Cadence is a set of tools useful for audio production.
Cadence itself is also an application (the main one), which this page will document.
There are other applications that are part of the Cadence suite, they are usually named as the "Cadence tools".
They are:

Some of these also have sub-tools, such as Cadence-JackMeter and Claudia-Launcher.
Each of these sub-tools is properly documented in its respective page.

Cadence can be executed as 'cadence'.
Running it with '--minimized' makes it start minimized in the systray.

The Interface

A screenshot of the first, "System" tab:
(The panels on the left display system information and checks, and on the right you have the current status of the JACK server and bridges)

A screenshot of the second, "Tools" tab:
(The screenshots are clickable, which will start their respective tools)

A screenshot of the third, "Tweaks" tab:
(This tab allows you to carry out some audio and system related tasks. Some options are not available on certain systems)


Cadence is available in the KXStudio repositories and ArchLinux AUR (both with 'cadence' package name).
ArchLinux (AUR)
Debian/Ubuntu (via KXStudio repositories)

Pre-compiled binaries are available for Linux and Windows.
Linux 32bit
Linux 64bit
Windows 32bit

The latest source code is hosted on github, together with bug reports, feature requests, etc.
Source code
Bug reports / Feature requests