KXStudio 14.04.5 is an ISO release based on Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS, made on 09/06/2017.
Check the Live-DVD section in the Downloads page to download it (or just click here).

The Live-DVD contains a highly optimized KDE4 desktop, together with a low-latency kernel (version 3.13).
There's a lot of audio-related applications inside, with even more available to install via the repositories.

The live system is based upon Kubuntu code with several tweaks (like disable file indexer and everything else that can introduce random xruns).

Current 14.04.5 Notes

Pre-installed applications

The list of pre-installed applications in the ISO follows, not listing audio plugins.

Audio         Other
  • Ardour
  • Audacious
  • Audacity
  • Bristol
  • Cadence (and sub-tools)
  • Carla
  • Giada
  • Guitarix
  • Hydrogen
  • Jamin
  • LinuxSampler
  • LMMS
  • Mixxx
  • MusE
  • Non-Mixer
  • Non-Sequencer
  • Non-Session-Manager
  • Non-Timeline
  • Petri-Foo
  • Phasex
  • Qsampler
  • Qsynth
  • Qtractor
  • Rakarrack
  • Rosegarden
  • SEQ24
  • SooperLooper
  • xjadeo
  • Blender
  • Clementine
  • Digikam
  • Firefox
  • Gimp
  • gparted
  • Inkscape
  • KDE base (ark, dolphin, gwenview, k3b, etc)
  • Kdenlive
  • LibreOffice (Impress and Writer)
  • SMPlayer
  • Synaptic
  • VLC