- <?php
- class FileCacher{
- public function __construct($url, $config) {
- $this->user = (logged_in()) ? Visitor::current()->login : "guest" ;
- $this->path = INCLUDES_DIR."/caches/".sanitize($this->user);
- $this->caches = INCLUDES_DIR."/caches";
- $this->url = $url;
- $this->file = $this->path."/".md5($this->url).".html";
- # If the cache directory is not writable, disable this module and cancel execution.
- if (!is_writable($this->caches))
- cancel_module("cacher");
- # Remove all expired files.
- $this->remove_expired();
- }
- public function url_available(){
- return file_exists($this->file);
- }
- public function get(){
- if (DEBUG)
- error_log("SERVING cache file for ".$this->url."...");
- $cache = array('contents' => file_get_contents($this->file), 'headers' => array());
- if (substr_count($cache['contents'], "<feed"))
- $cache["headers"][] = "Content-Type: application/atom+xml; charset=UTF-8";
- return $cache;
- }
- public function set($value){
- if (DEBUG)
- error_log("GENERATING cache file for ".$this->url."...");
- # Generate the user's directory.
- if (!file_exists($this->path))
- mkdir($this->path);
- file_put_contents($this->file, $value);
- }
- public function remove_expired(){
- foreach ((array) glob($this->caches."/*/*.html") as $file) {
- if (time() - filemtime($file) > Config::current()->cache_expire)
- @unlink($file);
- $dir = dirname($file);
- if (!count((array) glob($dir."/*")))
- @rmdir($dir);
- }
- }
- public function regenerate() {
- if (DEBUG)
- error_log("REGENERATING");
- foreach ((array) glob($this->caches."/*/*.html") as $file)
- @unlink($file);
- }
- public function regenerate_local($user = null) {
- if (DEBUG)
- error_log("REGENERATING local user ".$this->user."...");
- $directory = (isset($user)) ? $this->caches."/".$user : $this->path ;
- foreach ((array) glob($directory."/*.html") as $file)
- @unlink($file);
- }
- public function remove_caches_for($url) {
- if (DEBUG)
- error_log("REMOVING caches for ".$url."...");
- foreach ((array) glob($this->caches."/*/".md5($url).".html") as $file)
- @unlink($file);
- }
- }