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Repositories.php 3.4KB

11 years ago
11 years ago
11 years ago
11 years ago
11 years ago
11 years ago
11 years ago
11 years ago
11 years ago
11 years ago
  1. <?php
  2. $PAGE_TITLE = "KXStudio : Repositories";
  4. $PAGE_SOURCE_1 = ARRAY("/Repositories");
  5. $PAGE_SOURCE_2 = ARRAY("Repositories");
  6. include_once("includes/header.php");
  7. ?>
  8. <div class="box box-description">
  9. <p>
  10. The KXStudio repositories support all Debian versions since <b>Jessie</b> and Ubuntu <b>14.04</b> or above.<br/>
  11. They should work on all Debian-based distributions and variants, but the way to enable them will differ.<br/>
  12. After the repositories are enabled and the system updated, we recommend you to install the "kxstudio-default-settings" package.<br/>
  13. </p>
  14. <p>
  15. You might also want to check:
  16. </p>
  17. <ul>
  18. <li><a href="<?php echo $ROOT; ?>/Repositories:Applications">Applications in the repositories</a></li>
  19. <li><a href="<?php echo $ROOT; ?>/Repositories:Plugins">Plugins in the repositories</a></li>
  20. </ul>
  21. <p>
  22. Below is information on how to enable the repositories.
  23. </p>
  24. </div>
  25. <hr/>
  26. <h3><span class="mw-headline">
  27. <img src="images/ico_debian.png" class="img_text_align" alt=""/> Debian / <img src="images/ico_ubuntu.png" class="img_text_align" alt=""/> Ubuntu
  28. </span></h3>
  29. <p>
  30. All Debian and Ubuntu users can enable our repositories by installing this deb file:
  31. <a href="https://launchpad.net/~kxstudio-debian/+archive/kxstudio/+files/kxstudio-repos_9.4.1%7Ekxstudio1_all.deb" class="free" rel="nofollow">kxstudio-repos.deb</a>.<br/>
  32. You can install it manually by running this:<br/>
  33. </p>
  34. <pre>
  35. <span style="color: rgb(110, 110, 110);"># Install required dependencies if needed</span>
  36. sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https software-properties-common wget
  37. <span style="color: rgb(110, 110, 110);"># Download package file</span>
  38. wget https://launchpad.net/~kxstudio-debian/+archive/kxstudio/+files/kxstudio-repos_9.4.1~kxstudio1_all.deb
  39. <span style="color: rgb(110, 110, 110);"># Install it</span>
  40. sudo dpkg -i kxstudio-repos_9.4.1~kxstudio1_all.deb
  41. </pre>
  42. <p><br/>
  43. If you're using a system <b>newer or equal</b> to <b>Debian Testing</b> or <b>Ubuntu 15.10</b> you'll also need to enable GCC5 packages.<br/>
  44. You can do so by installing this deb file -
  45. <a href="https://launchpad.net/~kxstudio-debian/+archive/kxstudio/+files/kxstudio-repos-gcc5_9.4.1%7Ekxstudio1_all.deb" class="free" rel="nofollow">kxstudio-repos-gcc5.deb</a>,
  46. or manually by running this:
  47. </p>
  48. <pre>
  49. <span style="color: rgb(110, 110, 110);"># Install required dependencies if needed</span>
  50. sudo apt-get install libglibmm-2.4-1v5
  51. <span style="color: rgb(110, 110, 110);"># Download package file</span>
  52. wget https://launchpad.net/~kxstudio-debian/+archive/kxstudio/+files/kxstudio-repos-gcc5_9.4.1~kxstudio1_all.deb
  53. <span style="color: rgb(110, 110, 110);"># Install it</span>
  54. sudo dpkg -i kxstudio-repos-gcc5_9.4.1~kxstudio1_all.deb
  55. </pre>
  56. <p><br/>
  57. These packages contain:
  58. </p>
  59. <ul>
  60. <li>Various sources files that activates the separate repositories</li>
  61. <li>GPG keys used for package and repository signing</li>
  62. <li>A post-install script that enables an extra, Ubuntu-specific repository</li>
  63. </ul>
  64. <hr/>
  65. <p>
  66. <b>NOTE:</b><br/>
  67. Please do not copy these instructions to your own website, wiki, etc.<br/>
  68. The packages file link might change at anytime, and so the instructions themselves.<br/>
  69. Always refer to this exact page for how-to enable the KXStudio repositories please.
  70. </p>
  71. <p><br/></p>
  72. <?php
  73. include_once("includes/footer.php");
  74. ?>