$val array.
private $yaml = array();
* Function: __construct
* Loads the configuration YAML file.
private function __construct() {
if (!file_exists(INCLUDES_DIR."/config.yaml.php"))
return false;
$contents = str_replace("\n",
$this->yaml = YAML::load($contents);
$arrays = array("enabled_modules", "enabled_feathers", "routes");
foreach ($this->yaml as $setting => $value)
if (in_array($setting, $arrays) and empty($value))
$this->$setting = array();
elseif (!is_int($setting))
$this->$setting = (is_string($value)) ? stripslashes($value) : $value ;
fallback($this->url, $this->chyrp_url);
* Function: set
* Adds or replaces a configuration setting with the given value.
* Parameters:
* $setting - The setting name.
* $value - The value.
* $overwrite - If the setting exists and is the same value, should it be overwritten?
public function set($setting, $value, $overwrite = true) {
if (isset($this->$setting) and $this->$setting == $value and !$overwrite)
return false;
if (isset($this->file) and file_exists($this->file)) {
$contents = str_replace("\n",
$this->yaml = YAML::load($contents);
# Add the setting
$this->yaml[$setting] = $this->$setting = $value;
if (class_exists("Trigger"))
Trigger::current()->call("change_setting", $setting, $value, $overwrite);
# Add the PHP protection!
$contents = "\n";
# Generate the new YAML settings
$contents.= YAML::dump($this->yaml);
if (!@file_put_contents(INCLUDES_DIR."/config.yaml.php", $contents)) {
Flash::warning(_f("Could not set \"%s
\" configuration setting because %s
is not writable.",
array($setting, "/includes/config.yaml.php")));
return false;
} else
return true;
* Function: remove
* Removes a configuration setting.
* Parameters:
* $setting - The name of the setting to remove.
public function remove($setting) {
if (isset($this->file) and file_exists($this->file)) {
$contents = str_replace("\n",
$this->yaml = YAML::load($contents);
# Add the setting
# Add the PHP protection!
$contents = "\n";
# Generate the new YAML settings
$contents.= YAML::dump($this->yaml);
file_put_contents(INCLUDES_DIR."/config.yaml.php", $contents);
* Function: current
* Returns a singleton reference to the current configuration.
public static function & current() {
static $instance = null;
return $instance = (empty($instance)) ? new self() : $instance ;