{% extends "layout.twig" %} {% block title %}${ "Route Settings" | translate }{% endblock %} {% block content %}

${ "(recommended)" | translate } ${ "Gives your site prettier urls." | translate }
${ "Requires .htaccess support (pretty common). If you're unsure, it's safe to test and find out. Just come back and disable it if it breaks your site." | translate }

${ "Syntax:" | translate }
  • (year): ${ "Year submitted" | translate } ${ "(ex. 2007)" | translate }
  • (month): ${ "Month submitted" | translate } ${ "(ex. 12)" | translate }
  • (day): ${ "Day submitted" | translate } ${ "(ex. 25)" | translate }
  • (hour): ${ "Hour submitted" | translate } ${ "(ex. 03)" | translate }
  • (minute): ${ "Minute submitted" | translate } ${ "(ex. 59)" | translate }
  • (second): ${ "Second submitted" | translate } ${ "(ex. 30)" | translate }
  • (id): ${ "Post ID" | translate }
  • (author): ${ "Post author (username)" | translate } ${ "(ex. Alex)" | translate }
  • (clean): ${ "The non-unique sanitized name" | translate } ${ "(ex. this_is_clean)" | translate }
  • (url): ${ "The unique form of (clean)" | translate } ${ "(ex. this_one_is_taken_2)" | translate }
  • (feather): ${ "The post's feather" | translate } ${ "(ex. text)" | translate }
  • (feathers): ${ "The plural form of the post's feather" | translate } ${ "(ex. links)" | translate }
  • ${ trigger.call("post_view_url_settings") }

{% endblock %}