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Compile complains about deprectated keyword 'throw'

Gitter Dude Filipe Coelho <> 5 years ago
1 changed files with 14 additions and 14 deletions
  1. +14

+ 14
- 14
ports/juce-opl/source/setup.h View File

@@ -88,26 +88,26 @@ public:
DbxValue(std::string const& in,Etype _t) :_string(0),type(V_NONE) {SetDbxValue(in,_t);}
/* Assigment operators */
DbxValue& operator= (Hex in) throw(WrongType) { return copy(DbxValue(in));}
DbxValue& operator= (int in) throw(WrongType) { return copy(DbxValue(in));}
DbxValue& operator= (bool in) throw(WrongType) { return copy(DbxValue(in));}
DbxValue& operator= (double in) throw(WrongType) { return copy(DbxValue(in));}
DbxValue& operator= (std::string const& in) throw(WrongType) { return copy(DbxValue(in));}
DbxValue& operator= (char const * const in) throw(WrongType) { return copy(DbxValue(in));}
DbxValue& operator= (DbxValue const& in) throw(WrongType) { return copy(DbxValue(in));}
DbxValue& operator= (Hex in) { return copy(DbxValue(in));}
DbxValue& operator= (int in) { return copy(DbxValue(in));}
DbxValue& operator= (bool in) { return copy(DbxValue(in));}
DbxValue& operator= (double in) { return copy(DbxValue(in));}
DbxValue& operator= (std::string const& in) { return copy(DbxValue(in));}
DbxValue& operator= (char const * const in) { return copy(DbxValue(in));}
DbxValue& operator= (DbxValue const& in) { return copy(DbxValue(in));}

bool operator== (DbxValue const & other);
operator bool () const throw(WrongType);
operator Hex () const throw(WrongType);
operator int () const throw(WrongType);
operator double () const throw(WrongType);
operator char const* () const throw(WrongType);
void SetDbxValue(std::string const& in,Etype _type = V_CURRENT) throw(WrongType);
operator bool () const;
operator Hex () const;
operator int () const;
operator double () const;
operator char const* () const;
void SetDbxValue(std::string const& in,Etype _type = V_CURRENT);
std::string ToString() const;

void destroy() throw();
DbxValue& copy(DbxValue const& in) throw(WrongType);
DbxValue& copy(DbxValue const& in);
void plaincopy(DbxValue const& in) throw();
void set_hex(std::string const& in);
void set_int(std::string const&in);
