This section describes how to activate the non-free software available in KXStudio.

Loomer plugins

All Loomer plugins work the same way.
Just open the respective plugin GUI you have the license for, click the "Options" button at the top and select "Enter Licence Key...".
Fill in your license details and you're done ;)


Renoise registration is a bit unusual, but fairly easy.
Once you have renoise installed in KXStudio (via repositories), go to your renoise backstage account and download the latest stable linux tarball that matches your system architecture (32bit or 64bit).
Unpack it, and copy the 'renoise' binary inside into '/usr/bin/'. The next time you start renoise, it will be registered to your account.
Warning: Do not run the install script in the tarball! If you really want to do so, please remove the 'renoise' package from your system first.