addAlias("markup_post_text", "makesafe", 8); } # Replace the "read more" indicator before markup modules get to it. static function makesafe($text, $post = null) { if (!is_string($text) or !preg_match("//", $text)) return $text; $controller = Route::current()->controller; if ($controller instanceof MainController and $controller->feed) return str_replace("", "", $text); $url = (isset($post) and !$post->no_results) ? $post->url() : "#" ; # For the curious: e51b2b9a58824dd068d8777ec6e97e4d is a md5 of "replace me!" return preg_replace("//", 'e51b2b9a58824dd068d8777ec6e97e4d(((more\\1)))', $text); } # To be used in the Twig template as ${ post.body | read_more("Read more...") } static function read_more($text, $string = null) { if (!substr_count($text, "e51b2b9a58824dd068d8777ec6e97e4d")) return $text; if (Route::current()->action == "view") return preg_replace('/(

)?e51b2b9a58824dd068d8777ec6e97e4d<\/a>\(\(\(more(\((.+)\))?\)\)\)(<\/p>(\n\n<\/p>(\n\n)?)?)?/', "", $text); preg_match_all("/e51b2b9a58824dd068d8777ec6e97e4d(\(\(\(more(\((.+)\))?\)\)\))/", preg_replace("/<[^>]+>/", "", $text), $more, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE); $body = truncate($text, $more[1][0][1], "", true, true, true); $body.= @$more[3][0]; if (!empty($more[2][0])) $string = $more[2][0]; elseif (!isset($string) or $string instanceof Post) # If it's called from anywhere but Twig the post will be passed as a second argument. $string = __("Read More »", "theme"); return str_replace("e51b2b9a58824dd068d8777ec6e97e4d", $string, $body); } static function title_from_excerpt($text) { $split = preg_split("/(

)?/", $text); return $split[0]; } public function preview($text) { return preg_replace("//", "

", $text); } }