Software developed by the KXStudio Team, pre-compiled and ready to run.
Linux Downloads:
Cadence (32bit, version 0.8.1)
Cadence (64bit, version 0.8.1)
Carla2 (32bit, version , requires Qt 5.9 or higher)
Carla2 (64bit, version , requires Qt 5.9 or higher)
FeSTige (32bit, version 1.0.2)
MacOS Downloads:
Carla2 (compatible build, version , requires macOS 10.8 or higher)
Carla2 (universal build, version , requires macOS 10.12 or higher)
Windows Downloads:
Cadence (32bit, version 0.8.1)
Carla2 (32bit, version )
Carla2 (64bit, version )
Software developed by the KXStudio Team, released as source tarball so that distros other than Ubuntu (or advanced users) can pick it up.
If you're running a Debian or Ubuntu based system, please use the KXStudio Repositories instead.
If you rather see our git repos (for a list of commits for example) check out
Cadence (version 0.8.1)
Carla2 (version )
FeSTige (version 1.0.2)
The KXStudio artwork, which includes:
- KDE4 color scheme
- KDM theme
- KSplash theme
- Plymouth theme
- QtCurve config
- Gtk2/Qt3/Qt4 theme (using qtcurve engine)
- Gtk3 theme (using solidity engine, incomplete)
- Metacity theme
- XFWM4 theme
- Wallpapers
By using QtCurve, our theme can perfectly match Gtk2, Qt3, KDE3, Qt4 and KDE4 applications.
See the KXStudio Artwork section for screenshots of various Desktop Environments using the KXStudio theme.
KXStudio Artwork (version 2012-12-22)