodf(float a, float base) {return eucmod(a, base);} DEPRECATED inline bool nearf(float a, float b, float epsilon = 1.0e-6f) {return isNear(a, b, epsilon);} DEPRECATED inline float clampf(float x, float min, float max) {return clamp(x, min, max);} DEPRECATED inline float clamp2f(float x, float min, float max) {return clamp2(x, min, max);} DEPRECATED inline float chopf(float x, float eps) {return chop(x, eps);} DEPRECATED inline float rescalef(float x, float xMin, float xMax, float yMin, float yMax) {return rescale(x, xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax);} DEPRECATED inline float crossf(float a, float b, float frac) {return crossfade(a, b, frac);} DEPRECATED inline float interpf(const float *p, float x) {return interpolateLinear(p, x);} DEPRECATED inline void cmultf(float *cr, float *ci, float ar, float ai, float br, float bi) {return cmult(cr, ci, ar, ai, br, bi);} } // namespace rack