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comment.twig 709B

9 years ago
  1. <li id="comment_$comment.id">
  2. {% if comment.status == "denied" %}
  3. <span class="waiting">${ "Your comment is awaiting moderation." | translate }</span>
  4. {% endif %}
  5. ${ "<strong>%s</strong> on <a href=\"%s\" class=\"permalink\">%s</a>" | translate | format(comment.author_link, comment.post.url ~ "#comment_"~comment.id, comment.created_at | strftime("%B %d, %Y, at %I:%M %p" | translate)) }
  6. <blockquote>
  7. $comment.body
  8. </blockquote>
  9. <cite>
  10. ${ comment.delete_link("Delete" | translate, "") }
  11. ${ comment.edit_link("Edit" | translate, "") }
  12. </cite>
  13. </li>