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.travis.yml 650B

  1. language: cpp
  2. os: linux
  3. dist: bionic
  4. jobs:
  5. include:
  6. # linux native build
  7. - os: linux
  8. compiler: gcc
  9. env:
  10. - TARGET="linux"
  11. # linux with win32 cross-compilation
  12. - os: linux
  13. compiler: gcc
  14. env:
  15. - TARGET="win32"
  16. # linux with win64 cross-compilation
  17. - os: linux
  18. compiler: gcc
  19. env:
  20. - TARGET="win64"
  21. before_install:
  22. - bash ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/.travis/
  23. install:
  24. - bash ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/.travis/
  25. script:
  26. - bash ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/.travis/
  27. #notifications:
  28. #email: true
  29. #irc: "ircs://"