Extra "ports" of juce-based plugins using the distrho build system
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

34 lines

  1. *~
  2. *.a
  3. *.cdbs-orig
  4. *.dll
  5. *.dylib
  6. *.exe
  7. *.la
  8. *.o
  9. *.so
  10. *.so.*
  11. *.lv2
  12. *.make
  13. Makefile
  14. object_script.*.Debug
  15. object_script.*.Release
  16. .directory
  17. .fuse*
  18. .svn
  19. .*.kate-swp
  20. .DS_Store
  21. .kdev_include_paths
  22. .kdev4
  23. bin/lv2
  24. bin/vst
  25. debian
  26. intermediate
  27. lv2_ttl_generator
  28. sdks/ASIOSDK2/*
  29. sdks/vstsdk2.4/*