- <?php
- class MemCacher{
- public function __construct($url, $config){
- $raw_hosts = (array)$config->cache_memcached_hosts;
- $this->user = (logged_in()) ? Visitor::current()->login : "guest" ;
- $this->memcache = new Memcache();
- $this->url = $url;
- $this->config = $config;
- $disable_module = true;
- foreach($raw_hosts as $raw){
- $raw = trim($raw);
- if($raw == '') continue;
- $stack = explode(':', $raw);
- $host = false;
- $port = 11211;
- if(count($stack) == 9 or count($stack) == 2){ # ipv6 with port is 9, ipv4 with port is 2
- $port = array_pop($stack);
- }
- if(count($stack) == 1){
- $host = $stack[0];
- }
- if(count($stack) == 8){ # ipv6 is 8 entries
- $host = implode(':', $stack);
- }
- if($host === false and count($stack) > 0){ # probably a uri for other transit
- $host = implode(':', $stack);
- $port = 0; # other transit requires a port of 0
- }
- if($host === false){
- error_log("Memcached error: $raw is an invalid host address");
- }else{
- $this->memcache->addServer($host, $port);
- $disable_module = false;
- }
- }
- //$disable_module = true;
- if ($disable_module)
- cancel_module("cacher");
- }
- function build_key($value){
- $prefix = '';
- if($prefix and $prefix != ''){
- $prefix = "chyrp_$prefix_";
- }else{
- $prefix = "chyrp_";
- }
- return $prefix . $value;
- }
- public function url_available(){
- $this->keys = array();
- $this->keys[] = $this->build_key("global");
- $this->keys[] = $this->build_key("url=" . $this->url);
- $this->keys[] = $this->build_key("user=" . $this->user);
- $this->keys[] = $this->user_url_key = $this->build_key("user_url=/" . $this->user . '/' . $this->url);
- $this->cache_result = $this->memcache->get($this->keys);
- return $this->cached_copy_valid();
- }
- function cached_copy_valid(){
- if(!array_key_exists($this->user_url_key, $this->cache_result))
- return false;
- $copy = $this->cache_result[$this->user_url_key];
- $time = $copy['timestamp'];
- foreach(array_keys($this->cache_result) as $k){
- if($k != $this->user_url_key && $this->cache_result[$k] > $time)
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- public function get(){
- $hash = $this->cache_result[$this->user_url_key];
- if(DEBUG)
- error_log("Memcache: From cache, modified at " . $hash['timestamp'] . " - " . $this->user_url_key);
- $cache = array('contents' => $hash['value'], 'headers' => array());
- return $cache;
- }
- public function set($value){
- $hash = array( 'timestamp' => time(), 'value' => $value );
- $result = $this->memcache->set($this->user_url_key, $hash, false, Config::current()->cache_expire);
- if(!$result){
- exit("Memcache: set failed for " . $this->user_url_key);
- }
- }
- public function regenerate() {
- $this->memcache->set($this->build_key('global'), time());
- }
- public function regenerate_local($user = null) {
- if($user == null) $user = 'guest';
- $this->memcache->set($this->build_key("user=" . $user), time());
- }
- public function remove_caches_for($url) {
- $this->memcache->set($this->build_key("url=" . $url), time());
- }
- }