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- var line_from_x = (depend_status == "disabled") ? $("#"+depend).offset().left : $("#"+depend).offset().left + $("#"+depend).outerWidth()
- var line_from_y = $("#"+depend).offset().top + 12
- var line_to_x = (depend_status == "enabled") ? $(this).offset().left : $(this).offset().left + $(this).outerWidth()
- var line_to_y = $(this).offset().top + 12
- var height = line_to_y - line_from_y
- var width = line_to_x - line_from_x
- if (height <= 45)
- gradients[i] = canvas.createLinearGradient(line_from_x, 0, line_from_x + width, 0)
- else
- gradients[i] = canvas.createLinearGradient(0, line_from_y, 0, line_from_y + height)
- gradients[i].addColorStop(0, '#0052cc')
- gradients[i].addColorStop(1, '#0096ff')
- canvas.strokeStyle = gradients[i]
- // Line
- canvas.moveTo(line_from_x, line_from_y)
- canvas.lineTo(line_to_x, line_to_y)
- canvas.stroke()
- } else if (depend_status == "disabled") {
- var line_from_x = $("#"+depend).offset().left + $("#"+depend).outerWidth()
- var line_from_y = $("#"+depend).offset().top + 12
- var line_to_x = $(this).offset().left + $(this).outerWidth()
- var line_to_y = $(this).offset().top + 12
- var median = line_from_y + ((line_to_y - line_from_y) / 2)
- var height = line_to_y - line_from_y
- var curve = line_from_x + 25
- gradients[i] = canvas.createLinearGradient(0, line_from_y, 0, line_from_y + height)
- gradients[i].addColorStop(0, '#0052cc')
- gradients[i].addColorStop(1, '#0096ff')
- canvas.strokeStyle = gradients[i]
- // Line
- canvas.beginPath()
- canvas.moveTo(line_from_x, line_from_y)
- canvas.quadraticCurveTo(curve, median, line_to_x, line_to_y)
- canvas.stroke()
- } else if (depend_status == "enabled") {
- var line_from_x = $("#"+depend).offset().left
- var line_from_y = $("#"+depend).offset().top + 12
- var line_to_x = $(this).offset().left
- var line_to_y = $(this).offset().top + 12
- var median = line_from_y + ((line_to_y - line_from_y) / 2)
- var height = line_to_y - line_from_y
- var curve = line_from_x - 25
- gradients[i] = canvas.createLinearGradient(0, line_from_y, 0, line_from_y + height)
- gradients[i].addColorStop(0, '#0052cc')
- gradients[i].addColorStop(1, '#0096ff')
- canvas.strokeStyle = gradients[i]
- // Line
- canvas.beginPath()
- canvas.moveTo(line_from_x, line_from_y)
- canvas.quadraticCurveTo(curve, median, line_to_x, line_to_y)
- canvas.stroke()
- }
- // Beginning circle
- canvas.beginPath()
- canvas.arc(line_from_x, line_from_y, 5, 0, Math.PI * 2, false)
- canvas.fill()
- canvas.stroke()
- // Ending circle
- canvas.beginPath()
- canvas.arc(line_to_x, line_to_y, 5, 0, Math.PI * 2, false)
- canvas.fill()
- canvas.stroke()
- dependency_displayed[depend+" :: "+$(this).attr("id")] = true
- }
- })
- return true
- }
- }
- <?php $trigger->call("admin_javascript"); ?>
- <!-- --></script>