Cross-Platform build scripts for audio plugins
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- language: cpp
- cache:
- directories:
- - ${HOME}/PawPawBuilds/builds
- - ${HOME}/PawPawBuilds/debs
- - ${HOME}/PawPawBuilds/downloads
- - ${HOME}/PawPawBuilds/targets/linux
- - ${HOME}/PawPawBuilds/targets/macos
- - ${HOME}/PawPawBuilds/targets/macos-old
- - ${HOME}/PawPawBuilds/targets/win32
- - ${HOME}/PawPawBuilds/targets/win64
- env:
- global:
- jobs:
- include:
- # linux native build
- - name: "Linux native"
- os: linux
- compiler: gcc
- dist: bionic
- env:
- - TARGET="linux"
- # linux with macOS cross-compilation
- - name: "macOS cross-compiled"
- os: linux
- compiler: gcc
- dist: bionic
- env:
- - TARGET="macos-old"
- # linux with win32 cross-compilation
- - name: "win32 cross-compiled"
- os: linux
- compiler: gcc
- dist: bionic
- env:
- - TARGET="win32"
- services:
- - xvfb
- # linux with win64 cross-compilation
- - name: "win64 cross-compiled"
- os: linux
- compiler: gcc
- dist: bionic
- env:
- - TARGET="win64"
- services:
- - xvfb
- # macOS native intel build
- - name: "macOS native intel"
- os: osx
- osx_image: xcode9.4
- env:
- - TARGET="macos"
- # macOS native universal build
- #- name: "macOS native universal"
- #os: osx
- #osx_image: xcode12u
- #env:
- #- TARGET="macos-universal"
- before_install:
- - bash ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/.travis/
- install:
- - bash ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/.travis/
- script:
- - bash ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/.travis/
- deploy:
- provider: releases
- api_key:
- secure: "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"
- file_glob: true
- file:
- - setup/inno/PawPaw-*.exe
- - setup/macos/PawPaw-*.pkg
- #- setup/macos-universal/PawPaw-*.pkg
- on:
- tags: true
- #notifications:
- #email: true
- #irc: "ircs://"