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uscript.php 15KB

11 years ago
11 years ago
  1. <?php
  2. /*************************************************************************************
  3. * uscript.php
  4. * ---------------------------------
  5. * Author: pospi (pospi@spadgos.com)
  6. * Copyright: (c) 2007 pospi (http://pospi.spadgos.com)
  7. * Release Version:
  8. * Date Started: 2007/05/21
  9. *
  10. * UnrealScript language file for GeSHi.
  11. *
  12. * Comments:
  13. * * Main purpose at this time is for Unreal Engine 2 / 2.5
  14. * * Mostly taken from UltraEdit unrealScript wordfile.
  15. *
  16. * CHANGES
  17. * -------
  18. * 2007/05/21 (
  19. * - First Release
  20. *
  21. * TODO (updated 2007/05/21)
  22. * -------------------------
  23. * * Update to feature any UE3 classes / keywords when UT3 comes out
  24. *
  25. *************************************************************************************
  26. *
  27. * This file is part of GeSHi.
  28. *
  29. * GeSHi is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  30. * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  31. * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
  32. * (at your option) any later version.
  33. *
  34. * GeSHi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  35. * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  37. * GNU General Public License for more details.
  38. *
  39. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  40. * along with GeSHi; if not, write to the Free Software
  41. * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
  42. *
  43. ************************************************************************************/
  44. $language_data = array (
  45. 'LANG_NAME' => 'Unreal Script',
  46. 'COMMENT_SINGLE' => array(
  47. 1 => '//',
  48. 2 => '#'
  49. ),
  50. 'COMMENT_MULTI' => array('/*' => '*/'),
  52. 'QUOTEMARKS' => array("'", '"'),
  53. 'ESCAPE_CHAR' => '\\',
  54. 'KEYWORDS' => array(
  55. 1 => array( //declaration keywords
  56. 'simulated', 'state', 'class', 'function', 'event', 'var', 'local',
  57. 'ignores', 'globalconfig', 'config', 'abstract', 'nativereplication', 'native',
  58. 'auto', 'coerce', 'const', 'default',
  59. 'defaultproperties',
  60. 'enum', 'extends', 'expands', 'final', 'guid', 'latent', 'localized',
  61. 'new', 'noexport', 'operator', 'preoperator', 'optional', 'out',
  62. 'private', 'public', 'protected', 'reliable', 'replication',
  63. 'singular', 'static', 'struct', 'transient', 'unreliable',
  64. 'hidedropdown', 'cacheexempt', 'exec', 'delegate', 'import', 'placeable', 'exportstructs'
  65. ),
  66. 2 => array( //control flow keywords
  67. 'for', 'while', 'do', 'if', 'else', 'switch', 'case', 'return', 'break', 'continue',
  68. 'begin', 'loop', 'assert',
  69. 'foreach', 'AllActors', 'DynamicActors', 'ChildActors', 'BasedActors', 'TouchingActors',
  70. 'TraceActors', 'RadiusActors', 'VisibleActors', 'CollidingActors', 'VisibleCollidingActors'
  71. ),
  72. 3 => array( //global (object) functions
  73. 'log', 'warn', 'rot', 'vect', 'Rand', 'Min', 'Max', 'Clamp', 'Abs', 'Sin', 'ASin',
  74. 'Cos', 'ACos', 'Tan', 'ATan', 'Exp', 'Loge', 'Sqrt', 'Square', 'FRand', 'FMin', 'FMax', 'FClamp',
  75. 'Lerp', 'Smerp', 'Ceil', 'Round', 'VSize', 'Normal', 'Invert', 'VRand', 'MirrorVectorByNormal',
  76. 'GetAxes', 'GetUnAxes', 'RotRand', 'OrthoRotation', 'Normalize', 'ClockwiseFrom',
  77. 'Len', 'InStr', 'Mid', 'Left', 'Right', 'Caps', 'Chr', 'Asc', 'Locs',
  78. 'Divide', 'Split', 'StrCmp', 'Repl', 'Eval',
  79. 'InterpCurveEval', 'InterpCurveGetOutputRange', 'InterpCurveGetInputDomain',
  80. 'QuatProduct', 'QuatInvert', 'QuatRotateVector', 'QuatFindBetween', 'QuatFromAxisAndAngle',
  81. 'QuatFromRotator', 'QuatToRotator', 'QuatSlerp',
  82. 'Localize', 'GotoState', 'IsInState', 'GetStateName',
  83. 'ClassIsChildOf', 'IsA', 'Enable', 'Disable',
  84. 'GetPropertyText', 'SetPropertyText', 'GetEnum', 'DynamicLoadObject', 'FindObject',
  85. 'SaveConfig', 'ClearConfig', 'StaticSaveConfig', 'ResetConfig', 'StaticClearConfig',
  86. 'GetPerObjectNames', 'RandRange', 'StopWatch', 'IsOnConsole', 'IsSoaking',
  87. 'PlatformIsMacOS', 'PlatformIsUnix', 'PlatformIsWindows', 'PlatformIs64Bit',
  88. 'BeginState', 'EndState', 'Created', 'AllObjects', 'GetReferencers', 'GetItemName',
  89. 'ReplaceText', 'EatStr'
  90. ),
  91. 4 => array( //common almost-global (actor) functions
  92. 'ClientMessage', 'ConsoleCommand', 'CopyObjectToClipboard', 'TextToSpeech',
  93. 'Error', 'Sleep', 'SetCollision', 'SetCollisionSize', 'SetDrawScale', 'SetDrawScale3D',
  94. 'SetStaticMesh', 'SetDrawType', 'Move', 'SetLocation', 'SetRotation',
  95. 'SetRelativeLocation', 'SetRelativeRotation', 'MoveSmooth', 'AutonomousPhysics',
  96. 'SetBase', 'SetOwner', 'IsJoinedTo', 'GetMeshName', 'PlayAnim', 'LoopAnim', 'TweenAnim',
  97. 'IsAnimating', 'FinishAnim', 'HasAnim', 'StopAnimating', 'FreezeFrameAt', 'SetAnimFrame',
  98. 'IsTweening', 'AnimStopLooping', 'AnimEnd', 'LinkSkelAnim', 'LinkMesh', 'BoneRefresh',
  99. 'GetBoneCoords', 'GetBoneRotation', 'GetRootLocation', 'GetRootRotation', 'AttachToBone',
  100. 'DetachFromBone', 'SetBoneScale', 'UpdateURL', 'GetURLOption', 'SetPhysics', 'KAddImpulse',
  101. 'KImpact', 'KApplyForce', 'Clock', 'UnClock', 'Destroyed', 'GainedChild', 'LostChild',
  102. 'Tick', 'PostNetReceive', 'ClientTrigger', 'Trigger', 'UnTrigger', 'BeginEvent', 'EndEvent',
  103. 'Timer', 'HitWall', 'Falling', 'Landed', 'ZoneChange', 'PhysicsVolumeChange', 'Touch',
  104. 'PostTouch', 'UnTouch', 'Bump', 'BaseChange', 'Attach', 'Detach', 'SpecialHandling',
  105. 'EncroachingOn', 'EncroachedBy', 'RanInto', 'FinishedInterpolation', 'EndedRotation',
  106. 'UsedBy', 'FellOutOfWorld', 'KilledBy', 'TakeDamage', 'HealDamage', 'Trace', 'FastTrace',
  107. 'TraceThisActor', 'spawn', 'Destroy', 'TornOff', 'SetTimer', 'PlaySound', 'PlayOwnedSound',
  108. 'GetSoundDuration', 'MakeNoise', 'BeginPlay', 'GetAllInt', 'RenderOverlays', 'RenderTexture',
  109. 'PreBeginPlay', 'PostBeginPlay', 'PostNetBeginPlay', 'HurtRadius', 'Reset', 'Crash'
  110. ),
  111. 5 => array( //data types
  112. 'none', 'null',
  113. 'float', 'int', 'bool', 'byte', 'char', 'double', 'iterator', 'name', 'string', //primitive
  114. 'plane', 'rotator', 'vector', 'spline', 'coords', 'Quat', 'Range', 'RangeVector', //structs
  115. 'Scale', 'Color', 'Box', 'IntBox', 'FloatBox', 'BoundingVolume', 'Matrix', 'InterpCurvePoint',
  116. 'InterpCurve', 'CompressedPosition', 'TMultiMap', 'PointRegion',
  117. 'KRigidBodyState', 'KSimParams', 'AnimRep', 'FireProperties',
  118. 'lodmesh', 'skeletalmesh', 'mesh', 'StaticMesh', 'MeshInstance', //3d resources
  119. 'sound', //sound resources
  120. 'material', 'texture', 'combiner', 'modifier', 'ColorModifier', 'FinalBlend', //2d resources
  121. 'MaterialSequence', 'MaterialSwitch', 'OpacityModifier', 'TexModifier', 'TexEnvMap',
  122. 'TexCoordSource', 'TexMatrix', 'TexOscillator', 'TexPanner', 'TexRotator', 'TexScaler',
  123. 'RenderedMaterial', 'BitmapMaterial', 'ScriptedTexture', 'ShadowBitmapMaterial', 'Cubemap',
  124. 'FractalTexture', 'FireTexture', 'IceTexture', 'WaterTexture', 'FluidTexture', 'WaveTexture',
  125. 'WetTexture', 'ConstantMaterial', 'ConstantColor', 'FadeColor', 'ParticleMaterial',
  126. 'ProjectorMaterial', 'Shader', 'TerrainMaterial', 'VertexColor'
  127. ),
  128. 6 => array( //misc keywords
  129. 'false', 'true', 'self', 'super', 'MaxInt', 'Pi'
  130. ),
  131. 7 => array( //common actor enums & variables
  132. 'DT_None', 'DT_Sprite', 'DT_Mesh', 'DT_Brush', 'DT_RopeSprite',
  133. 'DT_VerticalSprite', 'DT_TerraForm', 'DT_SpriteAnimOnce', 'DT_StaticMesh', 'DT_DrawType',
  134. 'DT_Particle', 'DT_AntiPortal', 'DT_FluidSurface',
  135. 'PHYS_None', 'PHYS_Walking', 'PHYS_Falling', 'PHYS_Swimming', 'PHYS_Flying',
  136. 'PHYS_Rotating', 'PHYS_Projectile', 'PHYS_Interpolating', 'PHYS_MovingBrush', 'PHYS_Spider',
  137. 'PHYS_Trailer', 'PHYS_Ladder', 'PHYS_RootMotion', 'PHYS_Karma', 'PHYS_KarmaRagDoll',
  138. 'PHYS_Hovering', 'PHYS_CinMotion',
  139. 'ROLE_None', 'ROLE_DumbProxy', 'ROLE_SimulatedProxy',
  140. 'ROLE_AutonomousProxy', 'ROLE_Authority',
  141. 'STY_None', 'STY_Normal', 'STY_Masked', 'STY_Translucent', 'STY_Modulated', 'STY_Alpha',
  142. 'STY_Additive', 'STY_Subtractive', 'STY_Particle', 'STY_AlphaZ',
  143. 'OCCLUSION_None', 'OCCLUSION_BSP', 'OCCLUSION_Default', 'OCCLUSION_StaticMeshes',
  144. 'SLOT_None', 'SLOT_Misc', 'SLOT_Pain', 'SLOT_Interact', 'SLOT_Ambient', 'SLOT_Talk',
  145. 'SLOT_Interface', 'MTRAN_None', 'MTRAN_Instant', 'MTRAN_Segue', 'MTRAN_Fade',
  146. 'MTRAN_FastFade', 'MTRAN_SlowFade',
  147. 'DrawType', 'Physics', 'Owner', 'Base', 'Level', 'Game', 'Instigator', 'RemoteRole', 'Role',
  148. 'LifeSpan', 'Tag', 'Event', 'Location', 'Rotation', 'Velocity', 'Acceleration',
  149. 'RelativeLocation', 'RelativeRotation', 'DrawScale', 'DrawScale3D', 'Skins', 'Style',
  150. 'SoundVolume', 'SoundPitch', 'SoundRadius', 'TransientSoundVolume', 'TransientSoundRadius',
  151. 'CollisionRadius', 'CollisionHeight', 'Mass', 'Buoyancy', 'RotationRate', 'DesiredRotation'
  152. ),
  153. 8 => array( //common non-actor uscript classes
  154. 'Object',
  155. 'CacheManager', 'CameraEffect', 'Canvas', 'CheatManager', 'Commandlet', 'DecoText', 'GUI',
  156. 'InteractionMaster', 'Interactions', 'Interaction', 'KarmaParamsCollision', 'KarmaParamsRBFull',
  157. 'KarmaParamsSkel', 'KarmaParams', 'LevelSummary', 'Locale', 'Manifest', 'MaterialFactory',
  158. 'MeshObject', 'ObjectPool', 'Pallete',
  159. 'ParticleEmitter', 'MeshEmitter', 'BeamEmitter', 'SpriteEmitter', 'SparkEmitter', 'TrailEmitter',
  160. 'Player', 'PlayerInput', 'PlayInfo', 'ReachSpec', 'Resource', 'LatentScriptedAction', 'ScriptedAction',
  161. 'speciesType', 'StreamBase', 'Stream', 'EditorEngine', 'Engine', 'Time', 'WeaponFire',
  162. 'WebApplication', 'WebRequest', 'WebResponse', 'WebSkin', 'xPawnGibGroup', 'xPawnSoundGroup',
  163. 'xUtil'
  164. ),
  165. 9 => array( //common actor-based uscript classes
  166. 'Actor',
  167. 'Controller', 'AIController', 'ScriptedController', 'Bot', 'xBot',
  168. 'PlayerController', 'UnrealPlayer', 'xPlayer',
  169. 'DamageType', 'WeaponDamageType', 'Effects', 'Emitter', 'NetworkEmitter',
  170. 'Gib', 'HUD', 'HudBase', 'Info', 'FluidSurfaceInfo', 'Combo',
  171. 'GameInfo', 'UnrealMPGameInfo', 'DeathMatch', 'TeamGame', 'CTFGame',
  172. 'xCTFGame', 'xBombingRun', 'xDoubleDom', 'xTeamGame',
  173. 'ASGameInfo', 'Invasion', 'ONSOnslaughtGame', 'xDeathmatch',
  174. 'Mutator', 'Inventory', 'Ammunition', 'KeyInventory', 'Powerups', 'Armor', 'Weapon',
  175. 'InventoryAttachment', 'WeaponAttachment',
  176. 'KActor', 'KConstraint', 'KBSJoint', 'KCarWheelJoint', 'KConeLimit', 'KHinge', 'KTire',
  177. 'KVehicleFactory', 'Keypoint', 'AIScript', 'ScriptedSequence', 'ScriptedTrigger',
  178. 'AmbientSound', 'Light', 'SpotLight', 'SunLight', 'TriggerLight',
  179. 'MeshEffect', 'NavigationPoint', 'GameObjective', 'DestroyableObjective',
  180. 'PathNode', 'FlyingPathNode', 'RoadPathNode', 'InventorySpot', 'PlayerStart',
  181. 'Pawn', 'Vehicle', 'UnrealPawn', 'xPawn', 'Monster', 'ASVehicle', 'KVehicle', 'KCar',
  182. 'ONSWeaponPawn', 'SVehicle', 'ONSVehicle', 'ONSChopperCraft', 'ONSHoverCraft',
  183. 'ONSPlaneCraft', 'ONSTreadCraft', 'ONSWheeledCraft',
  184. 'Pickup', 'Ammo', 'UTAmmoPickup', 'ArmorPickup', 'KeyPickup', 'TournamentPickup',
  185. 'Projectile', 'Projector', 'DynamicProjector', 'ShadowProjector', 'xScorch',
  186. 'xEmitter', 'xPickupBase', 'xProcMesh', 'xWeatherEffect', 'PhysicsVolume', 'Volume'
  187. ),
  188. 10 => array( //symbol-like operators
  189. 'dot','cross'
  190. )
  191. ),
  192. 'SYMBOLS' => array(
  193. '+','-','=','/','*','-','%','>','<','&','^','!','|','`','(',')','[',']','{','}',
  194. '<<','>>','$','@'
  195. ),
  196. 'CASE_SENSITIVE' => array(
  197. GESHI_COMMENTS => false,
  198. 1 => false,
  199. 2 => false,
  200. 3 => false,
  201. 4 => false,
  202. 5 => false,
  203. 6 => false,
  204. 7 => false,
  205. 8 => false,
  206. 9 => false,
  207. 10 => false,
  208. ),
  209. 'STYLES' => array(
  210. 'KEYWORDS' => array(
  211. 1 => 'color: #0000FF;',
  212. 2 => 'color: #0000FF;',
  213. 3 => 'color: #0066AA;',
  214. 4 => 'color: #0088FF;',
  215. 5 => 'color: #E000E0;',
  216. 6 => 'color: #900000;',
  217. 7 => 'color: #888800;',
  218. 8 => 'color: #AA6600;',
  219. 9 => 'color: #FF8800;',
  220. 10 => 'color: #0000FF;'
  221. ),
  222. 'COMMENTS' => array(
  223. 1 => 'color: #008080; font-style: italic;',
  224. 2 => 'color: #000000; font-weight: bold;',
  225. 'MULTI' => 'color: #008080; font-style: italic;'
  226. ),
  227. 'ESCAPE_CHAR' => array(
  228. 0 => ''
  229. ),
  230. 'BRACKETS' => array(
  231. 0 => 'color: #000000;'
  232. ),
  233. 'STRINGS' => array(
  234. 0 => 'color: #999999;'
  235. ),
  236. 'NUMBERS' => array(
  237. 0 => 'color: #FF0000;'
  238. ),
  239. 'METHODS' => array(
  240. 0 => 'color: #006600;'
  241. ),
  242. 'SYMBOLS' => array(
  243. 0 => 'color: #669966;'
  244. ),
  245. 'REGEXPS' => array(
  246. 0 => 'color: #E000E0;',
  247. 1 => 'color: #E000E0;'
  248. ),
  249. 'SCRIPT' => array(
  250. 0 => ''
  251. )
  252. ),
  253. 'URLS' => array(
  254. 1 => '',
  255. 2 => '',
  256. 3 => '',
  257. 4 => '',
  258. 5 => '',
  259. 6 => '',
  260. 7 => '',
  261. 8 => 'http://wiki.beyondunreal.com/wiki?search={FNAME}',
  262. 9 => 'http://wiki.beyondunreal.com/wiki?search={FNAME}',
  263. 10 => ''
  264. ),
  265. 'OOLANG' => true,
  266. 'OBJECT_SPLITTERS' => array('.'),
  267. 'REGEXPS' => array( //handle template-style variable definitions
  268. 0 => array(
  269. GESHI_SEARCH => '(class\s*)<(\s*(\w+)\s*)>',
  270. GESHI_REPLACE => "\${1}",
  271. GESHI_MODIFIERS => 'i',
  272. GESHI_BEFORE => '',
  273. GESHI_AFTER => "< \${3} >"
  274. ),
  275. 1 => array(
  276. GESHI_SEARCH => '(array\s*)<(\s*(\w+)\s*)>',
  277. GESHI_REPLACE => "\${1}",
  278. GESHI_MODIFIERS => 'i',
  279. GESHI_BEFORE => '',
  280. GESHI_AFTER => "< \${3} >"
  281. )
  282. ),
  284. 'SCRIPT_DELIMITERS' => array(
  285. ),
  286. 'HIGHLIGHT_STRICT_BLOCK' => array(
  287. ),
  288. 'PARSER_CONTROL' => array(
  289. 'KEYWORDS' => array(
  290. 10 => array(
  291. 'DISALLOWED_BEFORE' => '(?<!<)(?=DOT>)'
  292. )
  293. )
  294. )
  295. );
  296. ?>