. */ class Query { # Variable: $query # Holds the current query. public $query; /** * Function: __construct * Creates a query based on the . * * Parameters: * $sql - instance. * $query - Query to execute. * $params - An associative array of parameters used in the query. * $throw_exceptions - Throw exceptions on error? */ public function __construct($sql, $query, $params = array(), $throw_exceptions = false) { if (DEBUG) global $time_start; $this->sql = $sql; # Don't count config setting queries. $count = !preg_match("/^SET /", strtoupper($query)); if ($count) ++$this->sql->queries; $this->db =& $this->sql->db; $this->params = $params; $this->throw_exceptions = $throw_exceptions; $this->queryString = $query; if ($count and defined('DEBUG') and DEBUG) { $trace = debug_backtrace(); $target = $trace[$index = 0]; # Getting a traceback from these files doesn't help much. while (match(array("/SQL\.php/", "/Model\.php/", "/\/model\//"), $target["file"])) if (isset($trace[$index + 1]["file"])) $target = $trace[$index++]; else break; $logQuery = $query; foreach ($params as $name => $val) $logQuery = preg_replace("/{$name}([^a-zA-Z0-9_]|$)/", str_replace("\\", "\\\\", $this->sql->escape($val))."\\1", $logQuery); $this->sql->debug[] = array("number" => $this->sql->queries, "file" => str_replace(MAIN_DIR."/", "", $target["file"]), "line" => $target["line"], "query" => $logQuery, "time" => timer_stop()); } switch($this->sql->method) { case "pdo": try { $this->query = $this->db->prepare($query); $result = $this->query->execute($params); $this->query->setFetchMode(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $this->queryString = $query; foreach ($params as $name => $val) $this->queryString = preg_replace("/{$name}([^a-zA-Z0-9_]|$)/", str_replace(array("\\", "\$"), array("\\\\", "\\\$"), $this->sql->escape($val))."\\1", $this->queryString); if (!$result) throw new PDOException; } catch (PDOException $error) { if (!empty($error->errorInfo[1]) and $error->errorInfo[1] == 17) return new self($sql, $query, $params, $throw_exceptions); return $this->handle($error); } break; case "mysqli": foreach ($params as $name => $val) $query = preg_replace("/{$name}([^a-zA-Z0-9_]|$)/", str_replace(array("\\", "\$"), array("\\\\", "\\\$"), $this->sql->escape($val))."\\1", $query); $this->queryString = $query; try { if (!$this->query = $this->db->query($query)) throw new Exception($this->db->error); } catch (Exception $error) { return $this->handle($error); } break; case "mysql": foreach ($params as $name => $val) $query = preg_replace("/{$name}([^a-zA-Z0-9_]|$)/", str_replace(array("\\", "\$"), array("\\\\", "\\\$"), $this->sql->escape($val))."\\1", $query); $this->queryString = $query; try { if (!$this->query = @mysql_query($query)) throw new Exception(mysql_error()); } catch (Exception $error) { return $this->handle($error); } break; } } /** * Function: fetchColumn * Fetches a column of the current row. * * Parameters: * $column - The offset of the column to grab. Default 0. */ public function fetchColumn($column = 0) { switch($this->sql->method) { case "pdo": return $this->query->fetchColumn($column); case "mysqli": $result = $this->query->fetch_array(); return $result[$column]; case "mysql": $result = mysql_fetch_array($this->query); return $result[$column]; } } /** * Function: fetch * Returns the current row as an array. */ public function fetch() { switch($this->sql->method) { case "pdo": return $this->query->fetch(); case "mysqli": return $this->query->fetch_array(); case "mysql": return mysql_fetch_array($this->query); } } /** * Function: fetchObject * Returns the current row as an object. */ public function fetchObject() { switch($this->sql->method) { case "pdo": return $this->query->fetchObject(); case "mysqli": return $this->query->fetch_object(); case "mysql": return mysql_fetch_object($this->query); } } /** * Function: fetchAll * Returns an array of every result. */ public function fetchAll($style = null) { switch($this->sql->method) { case "pdo": return $this->query->fetchAll($style); case "mysqli": $results = array(); while ($row = $this->query->fetch_assoc()) $results[] = $row; return $results; case "mysql": $results = array(); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($this->query)) $results[] = $row; return $results; } } /** * Function: grab * Grabs all of the given column out of the full result of a query. * * Parameters: * $column - Name of the column to grab. * * Returns: * An array of all of the values of that column in the result. */ public function grab($column) { $all = $this->fetchAll(); $result = array(); foreach ($all as $row) $result[] = $row[$column]; return $result; } /** * Function: handle * Handles exceptions thrown by failed queries. */ public function handle($error) { $this->sql->error = $error; if (UPGRADING or $this->sql->silence_errors) return false; $message = $error->getMessage(); $message.= "\n\n
".print_r($this->queryString, true)."\n\n
".print_r($this->params, true)."
"; if (XML_RPC or $this->throw_exceptions) throw new Exception($message); error(__("Database Error"), $message); } }