The KXStudio Desktop theme uses QtCurve as the rendering engine, making it available on Qt3, KDE3, Qt4, KDE4 and Gtk2 applications.
There is a Metacity and XFWM theme as well.
The icon theme used is Oxygen.

Here's some screenshots showing off the theme on different Desktop Environments:

KDE3 (Trinity)



You can get the entire artwork in the Downloads section, just like any other application from us.

To properly apply this theme, you can follow these steps:

A XFWM decoration theme is available for XFCE. You might want to use 'Oxygen Mono Light|Dark' to get monochrome panel applets.
Please note that Gtk3 is not supported at the moment.

The Desktop Session

Besides the theme, the "KXStudio Desktop" also consists of (resumed):

JACK integration
We're talking about making the whole system JACK dependant. JACK is started as soon as the user logs in, using the last session settings or a pre-setup LADISH Studio.
For non-JACK aware apps, bridges are used.
 PulseAudio works nicely with JACK, although it needs a bit medium/high buffer size in order to work properly.
 ALSA has a plugin for JACK too, although it's not perfectly stable.
 SDL-Audio applications will need either a SDL->OSS->JACK, SDL->ALSA->JACK or SDL->PulseAudio->JACK bridge, since there's no native JACK support in SDL. If you're able to get an OSS->JACK bridge working, use it as it is preferred.

Audio Session management through LADISH
There needs to be a tool to manage audio projects (and non-audio as well), and LADISH already provides this functionality.
By integrating with LADISH, we can set-up custom JACK settings, apps and connections, and load it at any time, even when login in.

One-app-to-rule them all (Cadence)
Cadence is our own app that controls the whole audio system, using JACK and LADISH.
This is pre-alpha software though, and it's not even released yet (although it's already present in the KXStudio repositories for testing).
A full Cadence explanation/tutorial will be available once it reaches Alpha 1 (first public release)

The Desktop Environment

There are plans to make our own Desktop Enviroment (including Window Manager), based on Twindy.
A *Mock-up* can be seen here.
There's nothing done for it yet, and it won't be so soon, as there is plenty of stuff to do first ;)