", "Config"), array("", "", "OldConfig"), file_get_contents(config_file()))); if (database_file()) eval(str_replace(array("", "SQL"), array("", "", "OldSQL"), file_get_contents(database_file()))); } # File: Helpers # Various functions used throughout Chyrp's code. require_once INCLUDES_DIR."/helpers.php"; # File: Gettext # Gettext library. require_once INCLUDES_DIR."/lib/gettext/gettext.php"; # File: Streams # Streams library. require_once INCLUDES_DIR."/lib/gettext/streams.php"; # File: YAML # Horde YAML parsing library. require_once INCLUDES_DIR."/lib/YAML.php"; # File: SQL # See Also: # require INCLUDES_DIR."/class/SQL.php"; /** * Class: Config * Handles writing to whichever config file they're using. */ class Config { # Array: $yaml # Stores all of the YAML data. static $yaml = array("config" => array(), "database" => array()); /** * Function: get * Returns a config setting. * * Parameters: * $setting - The setting to return. */ static function get($setting) { return (isset(Config::$yaml["config"][$setting])) ? Config::$yaml["config"][$setting] : false ; } /** * Function: set * Sets a config setting. * * Parameters: * $setting - The config setting to set. * $value - The value for the setting. * $message - The message to display with test(). */ static function set($setting, $value, $message = null) { if (self::get($setting) == $value) return; if (!isset($message)) $message = _f("Setting %s to %s...", array($setting, normalize(print_r($value, true)))); Config::$yaml["config"][$setting] = $value; $protection = "\n"; $dump = $protection.YAML::dump(Config::$yaml["config"]); echo $message.test(@file_put_contents(INCLUDES_DIR."/config.yaml.php", $dump)); } /** * Function: check * Goes a config exist? * * Parameters: * $setting - Name of the config to check. */ static function check($setting) { return (isset(Config::$yaml["config"][$setting])); } /** * Function: fallback * Sets a config setting to $value if it does not exist. * * Parameters: * $setting - The config setting to set. * $value - The value for the setting. * $message - The message to display with test(). */ static function fallback($setting, $value, $message = null) { if (!isset($message)) $message = _f("Adding %s setting...", array($setting)); if (!self::check($setting)) echo self::set($setting, $value, $message); } /** * Function: remove * Removes a setting if it exists. * * Parameters: * $setting - The setting to remove. */ static function remove($setting) { if (!self::check($setting)) return; unset(Config::$yaml["config"][$setting]); $protection = "\n"; $dump = $protection.YAML::dump(Config::$yaml["config"]); echo _f("Removing %s setting...", array($setting)). test(@file_put_contents(INCLUDES_DIR."/config.yaml.php", $dump)); } } if (using_yaml()) { Config::$yaml["config"] = YAML::load(preg_replace("/<\?php(.+)\?>\n?/s", "", file_get_contents(config_file()))); if (database_file()) Config::$yaml["database"] = YAML::load(preg_replace("/<\?php(.+)\?>\n?/s", "", file_get_contents(database_file()))); else Config::$yaml["database"] = oneof(@Config::$yaml["config"]["sql"], array()); } else { # $config and $sql here are loaded from the eval()'s above. foreach ($config as $name => $val) Config::$yaml["config"][$name] = $val; foreach ($sql as $name => $val) Config::$yaml["database"][$name] = $val; } load_translator("chyrp", INCLUDES_DIR."/locale/".Config::get("locale").".mo"); /** * Function: test * Attempts to perform a task, and displays a "success" or "failed" message determined by the outcome. * * Parameters: * $try - The task to attempt. Should return something that evaluates to true or false. * $message - Message to display for the test. */ function test($try, $message = "") { $sql = SQL::current(); if (!empty($sql->error)) { $message.= "\n".$sql->error."\n\n"; $sql->error = ""; } $info = $message; if ($try) return " ".__("success!")."\n"; else return " ".__("failed!")."\n".$info; } #--------------------------------------------- # Upgrading Actions #--------------------------------------------- /** * Function: fix_htaccess * Repairs their .htaccess file. */ function fix_htaccess() { $url = "http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].str_replace("/upgrade.php", "", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); $index = (parse_url($url, PHP_URL_PATH)) ? "/".trim(parse_url($url, PHP_URL_PATH), "/")."/" : "/" ; $path = preg_quote($index, "/"); $htaccess_has_chyrp = (file_exists(MAIN_DIR."/.htaccess") and preg_match("/\n([\s]*)RewriteEngine On\n([\s]*)RewriteBase {$path}\n([\s]*)RewriteCond %\{REQUEST_FILENAME\} !-f\n([\s]*)RewriteCond %\{REQUEST_FILENAME\} !-d\n([\s]*)RewriteRule (\^\.\+\\$|\!\\.\(gif\|jpg\|png\|css\)) index\.php \[L\]\n([\s]*)RewriteRule \^\.\+\\\.twig\\$ index\.php \[L\]\n([\s]*)<\/IfModule>/", file_get_contents(MAIN_DIR."/.htaccess"))); if ($htaccess_has_chyrp) return; $htaccess = "\nRewriteEngine On\nRewriteBase {$index}\nRewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f\nRewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d\nRewriteRule ^.+\$ index.php [L]\nRewriteRule ^.+\\.twig\$ index.php [L]\n"; if (!file_exists(MAIN_DIR."/.htaccess")) echo __("Generating .htaccess file..."). test(@file_put_contents(MAIN_DIR."/.htaccess", $htaccess), __("Try creating the file and/or CHMODding it to 777 temporarily.")); else echo __("Appending to .htaccess file..."). test(@file_put_contents(MAIN_DIR."/.htaccess", "\n\n".$htaccess, FILE_APPEND), __("Try creating the file and/or CHMODding it to 777 temporarily.")); } /** * Function: tweets_to_posts * Enacts the "tweet" to "post" rename. * * Versions: 1.0.2 => 1.0.3 */ function tweets_to_posts() { if (SQL::current()->query("SELECT * FROM __tweets")) echo __("Renaming tweets table to posts..."). test(SQL::current()->query("RENAME TABLE __tweets TO __posts")); if (SQL::current()->query("SELECT add_tweet FROM __groups")) echo __("Renaming add_tweet permission to add_post..."). test(SQL::current()->query("ALTER TABLE __groups CHANGE add_tweet add_post TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'")); if (SQL::current()->query("SELECT edit_tweet FROM __groups")) echo __("Renaming edit_tweet permission to edit_post..."). test(SQL::current()->query("ALTER TABLE __groups CHANGE edit_tweet edit_post TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'")); if (SQL::current()->query("SELECT delete_tweet FROM __groups")) echo __("Renaming delete_tweet permission to delete_post..."). test(SQL::current()->query("ALTER TABLE __groups CHANGE delete_tweet delete_post TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'")); if (Config::check("tweets_per_page")) { Config::fallback("posts_per_page", Config::get("tweets_per_page")); Config::remove("tweets_per_page"); } if (Config::check("tweet_url")) { Config::fallback("post_url", Config::get("tweet_url")); Config::remove("tweet_url"); } if (Config::check("rss_tweets")) { Config::fallback("rss_posts", Config::get("rss_posts")); Config::remove("rss_tweets"); } } /** * Function: pages_parent_id_column * Adds the @parent_id@ column to the "pages" table. * * Versions: 1.0.3 => 1.0.4 */ function pages_parent_id_column() { if (SQL::current()->query("SELECT parent_id FROM __pages")) return; echo __("Adding parent_id column to pages table..."). test(SQL::current()->query("ALTER TABLE __pages ADD parent_id INT(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER user_id")); } /** * Function: pages_list_order_column * Adds the @list_order@ column to the "pages" table. * * Versions: 1.0.4 => 1.1.0 */ function pages_list_order_column() { if (SQL::current()->query("SELECT list_order FROM __pages")) return; echo __("Adding list_order column to pages table..."). test(SQL::current()->query("ALTER TABLE __pages ADD list_order INT(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER show_in_list")); } /** * Function: remove_beginning_slash_from_post_url * Removes the slash at the beginning of the post URL setting. */ function remove_beginning_slash_from_post_url() { if (substr(Config::get("post_url"), 0, 1) == "/") Config::set("post_url", ltrim(Config::get("post_url"), "/")); } /** * Function: move_yml_yaml * Renames config.yml.php to config.yaml.php. * * Versions: 1.1.2 => 1.1.3 */ function move_yml_yaml() { if (file_exists(INCLUDES_DIR."/config.yml.php")) echo __("Moving /includes/config.yml.php to /includes/config.yaml.php..."). test(@rename(INCLUDES_DIR."/config.yml.php", INCLUDES_DIR."/config.yaml.php"), __("Try CHMODding the file to 777.")); } /** * Function: update_protection * Updates the PHP protection code in the config file. */ function update_protection() { if (!file_exists(INCLUDES_DIR."/config.yaml.php") or substr_count(file_get_contents(INCLUDES_DIR."/config.yaml.php"), "")) return; $contents = file_get_contents(INCLUDES_DIR."/config.yaml.php"); $new_error = preg_replace("/<\?php (.+) \?>/", "", $contents); echo __("Updating protection code in config.yaml.php..."). test(@file_put_contents(INCLUDES_DIR."/config.yaml.php", $new_error), __("Try CHMODding the file to 777.")); } /** * Function: theme_default_to_stardust * Changes their theme from "default" to "stardust", or leaves it alone if they're not using "default". * * Versions: => 2.0 */ function theme_default_to_stardust() { if (Config::get("theme") != "default") return; Config::set("theme", "stardust"); } /** * Function: default_db_adapter_to_mysql * Adds an "adapter" SQL setting if it doesn't exist, and sets it to "mysql". * * Versions: => 2.0 */ function default_db_adapter_to_mysql() { $sql = SQL::current(); if (isset($sql->adapter)) return; $sql->set("adapter", "mysql"); } /** * Function: move_upload * Renames the "upload" directory to "uploads". */ function move_upload() { if (file_exists(MAIN_DIR."/upload") and !file_exists(MAIN_DIR."/uploads")) echo __("Renaming /upload directory to /uploads...").test(@rename(MAIN_DIR."/upload", MAIN_DIR."/uploads"), __("Try CHMODding the directory to 777.")); } /** * Function: make_posts_xml * Updates all of the post XML data to well-formed non-CDATAized XML. * * Versions: => 2.0 */ function make_posts_safe() { if (!$posts = SQL::current()->query("SELECT * FROM __posts")) return; if (!SQL::current()->query("SELECT xml FROM __posts")) return; function clean_xml(&$input) { $input = trim($input); } while ($post = $posts->fetchObject()) { if (!substr_count($post->xml, "xml = str_replace("", "", $post->xml); $xml = simplexml_load_string($post->xml, "SimpleXMLElement", LIBXML_NOCDATA); $parse = xml2arr($xml); array_walk_recursive($parse, "clean_xml"); $new_xml = new SimpleXMLElement(""); arr2xml($new_xml, $parse); echo _f("Sanitizing XML data of post #%d...", array($post->id)). test(SQL::current()->update("posts", array("id" => $post->id), array("xml" => $new_xml->asXML()))); } } /** * Function: rss_posts_to_feed_items * Rename the feed items setting. * * Versions: => 2.0 */ function rss_posts_to_feed_items() { if (!Config::check("rss_posts")) return; Config::fallback("feed_items", Config::get("rss_posts")); Config::remove("rss_posts"); } /** * Function: update_groups_to_yaml * Updates the groups to use YAML-based permissions instead of table columns. * * Versions: => 2.0 */ function update_groups_to_yaml() { if (!SQL::current()->query("SELECT view_site FROM __groups")) return; $get_groups = SQL::current()->query("SELECT * FROM __groups"); echo __("Backing up current groups table...").test($get_groups); if (!$get_groups) return; $groups = array(); # Generate an array of groups, name => permissions. while ($group = $get_groups->fetchObject()) { $groups[$group->name] = array("permissions" => array()); foreach ($group as $key => $val) if ($key != "name" and $key != "id" and $val) $groups[$group->name]["permissions"][] = $key; elseif ($key == "id") $groups[$group->name]["id"] = $val; } # Convert permissions array to a YAML dump. foreach ($groups as $key => &$val) $val["permissions"] = YAML::dump($val["permissions"]); $drop_groups = SQL::current()->query("DROP TABLE __groups"); echo __("Dropping old groups table...").test($drop_groups); if (!$drop_groups) return; $groups_table = SQL::current()->query("CREATE TABLE __groups ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, name VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT '', permissions LONGTEXT, UNIQUE (name) ) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8"); echo __("Creating new groups table...").test($groups_table); if (!$groups_table) return; foreach($groups as $name => $values) echo _f("Restoring group \"%s\"...", array($name)). test(SQL::current()->insert("groups", array("id" => $values["id"], "name" => $name, "permissions" => $values["permissions"]))); } /** * Function: add_permissions_table * Creates the "permissions" table and fills it in with the default set. * * Versions: => 2.0 */ function add_permissions_table() { if (SQL::current()->query("SELECT * FROM __permissions")) return; $permissions_table = SQL::current()->query("CREATE TABLE __permissions ( id VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT '' PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT '' ) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8"); echo __("Creating new permissions table...").test($permissions_table); if (!$permissions_table) return; $permissions = array("change_settings" => "Change Settings", "toggle_extensions" => "Toggle Extensions", "view_site" => "View Site", "view_private" => "View Private Posts", "view_draft" => "View Drafts", "view_own_draft" => "View Own Drafts", "add_post" => "Add Posts", "add_draft" => "Add Drafts", "edit_post" => "Edit Posts", "edit_draft" => "Edit Drafts", "edit_own_post" => "Edit Own Posts", "edit_own_draft" => "Edit Own Drafts", "delete_post" => "Delete Posts", "delete_draft" => "Delete Drafts", "delete_own_post" => "Delete Own Posts", "delete_own_draft" => "Delete Own Drafts", "add_page" => "Add Pages", "edit_page" => "Edit Pages", "delete_page" => "Delete Pages", "add_user" => "Add Users", "edit_user" => "Edit Users", "delete_user" => "Delete Users", "add_group" => "Add Groups", "edit_group" => "Edit Groups", "delete_group" => "Delete Groups"); foreach ($permissions as $id => $name) echo _f("Inserting permission \"%s\"...", array($name)). test(SQL::current()->insert("permissions", array("id" => $id, "name" => $name))); } /** * Function: add_sessions_table * Creates the "sessions" table. * * Versions: => 2.0 */ function add_sessions_table() { if (SQL::current()->query("SELECT * FROM __sessions")) return; echo __("Creating `sessions` table..."). test(SQL::current()->query("CREATE TABLE __sessions ( id VARCHAR(40) DEFAULT '', data LONGTEXT, user_id INTEGER DEFAULT '0', created_at DATETIME DEFAULT NULL, updated_at DATETIME DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) ) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8") or die(mysql_error())); } /** * Function: update_permissions_table * Updates the "permissions" table from ## (id) => foo_bar (name) to foo_bar (id) => Foo Bar (name). * * Versions: 2.0b => 2.0 */ function update_permissions_table() { # If there are any non-numeric IDs in the permissions database, assume this is already done. $check = SQL::current()->query("SELECT * FROM __permissions"); while ($row = $check->fetchObject()) if (!is_numeric($row->id)) return; $permissions_backup = array(); $get_permissions = SQL::current()->query("SELECT * FROM __permissions"); echo __("Backing up current permissions table...").test($get_permissions); if (!$get_permissions) return; while ($permission = $get_permissions->fetchObject()) $permissions_backup[] = $permission->name; $drop_permissions = SQL::current()->query("DROP TABLE __permissions"); echo __("Dropping old permissions table...").test($drop_permissions); if (!$drop_permissions) return; echo __("Creating new permissions table..."). test(SQL::current()->query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS __permissions ( id VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT '' PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT '' ) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8")); $permissions = array("change_settings" => "Change Settings", "toggle_extensions" => "Toggle Extensions", "view_site" => "View Site", "view_private" => "View Private Posts", "view_draft" => "View Drafts", "view_own_draft" => "View Own Drafts", "add_post" => "Add Posts", "add_draft" => "Add Drafts", "edit_post" => "Edit Posts", "edit_draft" => "Edit Drafts", "edit_own_post" => "Edit Own Posts", "edit_own_draft" => "Edit Own Drafts", "delete_post" => "Delete Posts", "delete_draft" => "Delete Drafts", "delete_own_post" => "Delete Own Posts", "delete_own_draft" => "Delete Own Drafts", "add_page" => "Add Pages", "edit_page" => "Edit Pages", "delete_page" => "Delete Pages", "add_user" => "Add Users", "edit_user" => "Edit Users", "delete_user" => "Delete Users", "add_group" => "Add Groups", "edit_group" => "Edit Groups", "delete_group" => "Delete Groups"); foreach ($permissions_backup as $id) { $name = isset($permissions[$id]) ? $permissions[$id] : camelize($id, true); echo _f("Restoring permission \"%s\"...", array($name)). test(SQL::current()->insert("permissions", array("id" => $id, "name" => $name))); } } /** * Function: update_custom_routes * Updates the custom routes to be path => action instead of # => path. * * Versions: 2.0rc1 => 2.0rc2 */ function update_custom_routes() { $custom_routes = Config::get("routes"); if (empty($custom_routes)) return; $new_routes = array(); foreach ($custom_routes as $key => $route) { if (!is_int($key)) return; $split = array_filter(explode("/", $route)); if (!isset($split[0])) return; echo _f("Updating custom route %s to new format...", array($route)). test(isset($split[0]) and $new_routes[$route] = $split[0]); } Config::set("routes", $new_routes, "Setting new custom routes configuration..."); } /** * Function: remove_database_config_file * Removes the database.yaml.php file, which is merged into config.yaml.php. * * Versions: 2.0rc1 => 2.0rc2 */ function remove_database_config_file() { if (file_exists(INCLUDES_DIR."/database.yaml.php")) echo __("Removing database.yaml.php file..."). test(@unlink(INCLUDES_DIR."/database.yaml.php"), __("Try deleting it manually.")); } /** * Function: rename_database_setting_to_sql * Renames the "database" config setting to "sql". */ function rename_database_setting_to_sql() { if (Config::check("sql")) return; Config::set("sql", Config::get("database")); Config::remove("database"); } /** * Function: update_post_status_column * Updates the @status@ column on the "posts" table to be a generic varchar field instead of enum. * * Versions: 2.0rc1 => 2.0rc2 */ function update_post_status_column() { $sql = SQL::current(); if (!$column = $sql->query("SHOW COLUMNS FROM __posts WHERE Field = 'status'")) return; if ($column->fetchObject()->Type == "varchar(32)") return; echo __("Updating `status` column on `posts` table...")."\n"; echo " - ".__("Backing up `posts` table..."). test($backup = $sql->select("posts")); if (!$backup) return; $backups = $backup->fetchAll(); echo " - ".__("Dropping `posts` table..."). test($drop = $sql->query("DROP TABLE __posts")); if (!$drop) return; echo " - ".__("Creating `posts` table..."). test($create = $sql->query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS __posts ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, xml LONGTEXT, feather VARCHAR(32) DEFAULT '', clean VARCHAR(128) DEFAULT '', url VARCHAR(128) DEFAULT '', pinned TINYINT(1) DEFAULT 0, status VARCHAR(32) DEFAULT 'public', user_id INTEGER DEFAULT 0, created_at DATETIME DEFAULT NULL, updated_at DATETIME DEFAULT NULL ) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8")); if (!$create) { echo " -".test(false, _f("Backup written to %s.", array("./_posts.bak.txt"))); return file_put_contents("./_posts.bak.txt", var_export($backups, true)); } foreach ($backups as $backup) { echo " - "._f("Restoring post #%d...", array($backup["id"])). test($insert = $sql->insert("posts", $backup), _f("Backup written to %s.", array("./_posts.bak.txt"))); if (!$insert) return file_put_contents("./_posts.bak.txt", var_export($backups, true)); } echo " -".test(true); } /** * Function: add_post_attributes_table * Adds the "post_attributes" table. * * Versions: 2.0rc1 => 2.0rc2 */ function add_post_attributes_table() { $sql = SQL::current(); if ($sql->select("post_attributes")) return; echo __("Creating `post_attributes` table..."). test($sql->query("CREATE TABLE __post_attributes ( post_id INTEGER NOT NULL , name VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT '', value LONGTEXT, PRIMARY KEY (post_id, name) ) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8")); } /** * Function: post_xml_to_db * Migrates the XML post attributes to the "post_attributes" table. * * Versions: 2.0rc1 => 2.0rc2 */ function post_xml_to_db() { $sql = SQL::current(); if (!$rows = $sql->query("SELECT id, xml FROM __posts")) return; function insert_attributes($sql, $row, $xml, &$inserts) { foreach ($xml as $name => $value) { if (is_array($value)) $value = YAML::dump($value); if (!$sql->insert("post_attributes", array("post_id" => $row["id"], "name" => $name, "value" => $value))) { # Clear successful attribute insertions so the # user can try again without primary key conflicts. foreach ($inserts as $insertion) $sql->delete("post_attributes", array("post_id" => $insertion["id"], "name" => $insertion["name"])); return false; } else $inserts[] = array("id" => $row["id"], "name" => $name); } return true; } $results = array(); foreach ($rows->fetchAll() as $row) { if (empty($row["xml"])) continue; $xml = xml2arr(new SimpleXMLElement($row["xml"])); $inserts = array(); echo _f("Migrating attributes of post #%d...", array($row["id"])). test($results[] = insert_attributes($sql, $row, $xml, $inserts)); } if (!in_array(false, $results)) { echo __("Removing `xml` column from `posts` table...")."\n"; echo " - ".__("Backing up `posts` table..."). test($backup = $sql->select("posts")); if (!$backup) return; $backups = $backup->fetchAll(); echo " - ".__("Dropping `posts` table..."). test($drop = $sql->query("DROP TABLE __posts")); if (!$drop) return; echo " - ".__("Creating `posts` table..."). test($create = $sql->query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS __posts ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, feather VARCHAR(32) DEFAULT '', clean VARCHAR(128) DEFAULT '', url VARCHAR(128) DEFAULT '', pinned TINYINT(1) DEFAULT 0, status VARCHAR(32) DEFAULT 'public', user_id INTEGER DEFAULT 0, created_at DATETIME DEFAULT NULL, updated_at DATETIME DEFAULT NULL ) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8")); if (!$create) return file_put_contents("./_posts.bak.txt", var_export($backups, true)); foreach ($backups as $backup) { unset($backup["xml"]); echo " - "._f("Restoring post #%d...", array($backup["id"])). test($insert = $sql->insert("posts", $backup)); if (!$insert) return file_put_contents("./_posts.bak.txt", var_export($backups, true)); } echo " -".test(true); } } /** * Function: add_group_id_to_permissions * Adds the @group_id@ column to the "permissions" table. * * Versions: 2.0rc1 => 2.0rc2 */ function add_group_id_to_permissions() { $sql = SQL::current(); if ($sql->select("permissions", "group_id")) return; echo __("Backing up permissions..."). test($permissions = $sql->select("permissions")); if (!$permissions) return; $backup = $permissions->fetchAll(); echo __("Dropping `permissions` table..."). test($sql->query("DROP TABLE __permissions")); echo __("Creating `permissions` table..."). test($sql->query("CREATE TABLE __permissions ( id VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT '', name VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT '', group_id INTEGER DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY (id, group_id) ) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8")); foreach ($backup as $permission) echo _f("Restoring permission `%s`...", array($permission["name"])). test($sql->insert("permissions", array("id" => $permission["id"], "name" => $permission["name"], "group_id" => 0))); } /** * Function: group_permissions_to_db * Migrates the group permissions from a YAML column to the "permissions" table. * * Versions: 2.0rc1 => 2.0rc2 */ function group_permissions_to_db() { $sql = SQL::current(); if (!$sql->select("groups", "permissions")) return; echo __("Backing up groups..."). test($groups = $sql->select("groups")); if (!$groups) return; $backup = $groups->fetchAll(); $names = array(); foreach($backup as $group) { $names[$group["id"]] = $group["name"]; $permissions[$group["id"]] = empty($group["permissions"]) ? array() : YAML::load($group["permissions"]) ; } echo __("Dropping `groups` table..."). test($sql->query("DROP TABLE __groups")); echo __("Creating `groups` table..."). test($sql->query("CREATE TABLE __groups ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, name VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT '', UNIQUE (name) ) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8")); foreach ($names as $id => $name) echo _f("Restoring group `%s`...", array($name)). test($sql->insert("groups", array("id" => $id, "name" => $name))); foreach ($permissions as $id => $permissions) foreach ($permissions as $permission) echo _f("Restoring permission `%s` on group `%s`...", array($permission, $names[$id])). test($sql->insert("permissions", array("id" => $permission, "name" => $sql->select("permissions", "name", array("id" => $permission))->fetchColumn(), "group_id" => $id))); } /** * Function: remove_old_files * Removes old/unused files from previous installs. */ function remove_old_files() { if (file_exists(INCLUDES_DIR."/config.php")) echo __("Removing `includes/config.php` file..."). test(@unlink(INCLUDES_DIR."/config.php")); if (file_exists(INCLUDES_DIR."/database.php")) echo __("Removing `includes/database.php` file..."). test(@unlink(INCLUDES_DIR."/database.php")); if (file_exists(INCLUDES_DIR."/rss.php")) echo __("Removing `includes/rss.php` file..."). test(@unlink(INCLUDES_DIR."/rss.php")); if (file_exists(INCLUDES_DIR."/bookmarklet.php")) echo __("Removing `includes/bookmarklet.php` file..."). test(@unlink(INCLUDES_DIR."/bookmarklet.php")); } /** * Function: update_user_password_column * Updates the @password@ column on the "users" table to have a length of 60. * * Versions: 2.0rc3 => 2.0 */ function update_user_password_column() { $sql = SQL::current(); if (!$column = $sql->query("SHOW COLUMNS FROM __users WHERE Field = 'password'")) return; if ($column->fetchObject()->Type == "varchar(60)") return; echo __("Updating `password` column on `users` table...")."\n"; echo " - ".__("Backing up `users` table..."). test($backup = $sql->select("users")); if (!$backup) return; $backups = $backup->fetchAll(); echo " - ".__("Dropping `users` table..."). test($drop = $sql->query("DROP TABLE __users")); if (!$drop) return; echo " - ".__("Creating `users` table..."). test($create = $sql->query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `__users` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `login` varchar(64) DEFAULT '', `password` varchar(60) DEFAULT NULL, `full_name` varchar(250) DEFAULT '', `email` varchar(128) DEFAULT '', `website` varchar(128) DEFAULT '', `group_id` int(11) DEFAULT '0', `joined_at` datetime DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE KEY `login` (`login`) ) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8")); if (!$create) { echo " -".test(false, _f("Backup written to %s.", array("./_users.bak.txt"))); return file_put_contents("./_users.bak.txt", var_export($backups, true)); } foreach ($backups as $backup) { echo " - "._f("Restoring user #%d...", array($backup["id"])). test($insert = $sql->insert("users", $backup), _f("Backup written to %s.", array("./_users.bak.txt"))); if (!$insert) return file_put_contents("./_users.bak.txt", var_export($backups, true)); } echo " -".test(true); } ?> <?php echo __("Chyrp Upgrader"); ?>
            $sql->$name = $value;

        # Initialize connection to SQL server.

















        # Perform Module/Feather upgrades.

        foreach ((array) Config::get("enabled_modules") as $module)
            if (file_exists(MAIN_DIR."/modules/".$module."/upgrades.php")) {
                echo $begin = _f("Calling %s Module's upgrader...", array($module))."\n";
                require MAIN_DIR."/modules/".$module."/upgrades.php";
                $buf = ob_get_contents();
                if (ob_get_contents() == $begin)

        foreach ((array) Config::get("enabled_feathers") as $feather)
            if (file_exists(MAIN_DIR."/feathers/".$feather."/upgrades.php")) {
                echo $begin = _f("Calling %s Feather's upgrader...", array($feather))."\n";
                require MAIN_DIR."/feathers/".$feather."/upgrades.php";
                $buf = ob_get_contents();
                if (ob_get_contents() == $begin)

  1. Chyrp Community."); ?>
  2. upgrades.php file exists in their main directory. If that file exists, run this upgrader again after enabling the Module or Feather and it will run the upgrade tasks."); ?>

  • General Settings."); ?>
  • Manage Groups →"); ?>

  1. Make a backup of your installation. You never know."); ?>

Chyrp Community."); ?>