LV2 Extensions
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

30 lines

  1. #!/bin/bash
  2. set -e
  3. if [ ! -d kx-external-ui.lv2 ]; then
  4. echo "kx-external-ui.lv2 bundle missing"
  5. exit
  6. fi
  7. if (! which >/dev/null); then
  8. echo " tool missing"
  9. exit
  10. fi
  11. if [ ! -d documentation ]; then
  12. mkdir documentation
  13. fi
  14. if [ ! -f documentation/style.css ]; then
  15. git clone git:// --depth 1 -b gh-pages documentation
  16. fi
  17. cp kx-external-ui.lv2/* documentation/extui/
  18. cp kx-programs.lv2/* documentation/progs/
  19. cp kx-rtmempool.lv2/* documentation/rtmpl/
  20. $(pwd)/kx-external-ui.lv2/manifest.ttl /usr/share/lv2specgen/ ../style.css $(pwd)/documentation/extui/index.html $(pwd)/documentation/extui "" -i -p extui
  21. $(pwd)/kx-programs.lv2/manifest.ttl /usr/share/lv2specgen/ ../style.css $(pwd)/documentation/progs/index.html $(pwd)/documentation/progs "" -i -p progs
  22. $(pwd)/kx-rtmempool.lv2/manifest.ttl /usr/share/lv2specgen/ ../style.css $(pwd)/documentation/rtmpl/index.html $(pwd)/documentation/rtmpl "" -i -p rtmpl