123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317 |
- <?php
- /************************************************************************************
- * systemverilog.php
- * -------
- * Author: Sean O'Boyle
- * Copyright: (C) 2008 IntelligentDV
- * Release Version:
- * Date Started: 2008/06/25
- *
- * SystemVerilog IEEE 1800-2009(draft8) language file for GeSHi.
- *
- * -------
- * 2008/06/25 (1.0.0)
- * - First Release
- *
- * TODO (updated 2008/06/25)
- * -------------------------
- *
- *************************************************************************************
- *
- * This file is part of GeSHi.
- *
- * GeSHi is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- *
- ************************************************************************
- * Title: SystemVerilog Language Keywords File for GeSHi
- * Description: This file contains the SV keywords defined in the
- * IEEE1800-2009 Draft Standard in the format expected by
- * GeSHi.
- *
- * Original Author: Sean O'Boyle
- * Contact: seanoboyle@intelligentdv.com
- * Company: Intelligent Design Verification
- * Company URL: http://intelligentdv.com
- *
- * Download the most recent version here:
- * http://intelligentdv.com/downloads
- *
- * File Bugs Here: http://bugs.intelligentdv.com
- * Project: SyntaxFiles
- *
- * File: systemverilog.php
- * $LastChangedBy: benbe $
- * $LastChangedDate: 2012-08-18 01:56:20 +0200 (Sa, 18. Aug 2012) $
- * $LastChangedRevision: 2542 $
- *
- ************************************************************************/
- $language_data = array (
- 'LANG_NAME' => 'SystemVerilog',
- 'COMMENT_SINGLE' => array(1 => '//'),
- 'COMMENT_MULTI' => array('/*' => '*/'),
- 'COMMENT_REGEXP' => array(1 => '/\/\/(?:\\\\\\\\|\\\\\\n|.)*$/m'),
- 'QUOTEMARKS' => array('"'),
- 'ESCAPE_CHAR' => '\\',
- 'KEYWORDS' => array(
- // system tasks
- 1 => array(
- 'acos','acosh','asin','asinh','assertfailoff','assertfailon',
- 'assertkill','assertnonvacuouson','assertoff','asserton',
- 'assertpassoff','assertpasson','assertvacuousoff','async$and$array',
- 'async$and$plane','async$nand$array','async$nand$plane',
- 'async$nor$array','async$nor$plane','async$or$array',
- 'async$or$plane','atan','atan2','atanh','bits','bitstoreal',
- 'bitstoshortreal','cast','ceil','changed','changed_gclk',
- 'changing_gclk','clog2','cos','cosh','countones','coverage_control',
- 'coverage_get','coverage_get_max','coverage_merge','coverage_save',
- 'dimensions','display','displayb','displayh','displayo',
- 'dist_chi_square','dist_erlang','dist_exponential','dist_normal',
- 'dist_poisson','dist_t','dist_uniform','dumpall','dumpfile',
- 'dumpflush','dumplimit','dumpoff','dumpon','dumpports',
- 'dumpportsall','dumpportsflush','dumpportslimit','dumpportsoff',
- 'dumpportson','dumpvars','error','exit','exp','falling_gclk',
- 'fclose','fdisplay','fdisplayb','fdisplayh','fdisplayo','fell',
- 'fell_gclk','feof','ferror','fflush','fgetc','fgets','finish',
- 'floor','fmonitor','fmonitorb','fmonitorh','fmonitoro','fopen',
- 'fread','fscanf','fseek','fstrobe','fstrobeb','fstrobeh','fstrobeo',
- 'ftell','future_gclk','fwrite','fwriteb','fwriteh','fwriteo',
- 'get_coverage','high','hypot','increment','info','isunbounded',
- 'isunknown','itor','left','ln','load_coverage_db','log10','low',
- 'monitor','monitorb','monitorh','monitoro','monitoroff','monitoron',
- 'onehot','onehot0','past','past_gclk','pow','printtimescale',
- 'q_add','q_exam','q_full','q_initialize','q_remove','random',
- 'readmemb','readmemh','realtime','realtobits','rewind','right',
- 'rising_gclk','rose','rose_gclk','rtoi','sampled',
- 'set_coverage_db_name','sformat','sformatf','shortrealtobits',
- 'signed','sin','sinh','size','sqrt','sscanf','stable','stable_gclk',
- 'steady_gclk','stime','stop','strobe','strobeb','strobeh','strobeo',
- 'swrite','swriteb','swriteh','swriteo','sync$and$array',
- 'sync$and$plane','sync$nand$array','sync$nand$plane',
- 'sync$nor$array','sync$nor$plane','sync$or$array','sync$or$plane',
- 'system','tan','tanh','test$plusargs','time','timeformat',
- 'typename','ungetc','unpacked_dimensions','unsigned',
- 'value$plusargs','warning','write','writeb','writeh','writememb',
- 'writememh','writeo',
- ),
- // compiler directives
- 2 => array(
- '`__FILE__', '`__LINE__', '`begin_keywords', '`case', '`celldefine',
- '`endcelldefine', '`default_nettype', '`define', '`default', '`else',
- '`elsif', '`end_keywords', '`endfor', '`endif',
- '`endprotect', '`endswitch', '`endwhile', '`for', '`format',
- '`if', '`ifdef', '`ifndef', '`include', '`let',
- '`line', '`nounconnected_drive', '`pragma', '`protect', '`resetall',
- '`switch', '`timescale', '`unconnected_drive', '`undef', '`undefineall',
- '`while'
- ),
- // keywords
- 3 => array(
- 'assert', 'assume', 'cover', 'expect', 'disable',
- 'iff', 'binsof', 'intersect', 'first_match', 'throughout',
- 'within', 'coverpoint', 'cross', 'wildcard', 'bins',
- 'ignore_bins', 'illegal_bins', 'genvar', 'if', 'else',
- 'unique', 'priority', 'matches', 'default', 'forever',
- 'repeat', 'while', 'for', 'do', 'foreach',
- 'break', 'continue', 'return', 'pulsestyle_onevent', 'pulsestyle_ondetect',
- 'noshowcancelled', 'showcancelled', 'ifnone', 'posedge', 'negedge',
- 'edge', 'wait', 'wait_order', 'timeunit', 'timeprecision',
- 's', 'ms', 'us', 'ns',
- 'ps', 'fs', 'step', 'new', 'extends',
- 'this', 'super', 'protected', 'local', 'rand',
- 'randc', 'bind', 'constraint', 'solve', 'before',
- 'dist', 'inside', 'with', 'virtual', 'extern',
- 'pure', 'forkjoin', 'design', 'instance', 'cell',
- 'liblist', 'use', 'library', 'incdir', 'include',
- 'modport', 'sync_accept_on', 'reject_on', 'accept_on',
- 'sync_reject_on', 'restrict', 'let', 'until', 'until_with',
- 'unique0', 'eventually', 's_until', 's_always', 's_eventually',
- 's_nexttime', 's_until_with', 'global', 'untyped', 'implies',
- 'weak', 'strong', 'nexttime'
- ),
- // block keywords
- 4 => array(
- 'begin', 'end', 'package', 'endpackage', 'macromodule',
- 'module', 'endmodule', 'generate', 'endgenerate', 'program',
- 'endprogram', 'class', 'endclass', 'function', 'endfunction',
- 'case', 'casex', 'casez', 'randcase', 'endcase',
- 'interface', 'endinterface', 'clocking', 'endclocking', 'task',
- 'endtask', 'primitive', 'endprimitive', 'fork', 'join',
- 'join_any', 'join_none', 'covergroup', 'endgroup', 'checker',
- 'endchecker', 'property', 'endproperty', 'randsequence', 'sequence',
- 'endsequence', 'specify', 'endspecify', 'config', 'endconfig',
- 'table', 'endtable', 'initial', 'final', 'always',
- 'always_comb', 'always_ff', 'always_latch', 'alias', 'assign',
- 'force', 'release'
- ),
- // types
- 5 => array(
- 'parameter', 'localparam', 'specparam', 'input', 'output',
- 'inout', 'ref', 'byte', 'shortint', 'int',
- 'integer', 'longint', 'time', 'bit', 'logic',
- 'reg', 'supply0', 'supply1', 'tri', 'triand',
- 'trior', 'trireg', 'tri0', 'tri1', 'wire',
- 'uwire', 'wand', 'wor', 'signed', 'unsigned',
- 'shortreal', 'real', 'realtime', 'type', 'void',
- 'struct', 'union', 'tagged', 'const', 'var',
- 'automatic', 'static', 'packed', 'vectored', 'scalared',
- 'typedef', 'enum', 'string', 'chandle', 'event',
- 'null', 'pullup', 'pulldown', 'cmos', 'rcmos',
- 'nmos', 'pmos', 'rnmos', 'rpmos', 'and',
- 'nand', 'or', 'nor', 'xor', 'xnor',
- 'not', 'buf', 'tran', 'rtran', 'tranif0',
- 'tranif1', 'rtranif0', 'rtranif1', 'bufif0', 'bufif1',
- 'notif0', 'notif1', 'strong0', 'strong1', 'pull0',
- 'pull1', 'weak0', 'weak1', 'highz0', 'highz1',
- 'small', 'medium', 'large'
- ),
- // DPI
- 6 => array(
- 'DPI', 'DPI-C', 'import', 'export', 'context'
- ),
- // stdlib
- 7 => array(
- 'randomize', 'mailbox', 'semaphore', 'put', 'get',
- 'try_put', 'try_get', 'peek', 'try_peek', 'process',
- 'state', 'self', 'status', 'kill', 'await',
- 'suspend', 'resume', 'size', 'delete', 'insert',
- 'num', 'first', 'last', 'next', 'prev',
- 'pop_front', 'pop_back', 'push_front', 'push_back', 'find',
- 'find_index', 'find_first', 'find_last', 'find_last_index', 'min',
- 'max', 'unique_index', 'reverse', 'sort', 'rsort',
- 'shuffle', 'sum', 'product', 'List', 'List_Iterator',
- 'neq', 'eq', 'data', 'empty', 'front',
- 'back', 'start', 'finish', 'insert_range', 'erase',
- 'erase_range', 'set', 'swap', 'clear', 'purge'
- ),
- // key_deprecated
- 8 => array(
- 'defparam', 'deassign', 'TODO'
- ),
- ),
- 'SYMBOLS' => array(
- '(', ')', '{', '}', '[', ']', '=', '+', '-', '*', '/', '!', '%',
- '^', '&', '|', '~',
- '?', ':',
- '#', '<<', '<<<',
- '>', '<', '>=', '<=',
- '@', ';', ','
- ),
- 'CASE_SENSITIVE' => array(
- GESHI_COMMENTS => false,
- 1 => true,
- 2 => true,
- 3 => true,
- 4 => true,
- 5 => true,
- 6 => true,
- 7 => true,
- 8 => true
- ),
- 'STYLES' => array(
- 'KEYWORDS' => array(
- 1 => 'color: #996666; font-weight: bold;',
- 2 => 'color: #336600; font-weight: bold;',
- 3 => 'color: #996600; font-weight: bold;',
- 4 => 'color: #000033; font-weight: bold;',
- 5 => 'color: #330033; font-weight: bold;',
- 6 => 'color: #996600; font-weight: bold;',
- 7 => 'color: #CC9900; font-weight: bold;',
- 8 => 'color: #990000; font-weight: bold;'
- ),
- 'COMMENTS' => array(
- 1 => 'color: #00008B; font-style: italic;',
- 'MULTI' => 'color: #00008B; font-style: italic;'
- ),
- 'ESCAPE_CHAR' => array(
- 0 => 'color: #9F79EE'
- ),
- 'BRACKETS' => array(
- 0 => 'color: #9F79EE;'
- ),
- 'STRINGS' => array(
- 0 => 'color: #FF00FF;'
- ),
- 'NUMBERS' => array(
- 0 => 'color: #ff0055;'
- ),
- 'METHODS' => array(
- 1 => 'color: #202020;',
- 2 => 'color: #202020;'
- ),
- 'SYMBOLS' => array(
- 0 => 'color: #5D478B;'
- ),
- 'REGEXPS' => array(
- 0 => 'color: #ff0055;',
- 1 => 'color: #ff0055;',
- 2 => 'color: #ff0055;',
- 3 => 'color: #ff0055;'
- ),
- 'SCRIPT' => array(
- 0 => '',
- 1 => '',
- 2 => '',
- 3 => ''
- )
- ),
- 'URLS' => array(
- 1 => '',
- 2 => '',
- 3 => '',
- 4 => '',
- 5 => '',
- 6 => '',
- 7 => '',
- 8 => ''
- ),
- 'OOLANG' => false,
- 'OBJECT_SPLITTERS' => array(
- 1 => ''
- ),
- 'REGEXPS' => array(
- // integer
- 0 => "\d'[bdh][0-9_a-fA-FxXzZ]+",
- // realtime
- 1 => "\d*\.\d+[munpf]?s",
- // time s, ms, us, ns, ps, of fs
- 2 => "\d+[munpf]?s",
- // real
- 3 => "\d*\.\d+"
- ),
- 0 => ''
- ),
- 0 => true
- ),
- 'TAB_WIDTH' => 3,
- 'PARSER_CONTROL' => array(
- 'KEYWORDS' => array(
- 1 => array(
- 'DISALLOWED_BEFORE' => '(?<=$)'
- )
- )
- )
- );
- ?>