This section describes how to install a minimal Ubuntu system using a Net-Boot ISO.
After the base install is done, we'll proceed to upgrade Ubuntu to KXStudio.

There are some requirements you need to check before trying this:
1 - Your system is connected to the internet via cable;
2 - You've downloaded and burned a KXStudio Net-Boot ISO into a CD;

Step 1 - Boot from the ISO

Make sure your PC is booting from CD drives (the F8 or F9 key during bios splash usually can change the boot media).
If you can't find the key for that, make sure the CD drive is 1st device the PC tries to boot from (there's an option for that in the BIOS).

Step 2 - Install the base system

When you boot from the ISO, the first thing you'll see is a list of languages - pick yours.
Tip: Use the 'F3' key now to change the default keyboard language too.

Now just click 'Enter' to start the installation.

You'll notice this installation method looks rather old, but it's this way because we didn't load any drivers or special stuff yet.
You can browse through the interface using the keyboard. The mouse does nothing at this point.

This installation method is exactly the same in an Ubuntu or Debian net-boot ISO, and it's very similar to the "alternate" method.
Note that if you never used this kind of methods to install a Linux system before, you probably should not install KXStudio this way!
Please go with UbuntuStudio 12.04 as a base install, and upgrade to KXStudio afterwards.

Once you've installed the base system, it will automatically reboot. You can remove the CD now.

Step 3 - Enable the repositories

Login in the terminal with the user credentials you entered during the installation.
Note: You won't get any feedback while entering the password - this is normal (actually a security feature).

When logged in, run these commands to enable the KXStudio repositories:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python-software-properties wget
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kxstudio-team/kxstudio
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install kxstudio-repos
sudo apt-get update

Step 4 - Install the KXStudio Desktop

For this "final" step, you can follow the Upgrade From Ubuntu tutorial, since the steps are the same.
Just skip to the Step 2 - direct link

Of course, you won't have any GUI at this point, so you need to use the command-line methods.