DISTRHO Mini-Series
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46 lines

  1. #!/usr/bin/make -f
  2. # Makefile for DISTRHO Plugins #
  3. # ---------------------------- #
  4. # Created by falkTX
  5. #
  6. include dpf/Makefile.base.mk
  7. all: dgl plugins gen
  8. # --------------------------------------------------------------
  9. dgl:
  10. ifeq ($(HAVE_CAIRO_OR_OPENGL),true)
  11. $(MAKE) -C dpf/dgl FILE_BROWSER_DISABLED=true
  12. endif
  13. plugins: dgl
  14. $(MAKE) all -C plugins/3BandEQ
  15. $(MAKE) all -C plugins/3BandSplitter
  16. $(MAKE) all -C plugins/PingPongPan
  17. ifneq ($(CROSS_COMPILING),true)
  18. gen: plugins dpf/utils/lv2_ttl_generator
  19. @$(CURDIR)/dpf/utils/generate-ttl.sh
  20. dpf/utils/lv2_ttl_generator:
  21. $(MAKE) -C dpf/utils/lv2-ttl-generator
  22. else
  23. gen:
  24. endif
  25. # --------------------------------------------------------------
  26. clean:
  27. $(MAKE) clean -C dpf/dgl
  28. $(MAKE) clean -C dpf/utils/lv2-ttl-generator
  29. $(MAKE) clean -C plugins/3BandEQ
  30. $(MAKE) clean -C plugins/3BandSplitter
  31. $(MAKE) clean -C plugins/PingPongPan
  32. rm -rf bin build
  33. # --------------------------------------------------------------
  34. .PHONY: plugins