group->can("view_site")) if ($trigger->exists("can_not_view_site")) $trigger->call("can_not_view_site"); else show_403(__("Access Denied"), __("You are not allowed to view this site.")); switch($_POST['action']) { case "edit_post": if (!isset($_POST['id'])) error(__("No ID Specified"), __("Please specify an ID of the post you would like to edit.")); $post = new Post($_POST['id'], array("filter" => false, "drafts" => true)); if ($post->no_results) { header("HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found"); $trigger->call("not_found"); exit; } if (!$post->editable()) show_403(__("Access Denied"), __("You do not have sufficient privileges to edit posts.")); $title = $post->title(); $theme_file = THEME_DIR."/forms/feathers/".$post->feather.".php"; $default_file = FEATHERS_DIR."/".$post->feather."/fields.php"; $options = array(); Trigger::current()->filter($options, array("edit_post_options", "post_options"), $post); $main->display("forms/post/edit", array("post" => $post, "feather" => Feathers::$instances[$post->feather], "options" => $options, "groups" => Group::find(array("order" => "id ASC")))); break; case "delete_post": $post = new Post($_POST['id'], array("drafts" => true)); if ($post->no_results) { header("HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found"); $trigger->call("not_found"); exit; } if (!$post->deletable()) show_403(__("Access Denied"), __("You do not have sufficient privileges to delete this post.")); Post::delete($_POST['id']); break; case "view_post": fallback($_POST['offset'], 0); fallback($_POST['context']); $reason = (isset($_POST['reason'])) ? $_POST['reason'] : "" ; if (isset($_POST['id'])) $post = new Post($_POST['id'], array("drafts" => true)); if ($post->no_results) { header("HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found"); $trigger->call("not_found"); exit; } $main->display("feathers/".$post->feather, array("post" => $post, "ajax_reason" => $reason)); break; case "preview": if (empty($_POST['content'])) break; $trigger->filter($_POST['content'], array("preview_".$_POST['feather'], "preview"), $_POST['field'], $_POST['feather']); echo "
directory at your Chyrp install's root and CHMOD it to 777.", array($config->uploads_path));
elseif (!is_writable(MAIN_DIR.$config->uploads_path))
$info["notifications"][] = _f("Please CHMOD %s
to 777.", array($config->uploads_path));
$class_name = camelize($_POST["extension"]);
if ($type == "module" and !is_subclass_of($class_name, "Modules"))
error("", __("Item is not a module."));
if ($type == "feather" and !is_subclass_of($class_name, "Feathers"))
error("", __("Item is not a feather."));
if (method_exists($class_name, "__install"))
call_user_func(array($class_name, "__install"));
$new = $config->$enabled_array;
array_push($new, $_POST["extension"]);
$config->set($enabled_array, $new);
exit('{ "notifications": ['.
(!empty($info["notifications"]) ? '"'.implode('", "', $info["notifications"]).'"' : "").
'] }');
case "disable_module": case "disable_feather":
$type = ($_POST['action'] == "disable_module") ? "module" : "feather" ;
if (!$visitor->group->can("change_settings"))
if ($type == "module")
exit("{ \"notifications\": [\"".__("You do not have sufficient privileges to enable/disable modules.")."\"] }");
exit("{ \"notifications\": [\"".__("You do not have sufficient privileges to enable/disable feathers.")."\"] }");
if (($type == "module" and !module_enabled($_POST['extension'])) or
($type == "feather" and !feather_enabled($_POST['extension'])))
exit("{ \"notifications\": [] }");
$class_name = camelize($_POST["extension"]);
if (method_exists($class_name, "__uninstall"))
call_user_func(array($class_name, "__uninstall"), ($_POST['confirm'] == "1"));
$enabled_array = ($type == "module") ? "enabled_modules" : "enabled_feathers" ;
array_diff($config->$enabled_array, array($_POST['extension'])));
exit('{ "notifications": [] }');
case "reorder_feathers":
$reorder = oneof(@$_POST['list'], $config->enabled_feathers);
foreach ($reorder as &$value)
$value = preg_replace("/feathers\[([^\]]+)\]/", "\\1", $value);
$config->set("enabled_feathers", $reorder);
if (!empty($_POST['action']))