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vim.php 23KB

11 years ago
11 years ago
  1. <?php
  2. /*************************************************************************************
  3. * vim.php
  4. * ----------------
  5. * Author: Swaroop C H (swaroop@swaroopch.com)
  6. * Contributors:
  7. * - Laurent Peuch (psycojoker@gmail.com)
  8. * Copyright: (c) 2008 Swaroop C H (http://www.swaroopch.com)
  9. * Release Version:
  10. * Date Started: 2008/10/19
  11. *
  12. * Vim scripting language file for GeSHi.
  13. *
  14. * Reference: http://qbnz.com/highlighter/geshi-doc.html#language-files
  15. * All keywords scraped from `:help expression-commands`.
  16. * All method names scraped from `:help function-list`.
  17. *
  18. * CHANGES
  19. * -------
  20. * 2008/10/19 (
  21. * - Started.
  22. * 2009/07/05
  23. * - Fill out list of zillion commands (maybe somes still miss).
  24. * - fix a part of the regex, now works for comment that have white space before the "
  25. *
  26. * TODO (updated 2009/07/05)
  27. * -------------------------
  28. * - Make this damn string with "" work correctly. I've just remove it for my wiki.
  29. * - Make the comment regex able to find comment after some code.
  30. * (i.e: let rocks " unworking comment)
  31. * - Make <F1> <F2> ... <Esc> <CR> ... works event if they aren't surround by space.
  32. *
  33. *************************************************************************************
  34. *
  35. * This file is part of GeSHi.
  36. *
  37. * GeSHi is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  38. * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  39. * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
  40. * (at your option) any later version.
  41. *
  42. * GeSHi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  43. * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  45. * GNU General Public License for more details.
  46. *
  47. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  48. * along with GeSHi; if not, write to the Free Software
  49. * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
  50. *
  51. ************************************************************************************/
  52. $language_data = array(
  53. 'LANG_NAME' => 'Vim Script',
  54. 'COMMENT_SINGLE' => array(),
  55. 'COMMENT_REGEXP' => array(
  56. 1 => "/\s*\"[^\"]*?$/m",
  57. //Regular expressions (Ported from perl.php)
  58. // 2 => "/(?<=[\\s^])(s|tr|y)\\/(?:\\\\.|(?!\n)[^\\/\\\\])+\\/(?:\\\\.|(?!\n)[^\\/\\\\])*\\/[msixpogcde]*(?=[\\s$\\.\\;])|(?<=[\\s^(=])(m|q[qrwx]?)?\\/(?:\\\\.|(?!\n)[^\\/\\\\])+\\/[msixpogc]*(?=[\\s$\\.\\,\\;\\)])/iU",
  59. ),
  60. 'COMMENT_MULTI' => array(),
  62. 'QUOTEMARKS' => array("'", '"'),
  63. 'ESCAPE_CHAR' => '\\',
  64. 'KEYWORDS' => array(
  65. 1 => array(
  66. 'au', 'augroup', 'autocmd', 'brea', 'break', 'bufadd',
  67. 'bufcreate', 'bufdelete', 'bufenter', 'buffilepost',
  68. 'buffilepre', 'bufleave', 'bufnew', 'bufnewfile',
  69. 'bufread', 'bufreadcmd', 'bufreadpost', 'bufreadpre',
  70. 'bufunload', 'bufwinenter', 'bufwinleave', 'bufwipeout',
  71. 'bufwrite', 'bufwritecmd', 'bufwritepost', 'bufwritepre',
  72. 'call', 'cat', 'catc', 'catch', 'cmd-event', 'cmdwinenter',
  73. 'cmdwinleave', 'colorscheme', 'con', 'confirm', 'cont', 'conti',
  74. 'contin', 'continu', 'continue', 'cursorhold', 'cursorholdi',
  75. 'cursormoved', 'cursormovedi', 'ec', 'echo', 'echoe',
  76. 'echoer', 'echoerr', 'echoh', 'echohl', 'echom', 'echoms',
  77. 'echomsg', 'echon', 'el', 'els', 'else', 'elsei', 'elseif',
  78. 'en', 'encodingchanged', 'end', 'endfo', 'endfor', 'endi',
  79. 'endif', 'endt', 'endtr', 'endtry', 'endw', 'endwh', 'endwhi',
  80. 'endwhil', 'endwhile', 'exe', 'exec', 'execu', 'execut',
  81. 'execute', 'fileappendcmd', 'fileappendpost', 'fileappendpre',
  82. 'filechangedro', 'filechangedshell', 'filechangedshellpost',
  83. 'filereadcmd', 'filereadpost', 'filereadpre',
  84. 'filetype', 'filewritecmd', 'filewritepost', 'filewritepre',
  85. 'filterreadpost', 'filterreadpre', 'filterwritepost',
  86. 'filterwritepre', 'fina', 'final', 'finall', 'finally',
  87. 'finish', 'focusgained', 'focuslost', 'for', 'fun', 'func',
  88. 'funct', 'functi', 'functio', 'function', 'funcundefined',
  89. 'guienter', 'guifailed', 'hi', 'highlight', 'if', 'in',
  90. 'insertchange', 'insertenter', 'insertleave', 'let', 'lockv',
  91. 'lockva', 'lockvar', 'map', 'match', 'menupopup', 'nnoremap',
  92. 'quickfixcmdpost', 'quickfixcmdpre', 'remotereply', 'retu',
  93. 'retur', 'return', 'sessionloadpost', 'set', 'setlocal',
  94. 'shellcmdpost', 'shellfilterpost', 'sourcecmd', 'sourcepre',
  95. 'spellfilemissing', 'stdinreadpost', 'stdinreadpre',
  96. 'swapexists', 'syntax', 'tabenter', 'tableave', 'termchanged',
  97. 'termresponse', 'th', 'thr', 'thro', 'throw', 'tr', 'try', 'unl',
  98. 'unle', 'unlet', 'unlo', 'unloc', 'unlock', 'unlockv',
  99. 'unlockva', 'unlockvar', 'user', 'usergettingbored',
  100. 'vimenter', 'vimleave', 'vimleavepre', 'vimresized', 'wh',
  101. 'whi', 'whil', 'while', 'winenter', 'winleave'
  102. ),
  103. 2 => array(
  104. '&lt;CR&gt;', '&lt;Esc&gt;', '&lt;F1&gt;', '&lt;F10&gt;',
  105. '&lt;F11&gt;', '&lt;F12&gt;', '&lt;F2&gt;', '&lt;F3&gt;',
  106. '&lt;F4&gt;', '&lt;F5&gt;', '&lt;F6&gt;', '&lt;F7&gt;',
  107. '&lt;F8&gt;', '&lt;F9&gt;', '&lt;cr&gt;', '&lt;silent&gt;',
  108. '-nargs', 'acd', 'ai', 'akm', 'al', 'aleph',
  109. 'allowrevins', 'altkeymap', 'ambiwidth', 'ambw',
  110. 'anti', 'antialias', 'ar', 'arab', 'arabic',
  111. 'arabicshape', 'ari', 'arshape', 'autochdir',
  112. 'autoindent', 'autoread', 'autowrite', 'autowriteall',
  113. 'aw', 'awa', 'background', 'backspace', 'backup',
  114. 'backupcopy', 'backupdir', 'backupext',
  115. 'backupskip', 'balloondelay', 'ballooneval', 'balloonexpr',
  116. 'bdir', 'bdlay', 'beval', 'bex', 'bexpr', 'bg',
  117. 'bh', 'bin', 'binary', 'biosk', 'bioskey',
  118. 'bk', 'bkc', 'bl', 'bomb', 'breakat', 'brk',
  119. 'bs', 'bsdir', 'bsk', 'bt', 'bufhidden',
  120. 'buftype', 'casemap', 'cb',
  121. 'ccv', 'cd', 'cdpath', 'cedit', 'cf', 'cfu', 'ch',
  122. 'charconvert', 'ci', 'cin', 'cink',
  123. 'cinkeys', 'cino', 'cinoptions', 'cinw', 'cinwords',
  124. 'clipboard', 'cmdheight', 'cmdwinheight',
  125. 'cmp', 'cms', 'co', 'columns', 'com',
  126. 'comc', 'comcl', 'comcle', 'comclea', 'comclear', 'comm',
  127. 'comma', 'comman', 'command', 'comments', 'commentstring',
  128. 'compatible', 'completefunc', 'completeopt',
  129. 'consk', 'conskey', 'copyindent',
  130. 'cot', 'cp', 'cpo', 'cpoptions', 'cpt',
  131. 'cscopepathcomp', 'cscopeprg', 'cscopequickfix', 'cscopetag',
  132. 'cscopetagorder', 'cscopeverbose',
  133. 'cspc', 'csprg', 'csqf', 'cst', 'csto', 'csverb', 'cuc',
  134. 'cul', 'cursorcolumn', 'cursorline', 'cwh', 'debug',
  135. 'deco', 'def', 'define', 'delc', 'delco', 'delcom',
  136. 'delcombine', 'delcomm', 'delcomman', 'delcommand', 'dex',
  137. 'dg', 'dict', 'dictionary', 'diff', 'diffexpr',
  138. 'diffopt', 'digraph', 'dip', 'dir', 'directory', 'display',
  139. 'dlcomma', 'dy', 'ea', 'ead', 'eadirection',
  140. 'eb', 'ed', 'edcompatible', 'ef', 'efm',
  141. 'ei', 'ek', 'enc', 'encoding', 'endfun', 'endofline',
  142. 'eol', 'ep', 'equalalways', 'equalprg', 'errorbells',
  143. 'errorfile', 'errorformat', 'esckeys', 'et',
  144. 'eventignore', 'ex', 'expandtab', 'exrc', 'fcl',
  145. 'fcs', 'fdc', 'fde', 'fdi', 'fdl', 'fdls', 'fdm',
  146. 'fdn', 'fdo', 'fdt', 'fen', 'fenc', 'fencs', 'fex',
  147. 'ff', 'ffs', 'fileencoding', 'fileencodings', 'fileformat',
  148. 'fileformats', /*'filetype',*/ 'fillchars', 'fk',
  149. 'fkmap', 'flp', 'fml', 'fmr', 'fo', 'foldclose',
  150. 'foldcolumn', 'foldenable', 'foldexpr', 'foldignore',
  151. 'foldlevelstart', 'foldmarker', 'foldmethod', 'foldminlines',
  152. 'foldnestmax', 'foldopen', 'formatexpr', 'formatlistpat',
  153. 'formatoptions', 'formatprg', 'fp', 'fs', 'fsync', 'ft',
  154. 'gcr', 'gd', 'gdefault', 'gfm', 'gfn', 'gfs', 'gfw',
  155. 'ghr', 'go', 'gp', 'grepformat', 'grepprg', 'gtl',
  156. 'gtt', 'guicursor', 'guifont', 'guifontset',
  157. 'guifontwide', 'guiheadroom', 'guioptions', 'guipty',
  158. 'guitablabel', 'guitabtooltip', 'helpfile',
  159. 'helpheight', 'helplang', 'hf', 'hh', 'hid', 'hidden',
  160. 'history', 'hk', 'hkmap', 'hkmapp', 'hkp', 'hl',
  161. 'hlg', 'hls', 'hlsearch', 'ic', 'icon', 'iconstring',
  162. 'ignorecase', 'im', 'imactivatekey', 'imak', 'imc',
  163. 'imcmdline', 'imd', 'imdisable', 'imi', 'iminsert', 'ims',
  164. 'imsearch', 'inc', 'include', 'includeexpr',
  165. 'incsearch', 'inde', 'indentexpr', 'indentkeys',
  166. 'indk', 'inex', 'inf', 'infercase', 'insertmode', 'is', 'isf',
  167. 'isfname', 'isi', 'isident', 'isk', 'iskeyword',
  168. 'isp', 'isprint', 'joinspaces', 'js', 'key',
  169. 'keymap', 'keymodel', 'keywordprg', 'km', 'kmp', 'kp',
  170. 'langmap', 'langmenu', 'laststatus', 'lazyredraw', 'lbr',
  171. 'lcs', 'linebreak', 'lines', 'linespace', 'lisp',
  172. 'lispwords', 'list', 'listchars', 'lm', 'lmap',
  173. 'loadplugins', 'lpl', 'ls', 'lsp', 'lw', 'lz', 'ma',
  174. 'macatsui', 'magic', 'makeef', 'makeprg', 'mat',
  175. 'matchpairs', 'matchtime', 'maxcombine', 'maxfuncdepth',
  176. 'maxmapdepth', 'maxmem', 'maxmempattern',
  177. 'maxmemtot', 'mco', 'mef', 'menuitems', 'mfd', 'mh',
  178. 'mis', 'mkspellmem', 'ml', 'mls', 'mm', 'mmd', 'mmp',
  179. 'mmt', 'mod', 'modeline', 'modelines', 'modifiable',
  180. 'modified', 'more', 'mouse', 'mousef', 'mousefocus',
  181. 'mousehide', 'mousem', 'mousemodel', 'mouses',
  182. 'mouseshape', 'mouset', 'mousetime', 'mp', 'mps', 'msm',
  183. 'mzq', 'mzquantum', 'nf', 'noacd', 'noai', 'noakm',
  184. 'noallowrevins', 'noaltkeymap', 'noanti', 'noantialias',
  185. 'noar', 'noarab', 'noarabic', 'noarabicshape', 'noari',
  186. 'noarshape', 'noautochdir', 'noautoindent', 'noautoread',
  187. 'noautowrite', 'noautowriteall', 'noaw', 'noawa', 'nobackup',
  188. 'noballooneval', 'nobeval', 'nobin', 'nobinary', 'nobiosk',
  189. 'nobioskey', 'nobk', 'nobl', 'nobomb', 'nobuflisted', 'nocf',
  190. 'noci', 'nocin', 'nocindent', 'nocompatible', 'noconfirm',
  191. 'noconsk', 'noconskey', 'nocopyindent', 'nocp', 'nocscopetag',
  192. 'nocscopeverbose', 'nocst', 'nocsverb', 'nocuc', 'nocul',
  193. 'nocursorcolumn', 'nocursorline', 'nodeco', 'nodelcombine',
  194. 'nodg', 'nodiff', 'nodigraph', 'nodisable', 'noea', 'noeb',
  195. 'noed', 'noedcompatible', 'noek', 'noendofline', 'noeol',
  196. 'noequalalways', 'noerrorbells', 'noesckeys', 'noet',
  197. 'noex', 'noexpandtab', 'noexrc', 'nofen', 'nofk', 'nofkmap',
  198. 'nofoldenable', 'nogd', 'nogdefault', 'noguipty', 'nohid',
  199. 'nohidden', 'nohk', 'nohkmap', 'nohkmapp', 'nohkp', 'nohls',
  200. 'nohlsearch', 'noic', 'noicon', 'noignorecase', 'noim',
  201. 'noimc', 'noimcmdline', 'noimd', 'noincsearch', 'noinf',
  202. 'noinfercase', 'noinsertmode', 'nois', 'nojoinspaces',
  203. 'nojs', 'nolazyredraw', 'nolbr', 'nolinebreak', 'nolisp',
  204. 'nolist', 'noloadplugins', 'nolpl', 'nolz', 'noma',
  205. 'nomacatsui', 'nomagic', 'nomh', 'noml', 'nomod',
  206. 'nomodeline', 'nomodifiable', 'nomodified', 'nomore',
  207. 'nomousef', 'nomousefocus', 'nomousehide', 'nonu',
  208. 'nonumber', 'noodev', 'noopendevice', 'nopaste', 'nopi',
  209. 'nopreserveindent', 'nopreviewwindow', 'noprompt', 'nopvw',
  210. 'noreadonly', 'noremap', 'norestorescreen', 'norevins',
  211. 'nori', 'norightleft', 'norightleftcmd', 'norl', 'norlc',
  212. 'noro', 'nors', 'noru', 'noruler', 'nosb', 'nosc', 'noscb',
  213. 'noscrollbind', 'noscs', 'nosecure', 'nosft', 'noshellslash',
  214. 'noshelltemp', 'noshiftround', 'noshortname', 'noshowcmd',
  215. 'noshowfulltag', 'noshowmatch', 'noshowmode', 'nosi', 'nosm',
  216. 'nosmartcase', 'nosmartindent', 'nosmarttab', 'nosmd',
  217. 'nosn', 'nosol', 'nospell', 'nosplitbelow', 'nosplitright',
  218. 'nospr', 'nosr', 'nossl', 'nosta', 'nostartofline',
  219. 'nostmp', 'noswapfile', 'noswf', 'nota', 'notagbsearch',
  220. 'notagrelative', 'notagstack', 'notbi', 'notbidi', 'notbs',
  221. 'notermbidi', 'noterse', 'notextauto', 'notextmode',
  222. 'notf', 'notgst', 'notildeop', 'notimeout', 'notitle',
  223. 'noto', 'notop', 'notr', 'nottimeout', 'nottybuiltin',
  224. 'nottyfast', 'notx', 'novb', 'novisualbell', 'nowa',
  225. 'nowarn', 'nowb', 'noweirdinvert', 'nowfh', 'nowfw',
  226. 'nowildmenu', 'nowinfixheight', 'nowinfixwidth', 'nowiv',
  227. 'nowmnu', 'nowrap', 'nowrapscan', 'nowrite', 'nowriteany',
  228. 'nowritebackup', 'nows', 'nrformats', 'nu', 'number',
  229. 'numberwidth', 'nuw', 'odev', 'oft', 'ofu',
  230. 'omnifunc', 'opendevice', 'operatorfunc', 'opfunc',
  231. 'osfiletype', 'pa', 'para', 'paragraphs',
  232. 'paste', 'pastetoggle', 'patchexpr',
  233. 'patchmode', 'path', 'pdev', 'penc', 'pex', 'pexpr',
  234. 'pfn', 'ph', 'pheader', 'pi', 'pm', 'pmbcs',
  235. 'pmbfn', 'popt', 'preserveindent', 'previewheight',
  236. 'previewwindow', 'printdevice', 'printencoding', 'printexpr',
  237. 'printfont', 'printheader', 'printmbcharset',
  238. 'printmbfont', 'printoptions', 'prompt', 'pt', 'pumheight',
  239. 'pvh', 'pvw', 'qe', 'quoteescape', 'rdt',
  240. 'readonly', 'redrawtime', 'remap', 'report',
  241. 'restorescreen', 'revins', 'ri', 'rightleft', 'rightleftcmd',
  242. 'rl', 'rlc', 'ro', 'rs', 'rtp', 'ru',
  243. 'ruf', 'ruler', 'rulerformat', 'runtimepath', 'sb', 'sbo',
  244. 'sbr', 'sc', 'scb', 'scr', 'scroll', 'scrollbind',
  245. 'scrolljump', 'scrolloff', 'scrollopt',
  246. 'scs', 'sect', 'sections', 'secure', 'sel',
  247. 'selection', 'selectmode', 'sessionoptions', 'sft',
  248. 'sh', 'shcf', 'shell', 'shellcmdflag', 'shellpipe',
  249. 'shellquote', 'shellredir', 'shellslash',
  250. 'shelltemp', 'shelltype', 'shellxquote', 'shiftround',
  251. 'shiftwidth', 'shm', 'shortmess', 'shortname',
  252. 'showbreak', 'showcmd', 'showfulltag', 'showmatch',
  253. 'showmode', 'showtabline', 'shq', 'si', 'sidescroll',
  254. 'sidescrolloff', 'siso', 'sj', 'slm', 'sm', 'smartcase',
  255. 'smartindent', 'smarttab', 'smc', 'smd', 'sn',
  256. 'so', 'softtabstop', 'sol', 'sp', 'spc', 'spell',
  257. 'spellcapcheck', 'spellfile', 'spelllang',
  258. 'spf', 'spl', 'splitbelow', 'splitright', 'spr',
  259. 'sps', 'sr', 'srr', 'ss', 'ssl', 'ssop', 'st', 'sta',
  260. 'stal', 'startofline', 'statusline', 'stl', 'stmp',
  261. 'sts', 'su', 'sua', 'suffixes', 'suffixesadd', 'sw',
  262. 'swapfile', 'swapsync', 'swb', 'swf', 'switchbuf',
  263. 'sws', 'sxq', 'syn', 'synmaxcol', 'ta',
  264. 'tabline', 'tabpagemax', 'tabstop', 'tag',
  265. 'tagbsearch', 'taglength', 'tagrelative', 'tags', 'tagstack',
  266. 'tal', 'tb', 'tbi', 'tbidi', 'tbis', 'tbs',
  267. 'tenc', 'term', 'termbidi', 'termencoding', 'terse',
  268. 'textauto', 'textmode', 'textwidth', 'tf', 'tgst',
  269. 'thesaurus', 'tildeop', 'timeout', 'timeoutlen',
  270. 'title', 'titlelen', 'titleold', 'titlestring',
  271. 'tl', 'tm', 'to', 'toolbar', 'toolbariconsize', 'top',
  272. 'tpm', 'ts', 'tsl', 'tsr', 'ttimeout',
  273. 'ttimeoutlen', 'ttm', 'tty', 'ttybuiltin', 'ttyfast', 'ttym',
  274. 'ttymouse', 'ttyscroll', 'ttytype', 'tw', 'tx', 'uc',
  275. 'ul', 'undolevels', 'updatecount', 'updatetime', 'ut',
  276. 'vb', 'vbs', 'vdir', 've', 'verbose', 'verbosefile',
  277. 'vfile', 'vi', 'viewdir', 'viewoptions', 'viminfo',
  278. 'virtualedit', 'visualbell', 'vop', 'wa', 'wak',
  279. 'warn', 'wb', 'wc', 'wcm', 'wd', 'weirdinvert', 'wfh',
  280. 'wfw', /*'wh',*/ 'whichwrap', 'wi', 'wig', 'wildchar',
  281. 'wildcharm', 'wildignore', 'wildmenu',
  282. 'wildmode', 'wildoptions', 'wim', 'winaltkeys', 'window',
  283. 'winfixheight', 'winfixwidth', 'winheight',
  284. 'winminheight', 'winminwidth', 'winwidth', 'wiv',
  285. 'wiw', 'wm', 'wmh', 'wmnu', 'wmw', 'wop', 'wrap',
  286. 'wrapmargin', 'wrapscan', 'write', 'writeany',
  287. 'writebackup', 'writedelay', 'ws', 'ww'
  288. ),
  289. 3 => array(
  290. 'BufAdd', 'BufCreate', 'BufDelete', 'BufEnter', 'BufFilePost',
  291. 'BufFilePre', 'BufHidden', 'BufLeave', 'BufNew', 'BufNewFile',
  292. 'BufRead', 'BufReadCmd', 'BufReadPost', 'BufReadPre',
  293. 'BufUnload', 'BufWinEnter', 'BufWinLeave', 'BufWipeout',
  294. 'BufWrite', 'BufWriteCmd', 'BufWritePost', 'BufWritePre',
  295. 'Cmd-event', 'CmdwinEnter', 'CmdwinLeave', 'ColorScheme',
  296. 'CursorHold', 'CursorHoldI', 'CursorMoved', 'CursorMovedI',
  297. 'EncodingChanged', 'FileAppendCmd', 'FileAppendPost',
  298. 'FileAppendPre', 'FileChangedRO', 'FileChangedShell',
  299. 'FileChangedShellPost', 'FileEncoding', 'FileReadCmd',
  300. 'FileReadPost', 'FileReadPre', 'FileType',
  301. 'FileWriteCmd', 'FileWritePost', 'FileWritePre',
  302. 'FilterReadPost', 'FilterReadPre', 'FilterWritePost',
  303. 'FilterWritePre', 'FocusGained', 'FocusLost', 'FuncUndefined',
  304. 'GUIEnter', 'GUIFailed', 'InsertChange', 'InsertEnter',
  305. 'InsertLeave', 'MenuPopup', 'QuickFixCmdPost',
  306. 'QuickFixCmdPre', 'RemoteReply', 'SessionLoadPost',
  307. 'ShellCmdPost', 'ShellFilterPost', 'SourceCmd',
  308. 'SourcePre', 'SpellFileMissing', 'StdinReadPost',
  309. 'StdinReadPre', 'SwapExists', 'Syntax', 'TabEnter',
  310. 'TabLeave', 'TermChanged', 'TermResponse', 'User',
  311. 'UserGettingBored', 'VimEnter', 'VimLeave', 'VimLeavePre',
  312. 'VimResized', 'WinEnter', 'WinLeave', 'abs', 'add', 'append',
  313. 'argc', 'argidx', 'argv', 'atan', 'browse', 'browsedir',
  314. 'bufexists', 'buflisted', 'bufloaded', 'bufname', 'bufnr',
  315. 'bufwinnr', 'byte2line', 'byteidx', 'ceil', 'changenr',
  316. 'char2nr', 'cindent', 'clearmatches', 'col', 'complete',
  317. 'complete_add', 'complete_check', 'copy',
  318. 'cos', 'count', 'cscope_connection', 'cursor', 'deepcopy',
  319. 'delete', 'did_filetype', 'diff_filler', 'diff_hlID',
  320. 'empty', 'escape', 'eval', 'eventhandler', 'executable',
  321. 'exists', 'expand', 'extend', 'feedkeys', 'filereadable',
  322. 'filewritable', 'filter', 'finddir', 'findfile', 'float2nr',
  323. 'floor', 'fnameescape', 'fnamemodify', 'foldclosed',
  324. 'foldclosedend', 'foldlevel', 'foldtext', 'foldtextresult',
  325. 'foreground', 'garbagecollect', 'get', 'getbufline',
  326. 'getbufvar', 'getchar', 'getcharmod', 'getcmdline',
  327. 'getcmdpos', 'getcmdtype', 'getcwd', 'getfontname',
  328. 'getfperm', 'getfsize', 'getftime', 'getftype', 'getline',
  329. 'getloclist', 'getmatches', 'getpid', 'getpos', 'getqflist',
  330. 'getreg', 'getregtype', 'gettabwinvar', 'getwinposx',
  331. 'getwinposy', 'getwinvar', 'glob', 'globpath', 'has',
  332. 'has_key', 'haslocaldir', 'hasmapto', 'histadd', 'histdel',
  333. 'histget', 'histnr', 'hlID', 'hlexists', 'hostname', 'iconv',
  334. 'indent', 'index', 'input', 'inputdialog', 'inputlist',
  335. 'inputrestore', 'inputsave', 'inputsecret', 'insert',
  336. 'isdirectory', 'islocked', 'items', 'join', 'keys', 'len',
  337. 'libcall', 'libcallnr', 'line', 'line2byte', 'lispindent',
  338. 'localtime', 'log10', 'maparg', 'mapcheck', 'matchadd',
  339. 'matcharg', 'matchdelete', 'matchend', 'matchlist',
  340. 'matchstr', 'max', 'min', 'mkdir', 'mode', 'nextnonblank',
  341. 'nr2char', 'off', 'on', 'pathshorten', 'plugin', 'pow',
  342. 'prevnonblank', 'printf', 'pumvisible', 'range', 'readfile',
  343. 'reltime', 'reltimestr', 'remote_expr', 'remote_foreground',
  344. 'remote_peek', 'remote_read', 'remote_send', 'remove',
  345. 'rename', 'repeat', 'resolve', 'reverse', 'round', 'search',
  346. 'searchdecl', 'searchpair', 'searchpairpos', 'searchpos',
  347. 'server2client', 'serverlist', 'setbufvar', 'setcmdpos',
  348. 'setline', 'setloclist', 'setmatches', 'setpos', 'setqflist',
  349. 'setreg', 'settabwinvar', 'setwinvar', 'shellescape',
  350. 'simplify', 'sin', 'sort', 'soundfold', 'spellbadword',
  351. 'spellsuggest', 'split', 'sqrt', 'str2float', 'str2nr',
  352. 'strftime', 'stridx', 'string', 'strlen', 'strpart',
  353. 'strridx', 'strtrans', 'submatch', 'substitute',
  354. 'synID', 'synIDattr', 'synIDtrans', 'synstack', 'system',
  355. 'tabpagebuflist', 'tabpagenr', 'tabpagewinnr', 'tagfiles',
  356. 'taglist', 'tempname', 'tolower', 'toupper', 'trunc',
  357. 'type', 'values', 'virtcol', 'visualmode', 'winbufnr',
  358. 'wincol', 'winline', 'winnr', 'winrestcmd',
  359. 'winrestview', 'winsaveview', 'writefile'
  360. )
  361. ),
  362. 'SYMBOLS' => array(
  363. '(', ')', '[', ']', '{', '}', '!', '%', '&', '*', '|', '/', '<', '>',
  364. '^', '-', '+', '~', '?', ':', '$', '@', '.'
  365. ),
  366. 'CASE_SENSITIVE' => array(
  367. GESHI_COMMENTS => false,
  368. 1 => true,
  369. 2 => true,
  370. 3 => true
  371. ),
  372. 'STYLES' => array(
  373. 'BRACKETS' => array(
  374. 0 => 'color: #000000;'
  375. ),
  376. 'COMMENTS' => array(
  377. 1 => 'color: #adadad; font-style: italic;',
  378. // 2 => 'color: #009966; font-style: italic;'
  379. ),
  380. 'ESCAPE_CHAR' => array(
  381. 0 => ''
  382. ),
  383. 'KEYWORDS' => array(
  384. 1 => 'color: #804040;',
  385. 2 => 'color: #668080;',
  386. 3 => 'color: #25BB4D;'
  387. ),
  388. 'METHODS' => array(
  389. 0 => 'color: #000000;',
  390. ),
  391. 'NUMBERS' => array(
  392. 0 => 'color: #000000; font-weight:bold;'
  393. ),
  394. 'REGEXPS' => array(
  395. ),
  396. 'SCRIPT' => array(
  397. ),
  398. 'STRINGS' => array(
  399. 0 => 'color: #C5A22D;'
  400. ),
  401. 'SYMBOLS' => array(
  402. 0 => 'color: #000000;'
  403. )
  404. ),
  405. 'URLS' => array(
  406. 1 => '',
  407. 2 => '',
  408. 3 => ''
  409. ),
  410. 'OOLANG' => false, //Save some time as OO identifiers aren't used
  411. 'OBJECT_SPLITTERS' => array(),
  412. 'REGEXPS' => array(
  413. ),
  415. 'SCRIPT_DELIMITERS' => array(),
  416. 'HIGHLIGHT_STRICT_BLOCK' => array()
  417. );
  418. ?>